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Elemental Training

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1Elemental Training  Empty Elemental Training Tue Jun 17, 2014 12:06 pm



~Training for third element~

Syndra arrived at the training grounds of Konohagakure or the village Hidden in the Leave. Dressed in her normal attire. This consisted of an black long sleeve turtle neck with the neck rolled down some so her neck was still visible, a grey jounin flak jacket with pointed shoulder guards, black shinobi styled pants that stopped at her shins but her shins were not visible due to the bandages she wore from her ankles to her pants line, and black standard shinobi sandals. She was pale skinned, light blue eyes, and long snow white hair that was held back in a long ponytail that was held together by three black hair rings. The moon marking on her forehead was covered by forehead protector that bore Konoha's village symbol. Strapped to her right thigh was shuriken holster and strapped to her right back hip was a tool carrying pouch.

The weather was nice, the area she found herself at was quite large and no one seemed to be around for quite some distance. The training ground was the furthest one back, so it was the most un-used training ground in the village. The ground was quite large, about 45 meters large and circular shaped. Surrounding the dirt grounded training area was forestry that could also be used to train in. Cutting into the center of the training ground was a stream like river that ran downwards, this connected to the river that flowed through the village and was used as a large source of water for the village. Although, the Land of Fire wasn't really lacking on water sources. There were local rivers and lakes every where. Not to mention the Valley of the End that was a huge source of water.

It was earlier in the day, maybe late AM. The sun was high in the sky with few clouds passing over it so often. It seemed very portrait worthy, a stereotypical sky that an artist would paint in the sky. The weather was nice, not cold. But not unbearably hot either. Making it for a perfect day for everyone to be outside. Which most of the village was.
Syndra, being the hard working person she was though saw this as a nice day to try and hone her skills. Learn some new things. Today, Syndra hoped to do an unlikely task in the ninja world. That being to learn a third element. Syndra was quite curious to what her next natural element affinity would be. So far, because of her Senju blood she has mastered Earth and Water style. This being because they are the two elemental components that make up the Senju's infamous Wood style. By combining the two, she can produce wood style. That being her kekkei genkai.

Syndra knew exactly how she would find out what her next natural elemental charka nature was. Normally human beings have a natural order of chakra natures. The first one being their strongest affinity and then the 5th being their weakest and hardest affinity to master. This is normally the affinity that is the polar opposite of the wielders others chakra natures. To find out what chakra elements you were naturally connected to, chakra paper is used to test the elemental natures. One is to hold the paper and the paper will react to their nature. If it's water, the paper becomes damp. If it's wind the paper cuts itself. Fire will burn the paper. Earth causes the paper to crumble. Finally, Lightning wrinkles the paper.

Syndra would reach for one of the pieces of paper in her tan tool carrying pouch, she brought some today just for this training. First, she had to discover what elemental chakra nature she was going to work with. She has already mastered chakra control and manipulation, now it was just time to discover what element she would apply the knowledge of both of those to. As she reached for the paper in tool carrying pouch, the clutter of scrolls and weapons ran through her hands, before she finally pulled out three sheets of paper with her right hand. She probably only needed one though. Just before she would focus on pushing her chakra into the paper, she recalled a distant memory. A memory of when Kouta discovered his nature, she couldn't help but feel a slight moment of sorrow in her heart. She knew what she wanted Kouta still be around. But, she then fell back into reality, knowing that she was doing what she was doing now to grow stronger to achieve her goals. For him.

|767 Words|

2Elemental Training  Empty Re: Elemental Training Tue Jun 17, 2014 12:25 pm



After falling back into reality from her memory of Kouta, her childhood best friend. She would glance around her. The training grounds were still empty and barren. At least this one was anyways. She would first brush a piece of her silver hair behind her left ear before she would start her training process. First thing was first, learning the chakra nature she was going to master.
"Okay. ." She said to her self while focusing her chakra into the slip of tan paper that was taken from a special type of tree grown into Konohagakure, the paper reacted to even the slightest bit of chakra, which revealed elements. While holding the paper, she felt the paper start to become wet. She already knew that was a large element of hers though, so she had to focus harder on another sheet of paper. She didn't want the paper to read her the already known. What would be the point in that?

She reached for another piece of the unique Hidden Leaf chakra paper and began to focus on it, pouring her chakra into the paper. When she did so, the paper cut its self into two pieces. Syndra smirked slightly. "Wind, eh?" She said to herself in a small whisper. She was okay with this, wind was extremely versatile and could against projectiles and things of that nature. She thinks that the elemental nature of wind could be put to good use, especially for maneuvering and things of that nature. She began to think of a way to attempt and get a feel for the nature now. She would slide the rest of the papers back into her tool carrying pouch and sit down on the ground Indian style, with her legs crossed. Inf front of her was a couple plates of random sprouted grass on the dirt terrain training field. She wondered that maybe she could pracatice the elemental training by attempting to cut the plates of grass the same way she cut the paper. Although, it would be harder with the plates of dark green grass due to the fact that they were not chakra conductive like the paper taken from the special Hidden Leaf trees. But, she figured it would be nice practice. To get a feel for how the nature moves.

She would first pluck a single plate of grass, the grass would blow with a passing breeze to the right. Along with the braid and loose strands of Syndra's snow white hair. She would take in a deep breath and then exhale before focusing her chakra down her arms, into her fingers, and into the plate of grass in hopes to cut it. As time inched by though, nothing happened. She was surprised, she adapted so well her two elements and even her kekkei genkai wasn't a trial and error type thing when it came to basics. But, she was stretching further from what her natural elemental chakra nature was. So this did mean things would get a little harder. Syndra wasn't the type to call it quits though.

|515 Words|

3Elemental Training  Empty Re: Elemental Training Tue Jun 17, 2014 12:38 pm



A hawk would fly pass as Syndra dropped the piece of grass she was training on too collect her thoughts. She then realized she could think about this too get a heads up on it. Study and research, which is what she was good at considering she was a master medical shinobi and skilled in Fuuinjutsu. Both classes requiring quite a bit of intellect and analysis skills.
As the large brown hawk soared passed, she examined the way its wings flapped. The brown feather moving with the breeze. She thought of the word free when she saw it, the wind was simply guiding the hawk. Perhaps that's the attitude Syndra had to have. Syndra then noticed that one of the feathers from the hawk have fallen on the bird during its flight.
Syndra would smile slightly, she had an idea. She would go to pick the large brown feather up. It was quite beautiful, one could naturally tell it was from a hawk though. She would then sit back down, cross legged the feather at the quill. She then visually remembered the wind brushing against the hawks elegant feathers, causing the feathers to ruffle and flutter almost. Syndra then thought maybe she could create a small enough current to cause the feather to ruffle in the same way that the hawk's feather naturally did when in flight. She would stare it for a moment, concentrating her chakra once more. From her torso, to her arm, to her hand, and finally to the feather. For a couple moment, nothing happened. She tried to imagine the wind nature just being release from her. In soft breeze. As she did so, she felt the natural breeze come by and sway her hair and clothing to the right.
She then mimicked the breeze and poured her chakra into the feather. The feather then began to sway to the right as well. "Got it!" She thought to herself, smiling slightly. Now she wished to retry the plate of grass, where she attempted to cut it just like the chakra paper was. She would drop the feather, it landing softly on the dirt ground she was sitting on that had some random plates of grass on it. She would then pluck a plate of grass.

After plucking it, she would inhale and concentrate on her chakra. How it reacted with the paper and the feather. Hoping to apply it to this form. But, sadly a no go. Syndra then sat there thinking for a moment. She assumed there had to be something she has seen before that she could take note from. She recalled seeing a wind style technique a few times by some of the Anbu forces when stopping projectiles from reaching the medical squad. The wind seemed free again. But, she already knew this. She then turned to herself to think about. She knew that earth style was stiff and strict. Not free and flexible like the wind style. . but Syndra then realized her water style had quite a bit in common with the wind style. Both were free moving and guided easily. She easily knew how to manipulate water style, so perhaps she could try a similar method to the wind training.

|540 words|

4Elemental Training  Empty Re: Elemental Training Tue Jun 17, 2014 12:59 pm



After recalling the hawk, the ANBU team during the medical protection, the breeze, and the way she manipulated water elemental chakra, she thinks she could finally be onto something here. She would study the plate of grass she plucked out of the ground she was sitting on, one more breeze would pass by. Even though it wasn't hot out, it still felt quite nice. Syndra hoped that she would be able to slice the plate of grass this time around. She knew it would take some concentration. She knew that if she could just get it right one time, she would be fine. Syndra was a quick learner and was the type of person who could pick up on things after seeing it or doing it one time.
Syndra closed her eyes and inhaled. Her chakra began to pour out of her body, through her fingers, into the plate of grass. She concentrated for a good moment, after doing so though the grass sliced right directly down the middle. She did it. She was able to analyze things she has seen and done enough to apply them to learning the wind elemental chakra. She decided she wanted to try something else though.

She would first drop her plate of sliced grass and pick up the feather with her left hand and pluck another plate of green grass from the ground with her right. She would glance at both of them before speaking to herself in a calm but determined voice. "I can do this." She told herself in a slight whisper. Giving herself some boosting words. She hoped to this time slice the piece of paper while at the same time causing the feather to sway and ruffle like she did before. Combining both exercises into one, really testing if she understood the elemental chakra nature of wind. She knew this would be a little difficult, but she had hope it would work.

She first inhaled, taking in a deep breath. She would follow by closing her eyes and holding the plate of grass with her right hand and the feather in her left out in front of her. She would then exhale and begin to focus on the task at hand. First, Syndra would feel her chakra flow through her body, down her arms, into the plucked dark green grass plate and the dark brown hawk feather left behind from its owner. She could herself struggling to maintain the elemental nature, she wanted to cut the feather and wave the grass. But, she fought it until the feather began to sway and ruffle as if it was in flight. While the grass was slices right down the center as if slashed at the with the worlds sharpest blade. She would open her eyes and smile slightly. Now she wanted to try one more thing before getting herself into wind style techniques. This being to attempt to cut multiple pieces of grass and the feather as well.

She would pluck four plates of dark green grass and hold them all while also holding the feather. She would inhale, exhale. Then begin focusing on the task. As she did so, she closed her eyes and let her chakra pour out of her body into the objects she was holding. At first the grass plates and hawk feather began to sway to the right with a breeze she was creating. But, this was quickly halted when the top end of each of the objects fall to the dirt ground she was cross legged while sitting on. She was able to cut each plate of grass and feather, with little to no problems. She felt proud. She knew that the wind elemental style would come into great use. She knew it could fire back projectiles, help one move around, blow enemies away, cut through objects, or even just use wind force to crash into targets and slice them to shreds. She would stand up and take a stretch. She knew that she had the way the wind chakra nature moved and how to manipulate it down. Now it was time to test her luck at some techniques. She knew some wind techniques naturally by just seeing others do them in the past. She hoped she would be able to perfect them though.

|720 Words|

Total: 767+515+540+720= 2,542 Words
Learned: Elemental Chakra Nature; Wind

5Elemental Training  Empty Re: Elemental Training Tue Jun 17, 2014 1:10 pm



~Jutsu Training~

After just understanding how her new chakra nature worked, that nature being wind. Syndra wanted to perhaps test her luck at a wind styled techniques. She was excited to use her new elemental chakra nature. Syndra would first think back to an person in the village she saw use a fairly simple but handy wind style technique. The technique was called; Wind Style: Stream. It was a simple jutsu that fired a stream of wind from the wielders mouth that allowed them to maneuver in air freely, toss their self in the air, and do much more depending on the situation. It was a low ranking technique with multiple purposes. Syndra would take a big stretch, raising her hands above her head and then lower them with a finishing yawn.
The weather was still quite nice today and was still in the mood to train more, considering the hardest part was over with. That being trying to understand how the new chakra nature works and what not.
"Okay," Syndra would whisper to herself while forming the wind in her mouth. She could feel her chakra building up, she would then shape her mouth as if she was going to whistle. When she did so, a stream of wind fired out of her mouth towards the ground. The stream kicked up some of the dust on the ground and caused Syndra to fly upwards in the sky. She was excited about this, it was an exciting thing. She would then blow to her right in mid air to direct her too the left. Then vice vera to the left to move to the right. She would dilly dally with it for a moment, trying to get and understand how it worked while moving in the air. She quickly caught on thought and would fall to the ground, landing on her feet gracefully. Syndra would look around and decide to head back into the village. She felt that she probably see if the village needed anything. A jounin can't go missing for too long until they start searching for you for one reason or another.
|354 Words|
Learned: Wind Release: Stream | D-rank

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