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Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Pixel

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Demolition of the Great Faces[Event]

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1Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Empty Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Tue Jun 17, 2014 11:59 pm




Slowly she paced atop the heads of the previous Hokage's. Each face chiseled finely into the mountain side, it almost hurt her soul to do what she was fathoming. On the back of her hip resided the famed blade from the mist, known for its prowess in creating explosions, truly the blade for this job, so without further ado she hopped down from her perch and landed on one of the constructions used for window cleaning. In this scenario it was probably being used for refurbishing the wear of the stone faces of the previous Hokage's. As she landed the small platform swayed a bit as it was only being held by four ropes, that were held by metal stakes in the cliff side. Grabbing her weapon, she reeled back and slammed the blade into the face of the first Hokage, Hashirama Senju, then with a deafening explosion obliterated his nose and a greater part of his upper lip. With the massive boom, came the heavy sway of the platform she was on as it swung out away from the faces in recoil from the explosive force. As it swung back in, she would extend the blade Shibuki and use the top of the blade to stop herself and the platform from crashing into what was left of the first Hokage's face. That should wake em up."

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3Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Empty Re: Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Wed Jun 18, 2014 7:03 am



Syndra would have been on top of the administration building that located a few meters away from Mount Hokage, where the previous hokage's faces were chiseled into the stone to proudly show the villages past leaders. From the first hokage to the current one. It was actually a very interesting piece of history in the Land of Fire and the Hidden Leaf. She was staring off at the village when she heard the sound of an explosion from the near by face of Hashirama Senju, while also seeing it out of the corner of her eye. She was alarmed for a moment, it was random. How could someone get away with that so randomly? Not even academy kids who pulled pranks would be able to do that so easily, not to mention they had more respect than that. Although Syndra didn't really care about the village's past hokages faces, she was curious to what was going on and had to keep her 'nice' shinobi act up. Still being a loyal ninja to the village and things of that nature.

Syndra's attire consisted of an black long sleeve turtle neck with the neck rolled down some so her neck was still visible, a grey jounin flak jacket with pointed shoulder guards, black shinobi styled pants that stopped at her shins but her shins were not visible due to the bandages she wore from her ankles to her pants line, and black standard shinobi sandals.
She was pale skinned, light blue eyes, and long snow white hair that was held back in a long ponytail that was held together by three black hair rings. The moon marking on her forehead was covered by forehead protector that bore Konoha's village symbol. Strapped to her right thigh was shuriken holster and strapped to her right back hip was a tool carrying pouch.

Syndra would begin to leap from building to building before making her way to the area. She would land on the closest building to the first Hokage's face before seeing the unusual woman wielding an unusual blade. She recognized this as an terrorist attack of sorts. Syndra would quickly form hand seals at an adept speed, while staring up at the woman who probably didn't notice Syndra yet due to the chaos around from the explosion.
While forming the seals, 25 thick tree roots erupted from the roof around the wielder in all directions. These roots being about seven feet tall. As soon as the final seal was done, the roots took the form of 25 wooden people, who's creepy appearance reminded one of someone who had their soul leached from them completely. Being just a puppet.
The wooden people appear to represent shinobi dressed in armor, although their entire body is all the same tone of color, the color being a dark wood like color with moss on them in random spots.
Equipped to each of the wooden people are wooden sword in one of their two hands. These 'people' stand at about six feet tall in height. Each of them having blank faces except for carved out holes where eyes should be. Giving them more of creepy/soulless look.

When they were all formed, Syndra still kept her eyes on the woman. "Strike her down, don't kill her though." Syndra claimed, in an ordering voice. Just as she said so. 14 out of the 25 warriors dashed towards the woman, jumping up the rocks with good speed. Each of them moving widely so it would be hard to stop them at all at once.

Six of the 14 dashed straight towards the woman head one.
four of the 14 came from both sides (Left and Right) of the woman at fast speed.

The woman and Syndra were about 20 meters away from one another. This being the gap that the mysterious wood shinobi were filling while charging at the destructive woman who damaged the face of Hashirama Senju.

The remaining 11 shinobi remained around Syndra on the building, as if they were guarding her almost.
Syndra was curious to who this woman was and why she was doing what she was doing. But, she knew the woman displayed the destructive power to cause explosions. So, Syndra decided to call upon these beings to get close to her. If the woman would fight off the 14 wood ninja charging at her with vicious blades, Syndra would study her movements and devise a plan to handle her someway.

If the wooden beings got close enough to the woman, the ones attacking from the front would attempting to distract the woman and keep her busy. While the ones from the sides would attempt to pierce the woman with their senju wooden swords through her thighs, shoulders, and arms in hopes to stop her movements and her from using jutsu by disabling her arms. During all this, Syndra would stand on the ready, ready to react to whatever the woman would dish out. Looking up at the woman, since Syndra was at an downward angle from the target/enemy.

Syndra was aware of the other ally ninja who was comfronting the woman with talk, but Syndra did not feel the need for such a thing and was disappointed by the boy due to the fact that he was trying to speak to a woman who caused destruction to the Leaf in some form. Although Syndra didn't care about the Leaf really, she still found it a poor move to not strike at a hostile target. Not matter what the situation.
Syndra did hope that maybe the boy distracted the woman just enough though. Since syndra's senju warriors didn't start rushing towards her till the boy asked her who she was.

|842 Words|

Chakra Pool: 300-35= 265 CP
Used: Senju Creation Art: Noble 25 | A-rank Ninjutsu

4Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Empty Re: Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Wed Jun 18, 2014 8:35 am



Her actions were quickly addressed, just as she expected, so she was no where near caught off guard or worried. Actually she was happy and prepared for this confrontation, though she wished she had a bit more time to destroy more of the faces of the Kage's. Oh well. 20m gap and some chumps leaping towards her. No matter, in mid leap they were the simplest of targets for a quick toss of some kunai. As her hand moved to place her blade in her holster, they also withdrew some pretagged kunai. Six to be exact, three in each hand. Two tossed to the group approaching her left, two tossed to the group approaching her right, and two towards those in the middle. This would be before the frames would come in contact with the cliff side, so they remained easy targets unable to maneuver in the air. As soon as contact would be made if it did, the kunai would be detonated, destroying the whole group of pawns, with the exception of three. These three suffering considerable partial damage at the least.

Not faltering for a moment, the woman would release a surge of chakra and in a poof of smoke a demon wind shuriken would be spawned in her right hand. All the while she would have lifted her left leg so she could pound against the cliff side with immense strength. With this press against the cliff, the platform she was standing on was forced to swing out 7m leaving a 13m gap. At the peek of the swing, she would leap off the platform into an aerial position higher than the main target, being the woman with the moon marking. Tossing her demon wind shuriken at a decent speed, once it came within 7m of the target, the final seal of a few would be formed. These seals would create seven replicas of the initial demon wind shuriken as it hurdled towards the woman and her pawns. Hoping her target would be distracted with dealing with the oncoming deathstorm, the woman would then toss a single smoke bomb. The bomb would be fired at a much faster speed than the initial demon wind shuriken and its newly spawned brethren. This means it would quickly assume the lead in the race between the Fuma Shuriken. Crashing onto the surface of the building only two seconds before the shuriken, the smoke bomb would encompass a 10m diameter centered around the target.

From her aerial position the woman would find herself on a route to the buildings side rather than landing atop it in the hail of metal. Applying chakra to her feet, she would slide for a few feet down the buildings side, before stopping. Her ears were open in hopes to hear a cry of death. But she couldn't wait while she hoped. Instead she would climb up the structure and creep into the edge of the smoke silently.



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6Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Empty Re: Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Wed Jun 18, 2014 10:46 am



Syndra would notice the woman handle the situation smoothly. She seemed to be partial to weapons, Syndra noted that in her mind. Syndra knew that the kunai alone wouldn't stop the senju warriors, but then explosions began to erupt. Syndra knew this could be troublesome and figured more explosions were coming, the girl seemed partial to them. So, as the woman jumped in the air.
Syndra would hand seals quickly when she did so, a wood styled large bird formed out of the floor that Syndra stood on.
She quickly mounted herself on top of the bird as shoot into the sky about 30 meters high. Gaining distance out of range from the smoke bomb and the shadow windmill shuriken that were launched just as she took off. While taking off, she fired a stream of wind from her mouth towards the ground to cause the smoke bomb to disperse just as it was formed, along with the flapping of the large wooden birds wings. Allowing the senju creations to see clearly.

All the creations able to avoid the windmill shuriken except for one, who's left arm was severed from it. Although, the being is still capable of moving around and still use its blade with its right arm. The windmill stuck into the ground in random spots. "Those arms of hers are annoying. ." Syndra whispered to herself in a slightly irritable voice. With her birds eye view, she could see the woman edging onto the building. Syndra would smile slightly as the remaining 11 beings on the roof would all look at the woman who just edged on the building. Six of them would rush towards the woman in a circular motion while running. While three others would jump over them and jump down on the woman with their swords. Intended to pierce the woman in the chest from three directions. While the other six running towards her had intentions of piercing her in the arms and mid stomach.

During all this, a piece of spear like wood would mold out of the birds right wing and launch towards the woman right breast. When the wood would pierce her, it would grow into multiple piercing pieces of wood that would scatter through out her body and rip out of her entire right side of her body including her right arm, waist, and neck. This attack was fired slightly after the being would make contact with her. Meaning if she fended off the beings, the wood spear would catch her off guard.

The remaining two senju beings stood on the far side of the building, opposite of the enemy. Waiting to aid if needed.

|1,289 Words|
Chakra Pool: 265-3.75-2.5-7.5= 251.25 CP

Senju Creation Art; Bird | C-rank -3.75 CP
Wind Release: Stream | D-rank -2.5
Wood style: Wood Cutting Technique | C-rank -7.5 CP

7Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Empty Re: Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Thu Jun 19, 2014 11:34 am



Shiva looked up while on the edge of the building and noticed that not all of the wooden creatures were destroyed since 11 were apparently looking down at her. The destructive Kunoichi smiled as she said, "These are resilient aren't they." While saying this though she would jump back toward the Hokage's face after seeing that the wood humanoid creatures began their attack. While in mid-air she noticed three of the wooden summons jump after her from behind the attacking few. It was a finely placed strategic move, so when the first three attackers got to make contact the six that were running after her to begin with soon came with their strikes as they all impaled only to soon after have a spear target the bunch and destroy everything that was in sight. Wood began to fly everywhere because of the impact of all of those forces in one fixed location, but to Shivas benefit, she was able to see the glory of the explosion that was her technique when she used the Body Replacement Technique to leave a Log in her place. It was a wood on wood explosion, but nevertheless it was an explosion and Shiva was early to give up her position to signify how happy she was to have witnessed such an event.

Shiva was atop of the 2nd Hokage's nose as she also witnessed the other Konoha shinobi leave before she began her rant. "Wow Wow Wow. What the hell was that?! You use wood as an elemental affinity?" the destructive kunoichi gave a small smirk and an evil one at that as she grasped her sword with both hands and cocked it back with all of her might to finish by saying, "Did you know wood is easily destroyed!" as she swung down and blew the 2nd Hokages Lips right off since she had the perfect aim on it. Shiva backed up from the explosion rather quickly and even ended her movement by jumping onto the 3rd Hokages head. She bent down and patted the old man to say, "You are next." Shiva noticed that this women is a long range type because she hasn't got close to fight, so for now, Shiva will play her game seeing as the sword needs time to refill and this fighting style will buy Shiva enough time to blow all of the Hokages faces off. Shiva smiled cynically and with one hand, picked up her large sword and pointed it at the women in the air, then pointing at the wooden humanoid creatures on the administrative building. She didnt say nothing, but it was implied that she is planning to blow them ALL up.


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9Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Empty Re: Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Fri Jun 20, 2014 2:07 am



Syndra smirked slightly as explosion after explosion followed, luckily Syndra was out of range from them all due to her becoming air born. The enemy seemed quite cocky to Syndra, but this didn't mean she was an idiot. She was trying to taunt Syndra into getting closer to her by speaking of how her wood ninjutsu worked and by taunting her by pointing her blade at her. She as she did so, a large fireball stretched across the area. Syndra had some back up, which she felt she didn't need but couldn't hurt to have. Syndra always made her own back up with her Creation Art techniques. The woman was distracted with her pointing the blade at Syndra, although with her skill in movement and weaponory she might be able to avoid the fireball, but now Syndra knew exactly what to do stop her from moving and avoiding the attack.
The woman's obsession with wanting to destroy the rocky faces would be her downfall. Her positioning working against her. Syndra also didn't know much about her blade besides the fact that every time the enemy used its ability, she would gain distance to not get caught in the explosions. So, if she could stop her from moving. The blade wouldn't be able to be used.

As the fireball shot, Syndra formed the seals for a technique quickly. The rocky ground of the third hokage's face that the enemy was standing on would begin to turn inward towards the girl. The girl being in the center of it, the spiraling inward of the rocks would bend and turn the girls legs right there and swallow them beneath rocks that went up to her knees. Crushing and breaking her shins and feet, also weighing her down beneath all the rock. "Got you. ." Syndra thought to herself. Since she was now planted to the ground with rocks breaking her shins and feet in a inward spiral, she wouldn't be able to avoid the fireball that would know engulf her upper body that was swallowed by rocks.
While doing so, the remaining three senju beings would climb up the face of the third hokage in hopes to deal with the target after the fireball swallowed her. All while Syndra remained air born, now about 15 meters away from them and about 15 meters high in the sky.

|1,683 Words|

Chakra Pool: 251.25-7.5= 243.75 CP

Earth Release: Tearing Earth Turning Palm | C-rank -7.5 CP

10Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Empty Re: Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Fri Jun 20, 2014 2:50 am



As soon as Shiva stopped speaking she simply glanced back in order to have time to witness a fireball flying directly at her. The Kunoichi smiled as she simply attempted to jump out of the way and evade the jutsu but to her dismay she was caught by her leg which seemed to be an earth jutsu of some type. Shiva didnt try and struggle to get out seeing as it appeared near impossible with the earth already trapping her and the earth around her sinking in toward her, so what she did was purposely fall inward following the techniques momentum under the ground but instead of stopping with the jutsu, Shiva kept on retreating underground in order to fully dodge the fireball technique. If it wasn't for the Attack Prevention Technique that could have certainly been a problematic situation.

Seeing as the Third Hokages face was already dismembered, the fun in trying to blow it up was already gone. Shiva decided to come out of the ground, but she decided to come out of the ground right under the 4th Hokages nose. Unless those shinobi were sensors, Shiva expected to be hidden here until necessary. Shiva created the Shadow Clone hand seal creating 3 Shadow Clones of herself. This was the legendary Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu and it was about time for Shiva to balance out the scale. While the original Shiva stayed right under 'their nose,' the other three decided to act. The first two clones went toward the Wood Humanoid Creature and the Shinobi who created the fireball jutsu. The Humanoid creatures were on the verge of reaching the top seeing as they were climbing the 3rd Hokage's face, so the 1st clone decided to run alongside the wall in order to reach these creatures and when getting into range she would jump and with one swing of her blade destroy the two monsters. Of course, the sword wasnt going to blow up. This was a simple slice targeting two enemies. The 2nd Clone followed the first but instead of jumping it kept running up until it reached the top and face the intruder shinobi.

The 3rd clone was the last to come out, and acting as if it was the original, it decided to retreat toward the top of the 4th Hokages head. Keeping an eye on the air-born shinobi.



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12Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Empty Re: Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Fri Jun 20, 2014 5:46 am



Syndra would smirk slightly as the woman phased into the ground. "She's smarter than she looks. ." Syndra said to herself in her mind. The woman knew that trying to get out of the rocks would be useless, so instead she phased into the rocks and relocated else where. A technique of that structure though must require a good chunk of chakra, meaning the girl was desperate at the moment to evade the attack. Which means they're starting to figure her out. Syndra would then note identical clones of the woman running about. Three to be exact. One of them slashed through the two remaining beings who were caught off guard while on a path to reach Uchiha. But, Soma seemed capable of handling mere clones. Syndra wasn't a sensor and could decide which one was the truth. When Soma asked Syndra if she noted anything, she would then nod to Soma. Saying she couldn't figure out where she was. Syndra knew she was generally safe in the air, but Soma was a vulnerable target. This woman could phase through the rock and appear at any direction around Soma. Making him vulnerable. Syndra then noticed the woman standing on the fourth hokage's stone head. She assumed this was a bait, most likely a phony to the original. This was most likely the last clone considering Soma destroyed the one who was trying to fight him and the one who slayed the Senju nobles.

While still in the air, Syndra would think of another plan. She had an idea, but they needed to draw out the real lady to do so. Syndra would raise herself in the air on the bird higher and speak aloud to the woman.
"You're ancestors would be ashamed of such a woman. You call yourself worthy of wielding that blade? How dull."
Syndra said, in a mocking manner aloud to the woman. In hopes to make her mad. Syndra would be hovering about 25 meters high in the sky now and about 15 meters away from them on the back of her bird. Allowing only those to see the underneath of the bird. This got her out of range from most attacks and allowed her visual cover and shielding with the bird.

While flying up, Syndra would form a Tiger seal. This caused two beings to form out of wood around Soma. The being stood at a height slightly shorter than Soma and appeared to be created out of wood that is covered in moss. Both of them having a human like frame with arms and legs. The arms of the two beings were pointed, being able to be used as pointed blades to pierce and cut enemies. They weren't the same as the noble 25 though. They seemed less advance in a way. Syndra gave a command to the beings when they were summoned, the command being to protect Soma. But she didn't say this aloud to them. This meant that if the woman did get angry at Syndra words she would most likely go for the easier target, Soma. Syndra would counter the attack the woman would make by having the two beings impale the Swordsmen when she went to strike at Soma. If the woman would strike at the beings, then Soma would and the other wooden framed being could attack her.

One being stood behind Soma, about 6 meters back. And the other to the right of Soma, about 4 meters away. After the beings formed as well, Syndra launched another spear from the side of the bird towards the clone on the fourth's head. Even if the clone would block the spear some how, it would errupt into multiple growing pieces of wood and impale the clone in multiple ways. Syndra wasn't sure if she was the real one or not, but she couldn't just be left standing there. Syndra had a hunch though that the woman was hiding and waiting for something. Syndra noticed that the enemy doesn't use her explosion repetitively. "Could it be that she has to wait to use it?" She then though back to when the woman patted the third's face and claimed he was next. Why didn't she just do it then? Syndra realized that the clones also didn't use explosion they simply sliced. This verified to Syndra that there was certain time interval where the woman couldn't use her blade's ability.

So, if her or Wrath could draw the woman out during that time interval. Close combat would be less dangerous. Syndra was beginning to figure the woman out, analyzing her. She also judged by the woman's characteristics that hopefully she didn't take well to Syndra calling her out earlier. She hoped this would make her boil and act more recklessly. Now Syndra would wait, to see the next move. Hoping Soma was still on his toes as well.

|2,499 Words|

Chakra Pool: 243.75-7.5-1.25= 235 CP
Senju Creation Art |D-rank -1.25 CP
Wood style: Wood Cutting Technique | C-rank -7.5 CP

13Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Empty Re: Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Fri Jun 20, 2014 8:17 am



Two of the clones were easily dispersed but not before finally doing what Shiva wanted them to accomplish by destroying those wood creatures. There was one more clone left and Shiva felt the fact that it hasn't dispersed yet, and because of this she decided to climb right back up onto the top of the faces. The Kunoichi took her sword and placed on its holster behind her while Shiva climbed quickly and using her arms and legs both evenly like a chimp climbing a tree. When reaching the top she got there right in time to hear the women on the bird say something about her ancestors. The clone was actually the one to speak as it pointed the sword at the women to say, "Considering you are the wood user, the 1st Hokage wouldn't take too lightly to your fighting style either chicken." This was of course a reference to the giant bird that she was standing on and the fact that the women doesn't fight close quarter combat. Shiva then witnessed as the women on the bird flew higher and further while simultaneously wood beings again appeared but this time near the other enemy. When this happened, a spear shot out again but this one was far enough to make the dodging simple as the two Shiva's simply jumped back toward the 5th Hokages head in order to have the spear crash with the 4th Hokages head which was already slightly burned because of the Konoha shinobis fireball jutsu. Shiva wondered about the monstrous range that the women has, and how it has to be eliminated. Although, like the she said at first, the more space the enemy needs the more time she gets to blow stuff up.

The original Shiva then lifted her huge sword with one hand once again with ease, showing the strength that she has and the strength one needs to wield a seven swordsmen sword and right when the sword got in front of her face, a fresh new Magazine rolled up and the sword was once again chuck full of explosives. Shiva then said with an evil smile on her face, "I'm ready." As soon as she said this the clone created the Tiger → Rat → Bird → Snake hand seal and palmed the ground. It was long after before the ground itself began to turn into a large number of explosive tags that streamed toward the targets that were on the floor, the explosive tags were aiming to wrap themselves around the one who shot the fireball and the creatures who were created not too long ago from the feet upwards. Once in place around the target's legs, the tags will detonate simultaneously, engulfing them in an enormous explosion that even if evaded by jumping, the targets will certainly get hit due to the high volume of explosives used. Shiva was aiming to kill and above that, destroy this monument in order to see how long it will take them to rebuild. That is why these explosive tags are not only aiming for the enemies, but it will also blow the top of the second Hokages head off. The explosion will be enough to wipe the hair off of the Hokages head.

Soon after the clone palmed the ground in order to cause the catastrophe Shiva jumped as she said, "I'm not done yet!" She then swung her sword extremely hard right on top of the 4th Hokages forehead. This created a huge crater which resulted in Shiva having to jump back up and out of the blast zone. The original Shiva landed back where she stood while the clone jumped after the shinobi that was targeted in the explosion. Whether he dodged the technique or not, the Shiva clone was going to attack. The original Shiva then pointed her sword at the women and angrily said, "Come here. I want to blow that little birds head up."


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15Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Empty Re: Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Tue Jun 24, 2014 11:26 pm



Syndra watched as the woman put on a show. What was troublesome was the attacks she used, she was definitely partial to explosions. Syndra knew that Soma would be caught in the blast, but Soma being the smart lad he was. Was capable of reducing the severity of the damage that could have been done to him. As Soma's body flew backwards and the beings were destroyed easily. Syndra formed a seal that caused another wood bird like the one she took flight on too arise from the ground beneath Soma. Lifting Soma off the ground and bringing him up to the sky on the back of the bird, him laying on it in pain. The bird then took flight towards Syndra, hovering right beside her as the bird poured Soma onto Syndra's bird. Leaving his body in front of her one the bird. She was annoyed at the moment, she had to watch Soma now while tending to the battle. The bird picking him up directly after Soma destroyed the clone.

Syndra knew that even though the girl mocked Syndra's style of fighting at the current moment, it was quite annoying for the enemy to deal with. She was a close range fighter and Syndra was definitely ranged. When the girl made the comment about blowing the bird up, Syndra would smirk slightly. "Have this one." She said to her. As she did so, the bird that originally had Soma on it but who was now on the same bird as Syndra dashed towards the girl with good speed. Its intentions to simply drive into the woman with its razor sharp wood beak. Flying like a dart, as if it used the wind as a platform and stopped flapping its wings to just pierce the target dead in the shoulder.

Not only that, but at the same time. Syndra formed hand seals. Tiger-Serpent. These seals caused four thin durable green vines to erupt from around the real enemy while the bird charged at her. The four thin vines would launch 5 meters away from the target. Two on the right and two on the left. The vines would wrap around the girl immediately at a fast speed, due to them coming from opposite sides it would be difficult to dodge and being distracted by the charging bird. The vines would wrap around the torso and legs of the women in a chaotic manner. Moments later the vines would release a dark poisonous cloud that covered a 5 meter radius with the target in the center. The gas would first caused the target who inhaled it too feel light headed and dizzy, finding it difficult to stand on her own two feet. After the first initial inhale of the poison, the woman would shortly fall asleep into a deep slumber for some time. (1st post: dizzy, light headed | 2nd post: Asleep.) After the cloud arose, the bird would just have pierced the woman in the right shoulder at the connection between her torso and her arm that she has been using to wield her blade in. Stopping her from using her blade so easily.

Syndra would whisper to Soma, "I think I got her. ." Syndra said in a determined but low voice. Watching the area to see what would happen next. If all went as planned, the woman's shoulder would be damaged, she would be bound by the vines, and a sleep would be induced by the poisons.

|3,081 Words|

Chakra Pool: 235-3.75-6.25= 225 CP


16Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Empty Re: Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Fri Jun 27, 2014 7:21 am



Shiva saw the bird coming straight for her and honestly wasn't sure why the woman would of have even gone for such a direct attack. Gripping her blade even tighter she raised it above her head in preparation for the incoming wood bird. Oddly enough if the bird stayed on its current course it wouldn't have even hit her center mass but just by her shoulder. Was she aiming at her swinging arm on purpose or just hastily casting jutsu in an attempt to let her partner get back on his feet and so they could double team her. It wasn't going to be that easy, Shiva wasn't the type to simply roll over to a stupid attack like one. As the bird flew closer and closer she heaved her giant blade down upon its head splitting it like a piece of dried firewood. It was right around this time when she notice a late arrival to the scene. A man in a cloak but he was simply watching... Shiva would have to kill him after she took care of these too weaklings. Right then she felt is when vine grasp her legs violently. She attempted to turn and swing her sword but not before another pair of vines came and wrapped around her arms. She was immobilized and really not liking it. "You think these stupid vines will hold me!" She shouted at the woman before struggling some more. She could of sworn she was about to break free from at least one of the vines holds when the poison started to fill the air around her. She couldn't hold her breath for too long after all the struggling and before she knew it her lungs were filled with the stuff. It tingled all the way down, and she felt the effects almost immediately. She became light headed almost as if she was deprived of oxygen and her limbs started to go numb. She couldn't hold her firm grip on her sword no longer is it fell to the ground below her. "Shit" she mumbled to herself as she became powerless and began to realize her situation. This might be the end of her.

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18Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Empty Re: Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Sat Jun 28, 2014 8:58 am



Kamina had been making his way towards the land of fire for the last three days now and the only excitement he found in those three days was a man getting mugged on the side of road. In all honesty it wasn't that exciting either. That was until he heard a multitude of explosions off in the distance. On a mountain face overlooking the village there happened to be a fight going on. Naturally drawn to explosions like all real men, Kamina couldn't help himself but to go investigate. It would be a minor detour in his search to find the Senju medic known as Syndra. While not entirely sure what was happening but it appeared to be the end of the conflict. There was a woman tied up vines with a sword at her feet. A woman who wasn't too far away from the girl who was likely the caster of the jutsu, and a younger man even farther from the two who had an injury, likely sitting out so he didn't die.

Upon scanning the battlefield a little farther he saw the wood creations, or rather what was left of them, littered around and on top of that the vines. All of which were jutsu that only Senju were capable of, or somebody with Senju DNA. Putting one and two together it was safe to assume that the female who wasn't tied up was a Senju and quite possibly the same Senju Kamina was looking for. With this knew knowledge out in the open Kamina got a little excited as his little explosion side trip could end up yielding amazing results and save him a trip directly into the village and save a lot of hostility.

19Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Empty Re: Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Sat Jun 28, 2014 10:25 pm



Syndra would smile slightly when she realized she had beaten the destructive women who was now falling into a deep sleep. Syndra's eyes would then dart too blood dripping into a crimson puddle on the back of the bird. Some then questioned if he could kill the women. When he did so, Syndra realized something. The Sharingan, it was sitting right in front of her. Those powerful eyes were in the possession of a vulnerable man who trusted Syndra and had even displayed somewhat of a crush on her. They were beautiful.

When Soma talked to Syndra though, she maintained a sweet smile and then the smile faded to a look of concern as the crimson liquid ran down Soma's body into a puddle on the back of the wooden Senju bird. She would then speak in a concerned voice towards Soma;
"Soma, if I don't tend to that wound you'll bleed out definitely. Don't waste energy killing her and the body should not be destroyed to much just the village wishes to analyze her." Syndra would then launch a piece of wood from the bird's mouth that they were floating on towards the sleeping women. The wood would launch into her stomach and then erupt into multiple limbs of wood piercing her body all over, causing internal bleeding and then death within minutes, seconds possibly. Which she would not be able to do much about because of the poison that had flooded her body.

Syndra would then smile at Soma, "We will collect her body in a moment. First thing is those wounds, it's my duty as head medic of the village. Then we'll get you that sword, I have no value for it. Deal?" Syndra said in a friendly voice. She then directed Soma to lay on his back in front of her on the bird so she could tend to his wounds.

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21Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Empty Re: Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Sun Jun 29, 2014 5:14 am



Sword Info:

OOC: The sword is awarded to Syndra and she is now free to do with it as she pleases. Topic will be closed and locked when everybody exits.

22Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Empty Re: Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Sun Jun 29, 2014 6:58 am



Syndra would maintain a concerned look as Soma talked in front of her. "I'll take good care of you, Soma." She said as he began to faint in front of him. His now unconscious body laying in front of her on the the bird. Syndra's concerned facial expression would then fade to a faint smile, a grin almost. While she did pretend to be concerned about Soma, she actually had a chance to take what she wanted, the Sharingan. The sharingan could definitely help her, she could even implant them into her beings. She saw power, power laying right in front of her. The power she needed to acomplish her main goals. To change the world, for Kouta. To keep her promise. The amount of chances that just fell in front of her were almost unreal. It's almost as if it was meant to happen.
Syndra wasn't tending to Soma's wound when he fainted in front of her, instead a chakra scalpel on her right hand. She then knelled down in front of Soma on the wooden bird high out of the view for others to see. Considering one would have to be pretty much above them to see. Soma was laying on his chest, completely unconscious in front of her. The open would leaking blood every where. Syndra would then dig her hand into the open wound of Soma's, using her chakra scalpel to make the cut deeper and more intense until she struck him fatally and too much blood was lost. Syndra's hand drenched in blood when she removed it. She would feel the pulse of Soma to see there was none, he had died.
Syndra didn't want to take any chances of being caught, so she disguised the cause of death due to the enemy shinobi with the blade by using her chakra scalpel to make the wound the enemy caused more deadly, making it appear as if he died from blood lost from the enemies inflicted wound. Syndra would then nod her head back and forth as she reached for medium sized scroll, unrolling the scroll and sealing Soma's deceased body into the scroll. She would then cause her self to cry, put up a show of course but just encase anyone showed up.
After sealing Soma's body away, Syndra's bird would hover down to the enemy shinobi who wielded the blade. Syndra then get off the blood stained bird with tears down her cheeks, the skies moon would then begin to shine on the area as clouds moved out of it its path. She would then scream at a high pitch as if in sorrow while standing in front of the woman's body with her unique blade beside her corpse. The words Syndra screamed were, "This is all your fault!" She screamed, appearing as if she was really upset about Soma's death. Just as she did so, village shinobi arrived in the area at the destroyed faces of the kage. "Lady Syndra! What happened!?!" They asked her, standing a few feet back from her and the body.

Syndra would then turn the three shinobi with tears rolling down her cheeks, Soma's blood on her hands. "Soma Uchiha was killed by this woman! He died protecting me from her. ." She paused and looked down to wipe the tears from her cheeks. "I couldn't heal him fast enough. ." Syndra would then face the woman's corpse.
"Tend to the destroyed faces and their rocks that damaged the buildings. I'll take the bodies back to the medical corps. ." Syndra would then pause as the three shinobi claimed "Yes ma'am." She would then nod with her back turned the shinobi as a reply to them agreeing to her orders. She would the speak to them as they walked away, "We will not let his death go in vain." She claimed. The other shinobi then agree'd with her and told Syndra sorry for her lost.

To anyone that would come to the scene, this looked like a terrible moment for a konoha shinobi. Standing on the heads of the destroyed past kage covered in the blood from the ally she tried to save. No one would even expect that Syndra was really the cause for Soma's death. She acted perfectly. Syndra would seal the woman's body away in her medium sized scroll with Soma's body and then seal the blade of hers into the small scroll she carried on her. She then mounted on her bird and would leave the scene to go to the hospital, still pretending to be in sorrow over the situation. Because of the witness that arrived, Syndra' plan would go over smoother and they would spread the word about Syndra's attempts to heal Soma, the attacks of the sword woman, and how Syndra and Soma put their lives on the line to protect the biggest representation of the Hidden Leaf village.

|Claimed Soma's (Wrath's) body|
|Claimed the Swords women's body|
|Claimed the blade; Shibuki|


23Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Empty Re: Demolition of the Great Faces[Event] Sun Jun 29, 2014 7:30 am



Well that was certainly an unexpected turn of events. The woman who Kamina thought was protecting the boy, and even pretending like she was going to save his life rather viciously ended it. Kamina couldn't help but smile to himself as this woman looked like a rather favorable recruit. The senju picked up both bodies and a the sword and took off and Kamina followed with every intention of stopping her before she made it too the village. He meant no harm of course but as it was obviously apparent she could very well mean lots of harm so he best be prepared.


~Event Over~

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