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Random Faces (Closed/No Kill : Fumiko) Pixel

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Random Faces (Closed/No Kill : Fumiko)

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1Random Faces (Closed/No Kill : Fumiko) Empty Random Faces (Closed/No Kill : Fumiko) Mon Aug 25, 2014 9:55 am

Hitomi Shiruku

Hitomi Shiruku
Konoha Chunin
Konoha Chunin

It seemed odd how rebellious she was starting to act these days. Perhaps her age was getting to her, that or all the idiots she has to deal with daily. Either ways she knew it was affecting her normal actions as if under influence. She took a long sigh and stretched out and around walking around outside the gates, she knew she'd get in trouble for it and she'd hate to break the rules she wanted to follow however she wasn't sure why she wanted to keep going.

She thought back to her old team for a moment, why that happened she'll not know however she wasn't as badly affected now as she was. It still pained her however, and it will for a long time. She only just noticed how far she had walked away from the gates, not really aiming to go anywhere just walking. Her bright teal eyes scanning the green trees that lined the path she was on. Her red hair only shadowing the sun's glow above as she pulled at her shirt to cool off.

She only just noticed someone coming up from the roadside, looking at them cautiously. She took the time to await their arrival and planned accordingly as she listened to their footsteps. "Hello? Who are you..." Her voice was serious, almost harsh in tone as if she expected a murderer to be near. She then saw someone covered nearly entirely in robes. She was confused for a minute to see them and decided to take a course of action by focusing on who or what was under them. If anything she didn't want to be found out but worse comes to shove is that she also didn't want to be overtaken by a powerful shinobi.

Word Count:

2Random Faces (Closed/No Kill : Fumiko) Empty Re: Random Faces (Closed/No Kill : Fumiko) Mon Aug 25, 2014 10:47 am


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

A lone soul traveled across dirty woven path. Fellow souls moved along with her, however they all held tools of agriculture or a purse of coin. 'Ech, merchant. Men of coin....who cares more for the dribble of these world then the people who surround them' Taka thought. The heavy wrapping that surrounded her body began to make her feel the heat. The sun itself had now began its decent into the distance and yet it still gave Taka the blazing sweats under all the heavy clothing she wore. Luckily she keep a layer of thin clothing that absorbed the sweat to a degree and prevented her from looking like she was drenched in water.

The rode winded along getting ever more thick in traffic, yet never more then 20 people within site at a time. During this trech towards the village gates she began to think '7 years.......7 years.....so long. I can't believe I'm coming back......damn hands can't stop shaking.' one of her hands reached across and gripped onto her foremost forearm. Quickly her thoughts resumed 'I don't know what they are going to say....I wonder what the Kage will do with me....will he accept me? Why would he....banishment is serious. I doubt it will be easy to just be accepted back into the village. Why did I have to fight that damned traitor' Taka thoughts further descended into what happened back then, the details flew back into her mind as she moved ever closer towards Konoha.

The large village was now within sight and the high arching walls stood before her in all there glory. "Huh, its much larger then I remember" she spoke softly in a female voice. The sheer size of the walls sent a shiver down her spine, 'Who could ever get past such defenses' she thought. Quickly her awe in the sight of the walls was snapped to attention by a young girls voice.

'Me? She wants to know who I am, LIE! LIE! LIE WOMAN!' her brain sputtered. As she looked over the girl she began to make inferences and connections 'Small small small, hmm very small, yet she bares a headband of the leaf, Genin? LIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE WOMAN' the impulse popped back into her thoughts. Mustering her most mainly voice and trying to get every inch of her 6 foot 4 stature she spoke "Me I am but a simple traveler, Raguy be my name. I didn't know they young ones guard the gates, that is very good for you.!" she said in a proud and arrogant voice. 'Raguy.....Raguy.............thats what I came up with? Raguy....that doesn't even...I just gave a name that total gibberish...shoulda talked with a accent name would made more sense' Taka thoughts disapprovingly came.

Hitomi Shiruku

Hitomi Shiruku
Konoha Chunin
Konoha Chunin

She took a minute to take in the information, looking over the unsure and shivering person infront of herself. "Raguy?" She questioned for a moment looking over them once more before coming to an end of conclusion in her wonder and interest. She took a minute then almost seemed to smirk calmly. "Well Raguy, tell me of your travels. I'm interested, of course if you want to hide something that's okay too. Afterall I am just a young one. I wouldn't understand adult issues."

She shrugged slightly then folded her arms over. She knew she wasn't to far from the gates, a shady traveler was near, and that she knew multiple escape routes if need be. "So go ahead! I'm curious to know where you come from, and how you came to here? especially without warning to the hokage beforehand. I've heard that's very dangerous to do. Especially after the attack by another traveler and all." She said playing her words around. What she said was true, another had attacked the village not even a few months ago, taking her sensei and driving her teammate into a disappearance.

Since then she's planned, coordinated herself and forced whatever she could to tinker with individuals. She wanted to become stronger, physically and mentally. She wanted to prevent that by eyeing others out on their plans, their ideas, their personalities. Analyzing facial features then blowing them away like wind and be warned to never cross her lines. It wasn't her place of course, however she felt she needed to prove herself more than anyone's approval. She looked up at the person before her, eager to see through the lines if possible. The little red haired girl with teal blue eyes in her small blue konoha apparel wanted an answer and to get it straight too.

Word Count:


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

"Well Raguy, tell me of your travels. I'm interested, of course if you want to hide something that's okay too. Afterall I am just a young one. I wouldn't understand adult issues. So go ahead! I'm curious to know where you come from, and how you came to here? especially without warning to the hokage beforehand. I've heard that's very dangerous to do. Especially after the attack by another traveler and all."
Taka heard the young lady speak her peace about they name that was quite a lie and she even threw in a line about adult issues. To Taka this was a great offence of the adult world, but before blasting into a full on monologue. Taka would address the issue at hand. "You got me kid, pretty smart. Smarter then me most likely. You can call me Taka or Tie" Taka said with her casual male voice. Taka looked up at the girl and examined her up and down. 'So this is a hidden leaf shinobi, they seem the same since last I was here.' Taka thought. The girl kept speaking about it and then said some more words asking about Taka herself. 'Well I guess now I could give her a in depth response' Taka thought.

"Well I think its more adults don't want you to understand the issues, I'm sure you have the cognitive function to do so. Telling the younger generations that youth is a equation in your ability to understand and care about things is simply a defense mechanism caused by people scared that the future generation will surpass them. A secure adult would tell you that you are capable of anything and have endless potential and ability and everything is in the palm of your hand." Taka said with a deep happy smile at the young girl. She wondered who this girl was and then began to look at the girl who was kinda just staring at her. '"OH RIGHT, yea you asked a very serious question!" Taka snapped. "Well I'm not a bad guy, I'm a very good guy...however you should have already alerted the guards and called me in if I'm that strange. However I don't think I'm that odd place here. But whats important is that I'm actually returning to the village for the first time in 7 years. I guess you could say I'm expected to be coming back. Well I've talked way too much, tell me about yourself. What do you love! What do you want to do? What is your life goal!" Talk said in a increasingly excited voice as she explained her situation.

Hitomi Shiruku

Hitomi Shiruku
Konoha Chunin
Konoha Chunin

She looked up at them for a while hearing their answer to her series of comments. She then nodded calming her smirk to a smile after hearing the truth come forth. "Alright then, that's what I wanted to know. I hate when people blatantly lie to me or suppose that I am merely just a kid." She then noted the conversation about the adult life and what they were doing here. "Being put to a low state such as just this or just that is irritating. I know what I've been through and it isn't just a scratch on the knee."

She then sighed out a breath to calm down with a moment to close her eyes before looking back up. "I could have warned the guards, but then I'd have no one to believe me. Of course if you've been here you'd be a little more welcomed but I did warn you that people here are on edge. I know you're a good person cause if not you'd already would have attacked me." She thought on it a bit then spoke again. "I'm Hitomi, a genin who's just enjoying a walk. Those I trust are who I protect, and goal wise is just to get stronger. I don't care about being the top in bloodlines or being hokage or anything like that I just need to be stronger for those I care for."

She took a minute to think on her answer and she knew it was right but she wanted the other to speak on it. "I lost someone I cared for, all because I wasn't strong enough. For the longest time I felt like a helpless kid because I thought I really could have helped when I know I wouldn't be allowed too. I trust you enough now because you're telling me the truth, not to mention I can allow less suspicion for you if you need it and I can go back to the village without being in trouble" She smiled knowing she let the words out. She needed to get back to the village without being in to much trouble and this visitor needed less suspicion. "If you're to enter with a genin near, they'd think you're peaceful and less likely to be on edge. Not to mention I'll get by without getting in trouble for being outside the gates without a supervisor even though I am old enough to do so. People assume I'm 10 or something but i'm 14 so i'm well old enough it's just they think i'm younger so they try to get me in trouble all the time, it's so frustrating you know?" She frowned a bit showing she was frustrated from the fact she shared.

Word Count:


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

Taka listened to the girl talk, she seemed to be moving very fast. She seemed to be glad with how Taka treated her. He did this to most and treated them almost as equals. However she still understands that there is much younger people do not know. That is simply just life experince. She gave the young genin a small and thought about her idea. 'Going with a genin would be nice....but I'm not yet ready to enter the village' Taka thought... 'I best just wait it out.' Taka thought. She perked up and looked at the young girl and began to speak to her. "Well you see I'm not ready to go into the village I don't have to see the kage until a couple days so I'm fine. I'll hang out here for a bit." Taka said. She had become bored with the girl. "It seems I must go back to camp, you are welcome to come. However I've got a lot to do today. So you'd need ot be willing to work!" Taka said with a large smile. Taka turned her back towards the young women and started to head away from her. Taka ignored what ever response was given by her and she just speedily moved forward trying to distance herself from the genin. 'Nothing wrong with the girl, its just I've got a lot to do today and so little time.' Taka thought. She then picked up pace and was yet to go to a full run but she was moving at a fast speed.

Exit (Sorry dude, you took a while to post and now the topic is kinda....far in the past.)

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