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1Final Countdown Empty Final Countdown Sun Jul 13, 2014 11:30 am



The village of Konohagakure no Sato was in its known forestry like condition. And deep within the forest, near the river was the Chūnin known as Jigoku, Koestu - wearing his casual attire. Today was all about training, and nothing was going to stop him from completing this task. The jutsu that he will attempt to learn is known as Doton: Doro Fīrudo (Earth Release: Mud Field). A jutsu that grants the user the ability too birth a large supply of mud to the field.

"Let me get this over with. This should not be hard for someone as hardcore as me." And with those simple words, he began the proper handseals for the jutsu; three in total.

Kotesu was complete with the handseals, but felt that he needed a little more time training with something as serious as this. He wanted to make sure he had it all figured out. The clansmen kept on with making the handseals, repeating it over and over. Nothing was going to stop him from mastering this jutsu. He repeated the seals one last time and was now focusing on the charka part of the jutsu. "Mmmm."

Was the only noise he was making, while attempting to focus his charka into the field.

The field would be the source, for his Doton nature would be the one to shift the earth to a mud-like nature. But the child suddenly began to cough greatly; his body felt like it was on fire. "Darn, I added to much charka just for something so little. Damn that hurts." He said while coughing violently. The only thought that is running through his mind was that charka was something - that one had to be delicate with. "Okay let me try again. I just have to use my charka work out. And maybe it could work out."

Handseals began to quickly form, each seal having a great purpose in operating the jutsu and when the last seal was complete. Kotesu quickly focused his charka into his hands - slapping the earth, being greatly careful with what he was doing. Everything had to be equally focused.

He could feel the charka moving around inside him, the feeling of the unexplainable force being properly form in his body. Was he actually working the jutsu properly? Only time would tell of this great achievement. "Time too test this out now." Focusing the Earth nature built up within him, he viewed the dirt shift into mud within a couple of seconds.

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2Final Countdown Empty Re: Final Countdown Sun Jul 13, 2014 12:20 pm



Success! He mastered his first jutsu and was now ready to master yet another jutsu he would love in his arsenal. The next jutsu he planned on learning was known as Shunshin no Jutsu: Sugizou (Body Flicker Technique: After Image), the jutsu allowed the caster to expel an afterimage made of chakra from the use of Shunshin. "Time too master this jutsu." Kotesu first needed to ready himself to use the Shunshin no Jutsu. The sole Ram seal being all that was needed.

The Chūnin quickly form a sole seal with one hand, attempting to make the ram handseal and then he stopped and to form it once more. He repeated the steps over and over, even though it was only one seal to remember.

Now the second step is to focus charka directly into his legs, this was going to be a piece of cake. Kotesu already mastered focusing charka within the legs with the Shunshin No Jutsu. Charka began to build up inside the child and was quickly directed to his lower body, nothing else. He gently pushed his charka, making sure to maintain the location, but quickly loss control of directing it there. "Shit!" Kotesu quickly gained his composure once more, formed the ream handseal, and then focus charka back into his legs.

Kotesu closed his eyes and focused carefully on the charka and his legs. The reason he closed his eyes is to visualize the charka moving from within his body.

Visualizing something gives a proper picture on what to do. Charka began to lift within his body, slowly entering each chakra point and finally reaching the legs. He then began to focus a little more charka into the legs once more, making sure not to overdo it too much. When he felt that there was a enough charka in the given area, he quickly ready his body to launch. 1, 2, 3, now! A simple push of the legs, and he took off to form an afterimage directly behind him.

That was the exact picture that ran through his mind, now he just needed to act it out.

"Alright, here I go." Kotesu stated with a sigh escaping his lips. The Chūnin began spreading his legs apart from one another in a stance like fashion. "Ram," was the word that escaped his mouth and he quickly created the proper seal for the Ram seal. He could feel the movement of chakra within his frame. "..." Kotesu closed his eyes, slowly giving his charka the little push it needed to fully be used. He could feel each chakra point being filled with ease - each one sharing a force.

Then he felt the chakra in his legs fully established, it was time to test this baby out. Kotesu eyes quickly opened and push forth via the usage of his legs. With a quick motion, and using the needed chakra - an afterimage would appear behind him with ease.

It was quite impressive really, how he was capable of doing such with the speed that the Shunshin no Jutsu had granted. The distraction of an afterimage alone would prove to be quite useful for him.

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3Final Countdown Empty Re: Final Countdown Sun Jul 13, 2014 12:43 pm



His training did not stop there though - no, the Jigoku had much to more to train then the previous two. The Doton: Doro Fīrudo (Earth Release: Mud Field), was only a parent technique to the many other techniques that came along with it. Doton: Doro Kōkan (Earth Release: Mud Replacement), being one of them - which he wanted to learn rather quickly before his venture to Kirigakure no Sato with his comrades.

Placing his hands together with quite some ease, he begun to forge a sole seal that was used in conjunction with Kawarami no Jutsu. A technique that allowed the shinobi to switch places with an object - as long as it was within a ten meter radius. To be quite honest, the reason there was a seal for the technique was to forge Shunshin no Jutsu; granting to the needed speed to take hold of the item and returning it back.

Staring at the mud field that he once created, he would use the Shunshin no Jutsu - appearing before the mud - taking a small chunk of it. "This is quite boring," he stated softly to himself, appearing back to his original locating and placing the mud within his spot. It was dull really, training was never the thing that excited him - nor, did he ever wanted it to be. He created the Ram seal once more, rushing to the mud field and quickly forging it again - appearing back at his previous location. He ran back and forth, back and forth multiple times - the process proving to be quite tiring as he did so.

Feeling that he accomplished the basics - the Jigoku would do the jutsu in one shot - no longer practicing. Removing a kunai from its holster, he would throw it up into the air.

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4Final Countdown Empty Re: Final Countdown Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:17 am



The kunai cut the air brilliantly as it rose high feats, and when it could no longer reach any further - it began to come straight down towards Kotesu. He had wanted it to do such, finding it the best way to test out his new technique - which was supposed to be used for scenarios as this. Forging a single seal, one that dealt with the usage of the Kawarimi no Jutsu, the Jigoku would utilize the use of the Body Flicker - his speed allowing him towards the mud. Placing his hands within the soft-like terrain, he took hold of a decent chunk of mud; the size of basketball - to quickly place within his location.

Though he did not stop there, for he had a new technique to use within this sudden switch. Quickly, but steadily he began to formulate a sole seals that dealt with the technique; Ram - was all that was truly needed for it. The mud that he had placed within his position - the same mud he had acquired a few seconds ago - would slowly, turn into a ball like shape. A quick rotation occurring as a set of spikes began to form from it's mud-like body; a single spike coming about first.

The second one now beginning to form, and so on. In total, eight spikes had came from this source of mud, and only eight spikes were truly needed. Quickly spinning in a circular motion - deflecting the kunai with ease, proving the technique was quite a success. A sly smile began to formulate upon the facade of the youth, the devious thoughts of the power this technique causing such. He began to attempt the technique once more, using the same formula as before. This time he would focus on the sole thing needed - speed.

He needed to be faster, quicker, and more precise with his movements for it to work smoothly. Throwing two kunai in the air, both in different locations - he quickly would vanish from view; his frame moving at quite great speed. A speed that only those of the Uchiha bloodline could detect; and without a doubt predict. Nonetheless, both kunais would meet the surface of mud as a single ram seal would be forged directly after that once more. The seal quickly causing the mud to spin and release spikes - deflecting the kunai in another location.

This time, his time was perfect and so was his speed. It was easy to see that he was capable of mastering this technique - and without a doubt capable of being even better at it. He himself was the one to forge the technique, taking the time to mold the chakra, and channel it to the mud source created by the likes of he. The same mud source that was a parent technique to an onslaught of techniques that awaited him in his arsenal. Techniques that would change the playing field against an enemy. Greatness was awaiting this Chūnin.

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5Final Countdown Empty Re: Final Countdown Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:49 am



The arsenal of mud techniques seemed to be endless, simply because - the boy began to work on yet another technique; Doton: Doro Ōkami (Earth Release: Mud Wolves). It allowed the user to create two wolves birthed from a mud source, clearly their birth would be coming from the pool of mud Kotesu created. Placing his hands together he began to go through a series of three seals; Serpent → Tiger → Dog. The order being done with quite some ease, his digits coming together at a blinding rate. Holding onto the last seal now, his chakra began to spike greatly - clearly attempting to mold the mud into the animal he wanted; which was a wolf. A true animal that related to Kotesu.

The mud that was once flat, would begin to bubble greatly as it shifted - attempting to turn into a wolf. The outline happening slowly, but with decent progress to tell what was being created. In a short span of time, which was all he ever really needed - the wolf would emerge from the mud. Stepping forth, it's muddy paws living prints upon the grassland and though it was complete - Kotesu was not satisfied.

He wanted to create yet another, one to compliment the wolf that already stood before his cold-like frame. He quickly repeated the seals once more, Serpent → Tiger → Dog being brought together fluently as he focused. The chakra within him erupting and creating the mud to bubble - to craft - to mold his second wolf. With ease the beast would step forth and come before him, appearing next to its brethren as he gazed at the two. With only a command, via the mind alone - the wolves would know what to do - which, dealt with devouring another.

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6Final Countdown Empty Re: Final Countdown Mon Jul 14, 2014 12:59 pm



A minor break from the excessive training was taken - the chūnin decided to take time to rest near a tree that was close by. Sitting that had caused him to reflect, ponder on the many reasons of why this road was chosen - picked, by the likes of him. At times he wondered, if he wasn't born within Konohagakure no Sato - would he have been its enemy? The thought crossed his mind several times, but he never thought to share it with his comrades; the word treason alone was sickening enough. Sitting with his legs folded together and his hands resting on his knees; Kotesu would make sure to close his eyes. Chakra that he had once lost had seemed to return, but would be quickly used once more for his personal purposes.

This time he focused mainly on his left hand and distributing the chakra precisely - not overdoing it in the slightest. Chakra control was a big part of being a shinobi, especially if you didn't want to go around wasting chakra senseless within combat. Many great warriors had fallen - not due to their lack of skill; hence why they were deemed great; but, do to the inability to reserve their chakra.

Kotesu would not meet the same fate, he refused to and surely he would hate himself if he did. Like before, he had to be calm, focus, determined to prove others he was just as strong. Directing all his chakra to his right hand, he could feel a small part of his jutsu coming to light - which was quite an achievement within itself. The technique he was training did not come easy, nor was it similar to the mud tree he had been completing before. No, this was much more taxing and precise - though it strained him, it had its rewards as well. Rewards that would benefit him greatly.

Opening his eyes slowly in attempt to view his right hand, the Jigoku would begin to focus far greater than before. He wanted to learn this technique, he needed to - especially, if he wanted to prove that Soratsu and Ryūza weren't the only ones training. He liked the rivalry that stood firmly amongst the group, it allowed one another to grow - and want to keep growing as an individual; a shinobi as well. A shinobi that came from the very bottom of the food chain, to now be at the very top with the most deadliest of creatures.

His right hand that he had been focusing on for quite sometime had begun to use the effects. The jutsu that Kotesu was attempting to learn had be known as, Chakurahiru (Chakra Leech). A jutsu that would allow him to absorb portions of chakra from another source, which clearly would be shinobi. The hand glowed brightly for those who had the eye of the Sharingan, or Byakugan. Those who did not have it, nor ever will - could not see the brightly glow that it had. Not even Kotesu himself had seen it, but he sure could feel it.

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7Final Countdown Empty Re: Final Countdown Mon Jul 14, 2014 2:15 pm



The technique was one that only a few had knowledge about - mainly shinobi that resided within the walls of Konohagakure. Like many who wanted to master several arts, Kotesu had took it upon himself to be trained by someone who had knowledge of the technique. Eyes of maroon hues watched carefully, while ears picked up on every direction that was stated. For once in his lifetime, Kotesu wanted to pay attention - not linger about, paying no mind to anyone; but, actually learn.

He watched the jutsu over, and over - several times to be exact as he made sure to take notes. Digits themselves coming together to form the sole seal - then quickly taking hold of a pencil to jot down ideas and instructions. He wanted to use this technique to grow, become a better shinobi than others who thought they could do such. From the amount of chakra needed to bring forth, to evenly distributing it and not overdoing ones chakra. He didn't need to be told twice, in fact - he prefer not to be; because he was always one to do things head on. He couldn't bother with the consequences.

Hours had passed as he decided to do the technique on his own, leaving his teacher to attempt the jutsu himself. Men who learned it claimed it was a technique from the heavens, and Kotesu wanted to see if such was true. Digits came together to forge a sole seal - one that was not quite the same as others of the animal tree. This one dealt with crossing the index and middle finger with it's respective counterparts. Not to be a douche, but it was quite odd how such a well-known, fearsome technique had such an odd way about it. Though different was always a sign of good-will.

Forging the seal now with the purpose to use it, Kotesu would begin to mold chakra from his being to attempt to duplicate himself. He focused, taking the time to actually materialize himself differently from before. This was not the same technique as the one taught in the academy - no, this jutsu was the real deal. A clone that could actually mimic the actions of the user and land physical attacks on the target. Even a mental connection was shared; which had made it the more easier for the youth. His body aching with anticipation to see the end result of the technique.

With a puff of smoke, a clone would appear to the right side of Kotesu - clearly its features mimicking his own as he gazed at it. It was odd really, to stare at yourself and critique if you had truly made a full clone that looked like you. With a single thought, the clone had vanished - his chakra slowly beginning to come back to him as he attempted it once more. This clone appearing to his side as well, which was slowly proving he was becoming consistent with the technique; Kage Bunshin no Jutsu.

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8Final Countdown Empty Re: Final Countdown Mon Jul 14, 2014 2:44 pm



It was quite odd how that Kotesu belonged to a clan, yet - had never truly used the techniques that were blessed by their ancestors. He needed to be more in touch with his roots and actually learn the techniques that could be provided; which is exactly what he was going to do today. The Jigoku was planning to learn the Hiden technique that would prove quite useful in combat against foes - especially ones who were not strong as himself. Which to be quite exact, Kotesu believed that no one was capable of being as strong as him - no matter the rank that was given to them. He just viewed it as a title, nothing less - nothing more. Unless they allowed their skill to speak for them, he would continued to feel that way towards certain shinobi. Nonetheless, he needed to begin his training.

Being one that was highly skilled in the arts of Ninjutsu, which had deemed him a Ninjutsu Master - Kotesu would swiftly go through a series of seals. Each seal bringing forth a set amount of chakra to utilize correctly for this technique. The seals molding his chakra and bringing forth the true Katon nature that dwelled within him. The same nature that had been the first he had learn, which had only made things even easier for him. Dragon → Rat → Ox → Tiger → Hare - each seal was done, his chakra rising to attempt the jutsu. Channeling the Katon affinity that was burning deep within him, the chūnin would focus on his fist - which was truly the source of the technique.

Surely, but slowly flames that were of ebony hue began to engulf around his hands. Some would assume that such an odd, yet surely hot fire would burn a normal man. But, Kotesu was not normal, nor would he ever be. It was due to the fact of allowing the damned spirit to dwell within him, that he could create such feats as this. Feats that a mere human cannot - proving that his clan did have their own perks that would allow him to grow - mature as a shinobi at an incredible rate.

The fist that were covered in these dark flames, which also began to howl and sing sorrow - would soon be covered in larger flames. The member of the clan attempting to use the full power of the technique. He needed to focus, shape the flames into the head of a lion-dog. An animal that was used in lore many times by those of all cultures. Nonetheless, he would swing with his left fist first - his punch being resembled to a haymaker that was used in boxing. Releasing the second one in the same fluid motion, had caused two massively large projectiles to be fired off. The two projectiles moving at great speeds as a deadly roar could be heard, their brute speed and power causing some of the terrian to catch up in flames; nothing too grand that would cause the shinobi fire department to come along. Kotesu grinned at the sight of the powerful technique - his mind racing with thoughts.

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9Final Countdown Empty Re: Final Countdown Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:22 am



His clan was known for their ability with the Katon nature, seeming to even take it further than any other shinobi. Their flames were black when it came to their techniques, and were supposedly birth from hell itself - the deepest, darkest pits of it. If such a rumor was true or false, it could matter less to Kotesu, because to him, this was power. Power that would surely continue to increase overtime as a shinobi of the Hidden Leaf Village. That was the only concern that ran throughout his mind daily; becoming stronger. Nonetheless, he began the basic step of the technique, which consisted of focusing the chakra in ones body.

Channeling his chakra to his right hand, he began to slowly engulf his hand with the Katon affinity. He needed to do so if he wanted to use the full potential of his jutsus, that allowed him to create a ebony sword made of fire. At the moment, only a ball of fire had seemed to be birth - nothing close to a sword. Closing his maroon eyes, Kotesu would begin to visualize the shape of a sword, the process happening within his mind allowing it to happen before him. His chakra slowly molding the ball of fire into something far greater.

Pushing forth more with his chakra, he would open his eyes to view what was now a sword in front of him. Within his pale grasp was a sword, which was only the beginning for this technique. More was needed to allow the second part of this jutsu, which could allow the sword to extend. Pushing forth with his chakra, he watched as the blade stretched out to greater heights before him. A smirk coming across his face as he waved the saber back and forth; eyes watching the blade carefully.

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