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Fumiko Dealings (Missions/Closed) Pixel

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Fumiko Dealings (Missions/Closed)

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1Fumiko Dealings (Missions/Closed) Empty Fumiko Dealings (Missions/Closed) Fri Sep 26, 2014 4:01 am


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin


Fumiko had yet to go out on a mission in a when she had returned to the village and she had been wondering around trying to find something worth doing. Wearing her Jounin uniform she decide it was time to go do something...something worth doing. She head to the admissions building and entered inside, after a while of navigation of the familiar walls she approached a young male who seemed to be playing the role of clerk.  After a moment of speaking to him she found a interesting missions to take. She took the file that had a variety of information on it, details, whereabouts, and all sorts of other information. She knew this could be quite the pain if she founded upon a group of enemy shinobi but in earnests she would follow through. Using the information she had just been given she would travel towards the Konoha docks and use the transformation jutsu to turn into a grungy dock worker. But before she turned into a dock worker she would need to capture one first. She waited around the place for a while looking for any suspicious actives she did this as a dog. She looked around in with her dogly body and played the part of the hungry dog looking for food. Occasionally she got a scrap of food here and there, but what was more important was finding exactly which shipments were dealing in the underworld. For the next couple of days she spent searching through and listening in to see exactly which ones were in the dealings. For a while it seemed she found nothing, however she was learning a lot about the innerworkings of the docks and how everything worked. After a week of sneaking around she finally heard a useful piece of information, it seemed that every two weeks a ship would drop by and leave port with a small group of foreigners. The reason this was odd is because foreigners generally dealt a place on the dock close to the market. The area under suspicious was no where near the market and this group of foreigners seemed to fit in with being the only ones out of place in this area of primarily fishing boats...that boat must be it. It was time for Fumiko to get to work, she quickly followed the lead around and found out one of the contacts that worked with them, this was done by her acting as a Chuunin and simply questioning around about the group. If the perps behind this mess heard about her questioning to them it would simply sound like she was asking for the paper work to prove that they whatever deal was going on was legit. Which this paperwork was supplied by the Dock manger. So know she moved on to investigate the man who takes in the shipments. After getting his information down Fumiko would simply go track him down. Fumiko would wait until it was night time, when darkness began to fall Fumiko made her move and in the cover of night she captured the contact. He was walking back to his place when Fumiko leaped at him and took him down. She then quickly took him down to Intell. After having all his information extracted Fumiko would practice learning it all so she would arise suspicion when they arrived. The date for them to arrive was this Friday, Fumiko would wait till then and play out her life as the man who she had captured. The day finally came.

It was crisp morning the air felt cold to the lungs and the whole area was in dead silence, it was the perfect time for these criminals to unload there goods into warehouse number four. A couple of seedy looking friends showed up who Fumiko had now learned well from thanks to the Intell division and the fact they were replaced by Konoha shinobi. She shot the shit with them and talked around while they waited for the group to come. After a couple more mins a boat would be seen in the distance, it moved along the waters nice and smoothly and as it approached a group of 6 men seemed to be looking out at the ends. Seemed they were prepared to anchor the boat. After a while the seamen tied the large boat to the dock, she was in it now...this was the boat it matched the description from intell. She took a long breath and waited as they began to walk towards the 5. Fumiko now began to analyze the men, quickly she noticed there pace movement...they were shinobi...military. She could tell and the 6 who were approaching weren't all there was either...simple logic was all that took. Fumiko wasn't sure exactly how to handle this. There was many of them and she might have a bit of problem handling them. As they began to approach one of them pointed at Fumiko. "You come with us" he said plainly...
This wasn't at all how things normally went down...she now knew she was found out unlike her friends she wasn't good at hiding chakra signatures. Fumiko spoke up "Heres the deal buddy you and your friends have exactly 10 mins to surrender before you are taken down.". She then claped her hands together making a large noise throughout the area. Two boats filled with Konoha men pulled around behind the boat locking it in. "Unless you want to die I'd surrender" Fuyuko said. "Shit boss what do we do?" one of the men yelled..."Surrender...I'm not going to waste our lives for this" he said. After a while and a good bit of rigamro they found the drugs and where they were being hidden. It was a job well done and the mission was a great success.  

Last edited by Fumiko on Fri Sep 26, 2014 11:07 am; edited 1 time in total

2Fumiko Dealings (Missions/Closed) Empty Re: Fumiko Dealings (Missions/Closed) Fri Sep 26, 2014 8:56 am


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

Mission :
Fumiko made her walk towards the quaint Konoha admin building and headed straight to pick up a mission. One of the clerks showed her a set of missions but most of them bored Fumiko and she had no interest in them at all...she looked around for something that would peak her interest. She quickly found upon one and it was something that would be just right for her and she knew now it was time for her to get to work on this mission. While she was reading the mission profile she found out that someone was torturing some kid. He seemed to be a younger rank and therefore there was much bullying to be pushed onto the kid. This made Fumiko a bit furious and normally would never take such a low ranking mission but sometimes you must in order to have pure honor! She waited around abit trying to find the kid and after finding the young kid she spoke to him about what was going on and after getting a idea of what was going on she decided what she was going to take as a course of action. She thought it would be a good idea to confront him. However not as a jounin but as a classmate. She quickly talked to head of the class and arranged for Fumiko to place in the class of course she would be placed in as a kid not as a adult...that would just look silly to anyone. Now that Fu was in the class it was time to observe she looked on what happened and it seemed it was someone from the same clan who was bullying the kid they seemed to be apart of elder and more powerful part of the clan and to Fumiko she thought there was going to be only one way to take down a bully like this guy. After class they went out to do exercises in and work on basic throwing and things like that. Fumiko purposely performed poorly and she made she was right before the poor bullied kid and she made she that she was doing so horrible that even the bully would take note. He then began to make fun of Fumikoand say mean and harsh things to her...well as harsh as a kid can make it. As planned Fumiko made a simple signal while the young bully was making fun of her and the instructor made up some excuse about having to go real quick inside and grab shurkien. Fumiko insulted the bully when the teacher left and began to pick a fight with him after a while the bully snapped and jolted at Fumiko with a punch. Fu quickly dodged the bunch and slung the kid hard into the ground...he quickly began to wail and cry as he had just been thrown. Everyone began to laugh at him as he cried...he didn't even have a injury! He was crying because of the pain. When the instructor returned she yelled at Fumiko and made up some lie about sending her to a class for bad ninja and with the lose ends tied up Fumiko disappeared.

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