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A Wanderers Meeting (No Killing/Closed: Akira, Fumiko) Pixel

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A Wanderers Meeting (No Killing/Closed: Akira, Fumiko)

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Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

Thick heavy brown wraps surround and encased a giant of person who moved and shifted along the dirt path. The male body figure stood over 6 feet in the air, with the wraps heavily over her face and her entire body covered head to toe. Her crystal blue eyes where all that was allowed to be seen and only the very bridge of her nose was also not covered by the heavy desert clothing. Her head tilted back and forth trying to grasp knowledge from all the angles. 'Chaa! I can't go in the village, the guards might not let me in. Wheres the Kage...I thought he'd be expecting my arrival.' she thought. In a quick fit of rage her legs started to spring forward slamming into the ground causing dirt to fly up into the air.

The sun had just appeared and began its accent into the sky, the tinge of dark blue sky warped and was pushed away by the intense yellow rays. The temperature was still very cold despite the sun beginning its decent, it was cold enough that the occasional breath came out with a ghostly puff of smoke. A few fishermen who appeared to be traveling for there morning catch. The sunlight had by now started to dimly light the area and a few guards in the distance walked to cut off the lantern. Next to the dirt path and a feet into the wooded area next to the road laid a travelers camp site, with a still burning fire and a small tent set up, a small ruck sack lay on its side with all kinda of items on it. From weapons to flint, it had everything one might need and a small head band laid poking out of a pocket and turned towards the fabric of the pack so you couldn't see what village it belongs too.

"I HATE WAITING!" Taka said aloud in a feminine voice. Her hands adjusted to her side and her body stopped and began to survey the area looking around and trying to keep her brain from thinking about her total and absolute bored. 'Maybe if I play a game with myself, no no thats stupid. What am I going to do play cards....wait thats perfect I could make a clone' she thought. "I'm a genius!" She said with a roar!



Walking towards Konoha Village was Akira. She seemed to be a young teenage girl holding a small stuffed white rabbit. Her hair about waiste length was white as snow. Her bangs helped keep her secret hidden. The dress she wore was black with white ruffles at the bottom and the shoes she wore were black as well. On Akira's back was a small black bag. As she kept walking, her face stayed emotionless. The cold never bothered her because of the long cold days she spent training and with as many times as she looked to the sky she never saw it change. Even if she could see the colors, the stars, the clouds, or even the rays of light that came with each day the sky always stayed the same. It never felt new it never felt different it was the same sky, the same stars, and the same world. The world was the one thing Akira knew woukd never change. It was a horrid place with people that will always be the same they will always kill, fight, argue, but worst of all they will always have fear in their hearts. Akira had nothing to fear because she had nothing left to loose. The girl had become lost in this thought of hatred and almost didn't realize how close to the village she had gotten.

Akira looked uo face expressionless. She could see this village a small ways down the road but that wasn't what caught her attention. Their was someone outside but they didn't seem too happy. Akira stared as she heard this persons volume rise it mut be a female by the sound of her voice. She always liked to get in everyone's buisness so with a deep breath, the clearing of her voice, and an expression change she walked closer. Akira now looking more happy got closer and closer with every step. Now, she was close enough to hear this female speak. so with a slight giggling sound Akira said, "Or maybe you could play with me." This is what she was saying on the outside but on the inside she felt totally different.


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

"Eh, a genius, huh?" a voice spoke aloud. '........................Its snuck into my defenses.........this thing has gotten close to me and now its engaging in 'conversation'. What foul creature could move so close and then speak towards me without me taking note. A demon...she must be a demon!' Taka thoughts roared. Her head slowly began to cock itself towards the voice. Takas head arrived to the woman and her eyes scanned the small girl up and down. Quickly she made a realization and this caused a large gasp to escape her mouth.  

Her brain then kicked into gear and she entered defense mode, she can't trust such a sneaky things, could be a succubus or even more terrifying a ANGEL! Her body language quickly changed and she moved to a more dominate and aggressive stance "H-h-hi, and yes a genius......" responding towards the young women using her male voice, which still sounded almost girl like. A small interruption occurred in her speech as her brain finished taking in the woman and she readjusted towards a much less aggressive stance but to one of confusion, her head slightly tilted and her eye brows twitched in a inquisitive manor. "You're a 12 year old???? Jez, kid you scared me half to death, my brain started to think you were some kind of demon being so sneaky" she said once again using her male voice. "Well did you want something or do you just enjoy a casual conversation with a giant man like myself?"Taka said with a large smile that was blocked by the thick wraps around her face, it is important to know that all of her talking has been heavily muffled by the wrappings but still audible. 'D'aw shes so damn cute! HUG IT, HUG IT. No....no hugging...that'd be super weird and rapey. Maybe I can ask for a hug, but that'd be even weirder somehow' Takas brain further descended into kawaii thoughts and treaded along the tender lines of pedoism. During these dangerous lines of thought.....(which actually weren't dangerous as she isn't 12 and is much older then her appearance tells)....Takas face started to reden . Takas wraps hid most of her face, yet you could still see the very tips of her cheek and nose, yet just enough the small girl might notice the very tips of those cheeks turn a crimson red color.



Akira stood wonder what this female was doing. Thrn, the woman finally turned to look at her and gasped. All Akira did was blink and noticed the woman got a bit more defensive. She wondered if mayne this person knew who she was but then the woman spoke. 'What is this woman trying to do?' Akira thought. It seemed like she was trying to act more like a man. Just for the sake of appearance she would make her face look a bit confused. 'Ahh so this femal obviously has no idea who I am.' Akira's thoughts still moving in her head. 'Is this what all Konoha ninja are like?' It was almost as if Akira wasn't going to say anything but eventually she did. "A demon?" She would ask the woman aloud. 'You may think that if you saw who I really am.' Akira would say to herself again. "I was just wandering through I haven't ever been here before. You looked lonely so I thought I would stop and talk to you." Akira would say this in the cutest voice possible. Even though she normally played this role it still disgusted her to be seen as cute but this was how she was trained to get into places.


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

"A demon?, I was just wandering through I haven't ever been here before. You looked lonely so I thought I would stop and talk to you." the young girl said. '.........................do I really look so lonely.....that even a little girl would try and be my friend. I've gotta get a partner...' she thought depressed. Taka shoulders sulked and she let out a large exhale of air. Both of her hands lifted high into the air and she let out a mighty yawn as she stretched her arms to furthest lengths.

"Huh.......well I guess....I am a bit lonely. So thank you for the company. Might I ask how old you are young miss? Taka said in her man voice. One of her small nimble hands lifted upwards and slowly pulled down her scarf thus revealing a large smile directed at the young girl, the cool air rushed forward onto her lips sending chills up and down her body. Now that her face could feel the cool and refreshing air she seemed to become even more relaxed. Her hair was still hot and unable to breath due to the turban that wrapped itself around her head, but it didn't bother her and lucky since it was still morning she had yet to began to sweat. 'Its odd that someone like this would approach me......this kid must be fearless. Its not everyday I get casual conversations with this attire on, I hate being tall and scary!! But I am glad this young girl decide to conversate with me.' Taka thought. Taka hands by now had returned to her side and she began to daydream again and wonder what the chance of meeting a nice girl like these was and then her mind descended into deeper thought.



Akira watched as this woman stretched and yawned. It was still very early but Akira felt no different with the lack of sleep she had growing up it didn't bother her anymore. Akira smiled, "Of course, and right now I am 13. Pretty cool huh? Finally a teenager." She put one hand in a fist and stuck it to her hip. Then, she put her head up almost in a bragging way. 'Cool maybe like 8 years ago.' She thought to herself. Soon, she stood back the way she was before still holding her stuffed animal. "Hmmm can I ask you why you are trying to talk like a boy when you are a girl?" Akira asked outloud. However, when Akira turned back she noticed this woman was not paying much attention. So, she tilted her head a bit and stared wondering how long this would take.


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

"Of course, and right now I am 13. Pretty cool huh? Finally a teenager. Hmmm can I ask you why you are trying to talk like a boy when you are a girl?"the young gal asked. 'Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....why do they always ask that, tisk. Now I gotta explain everything.' she thought. "BECAUSE I AM A MAN! Why do I have to appear so effeminate. Can't you tell by my large body and having no boobs." she said solemnly. 'Why do I feel uneasy, huh is it because she so innocent and I'm scared I'll taint her with my adultness...I don't know this situation just feels off.' Taka thought. "Hey where are your parents? Should you be up at this hour young lady!"
she asked in a follow up question using her man among men voice.

Her arms now crossed over themselves showing the universal sign for distrust. Takas lip curled in as she slowly bit the top of her lips. Takas eyes seemingly darted at the young girl. It seemed that Takas brain has decide shes a suspicious girl due to the early hour and that it seems no one is with her. 'Who leaves a kid on a rode, maybe shes one of the fishermen daughter.....her attire doesn't look that of one......ahhh such a pretty dress and she speaks so well. VERY CUTE.......a a a princess. Yes that dress could only be of a princess...Which means she must be lost, a lost princess. Wait....what am I thinking' Taka thought but before her logic could catch up with her thoughts she sputtered out words. "Wait..! I know!" Taka said allowed interrupting the princesses response to Takas earlier question. "You you must be a Princess lost from home and in a faraway land! Yes! I'm at your service my liege!" she spoke in the most gentlemanly manner and she even took and knee before the girl and offered up her own hand. Her head now looking into the dirt started to think and with herself knelled before the young lady she realized how foolish she must look. 'I'm way to impulsive....I look retarded right about now, I bet....I have to commit to this act....please correct me and say you aren't a princess. Oh gawd please don't play along....then I might make myself look like a fool even further!' Taka thoughts got increasingly more worried about how foolish she just looked.



Hearing the answer to her question did Akira make a jumping motion much like a child would. "Hmm no your're not I can hear it in your voice. I think I know a girl when I see one." Then, Akira gave a slight giggle not want this woman to put Akira on her bad side. When the question came out, *Where are your parents?* Akira put tapped her finger to her cheek as if she was in thought and she was, 'If only you really knew. Should I pull at the heart strings or just go with something else? This poor woman thinks she can try and decieve me by changing voices how funny.'

Akira watched this woman closely now wondering if she was being convincing enough. This woman obviously had to think about it. Akira loved watching people in confusion. Then she turned her head at the loud sound of the woman's voice. 'Did she say a princess. Ahh that sounds fun let's see how well we can play this part.' Akira thought to herself. "Yep that woulde be me! I was traveling with my family when we got separated. I don't even know where my guards went. So, now I am wandering to these big villages looking for them. I can't remember which one they were going to or why but they were." Akira saud this while looking around with a face of confusion. Then, she looked down. "You don't have to get on the ground silly it's no big deal. I am just another person like you." She would say while patting the girls head. While in her head she thought, 'Yeah right.' Then, with a look of wonder she said, "Are you magic because you are a really good guesser. "


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

"Hmm no your're not I can hear it in your voice. I think I know a girl when I see one. Yep that would've be me! I was traveling with my family when we got separated. I don't even know where my guards went. So, now I am wandering to these big villages looking for them. I can't remember which one they were going to or why but they were. You don't have to get on the ground silly it's no big deal. I am just another person like you. Are you magic because you are a really good guesser." The girl spoke.

'F**K, why do you have to do things like that. This girl.....this girll........is she just playing along? I'm not that good of a guesser...I mean she does look the part. But there is no way she could actually be a princess, could she. AH-CHA CHA CHA!' Taka thought. Her face scrunched up now realizing she was going to have to play along. Taka began to bring herself off her knees, her hands began to brush off the dirt on her right knee. She then looked at the girl and began to formulate a response. "M'am I am a man despite your inclination to think not....I am often....taken for a girl...due to certain circumstances. However that is not important....and my magical ability is more so luck of the draw. Now your highness is there anything I can do for you? Anyway I may help you, would you like me to treat you to some breakfast perhaps?" Taka said in her male voice.

Taka left leg began to wobble back and forth, her jaws began to move side to side and even more signs of being obviously nervous and her embarrassment began to show as by now her entire face was a crimson red. The words she said seemed as if she was trained to talk to royalty...but her body told a story of total stupidity and embarrassment...Quite the piece of work Taka is. 'This girl.....huh...this is so weird. I'm too trusting and now I'm stuck playing along with this girl. I don't wanna ruin her fun and plus I've already played into it and it seems some people have stopped and are watching whats happening' Taka thought. A few fishermen and there sons had stopped and are now peering at the two and talking about them, a couple threw around the phrase "Princess? Whats one doing here!"



Akira still stared at the woman. Akira wasn't dumb she could definitely tell it was a woman she was speaking too. "Hmmm alright if you say so. O no I'm alright for now. The only thing I want to do is find my parents and make new friends of course." Then, she smiled. 'Yeah right. This princess thing... ugg.. i don't see how people do this.' She thought to herself. As Akira looked closer at the woman and noticed she was moving... or shaking perhaps? "What are you afraid to be around a princess or something?" Akira woukd ask with a slight giggle. Then, she heard voices so she turned her head in their direction. Akira heard them speak the words princess. "Oh sorry. We were... uhhh.. playing a game!" Akira would say in her sweet voice. "Sorry for any confusion we may have caused."

After her head turned back, She gave a sigh and started to whisper, "I hope I convinced them. I can't have people spreading word I'm here. There are some mean people out there." Akira would say. 'Too bad you don't notice I'm one of them.' She would would think after speaking these words.


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

"Hmmm alright if you say so. O no I'm alright for now. The only thing I want to do is find my parents and make new friends of course."
"I think I can help you with that." Taka respond. 'Maybe she really did lose her parents and she just wants some help, shouldn't be to hard to find.' "What are you afraid to be around a princess or something?" the young princess said. Taka head jolted back as it seems she had been found out by the perceptive girl. 'Shit well what do I do now....just start looking around for her parents...I should ask some more' before Taka thought could finish the young princess voice interrupted "Oh sorry. We were... uhhh.. playing a game! Sorry for any confusion we may have caused."

When the words popped out of the young girls mouth all of Takas body seemed to relax and the tension seemed to just drop from her body. 'Thank god she was just playing a game with me, she is like 13....odd she'd go this far. This does bring up the question of what a girl like this is doing.' Taka thoughts sighed. Taka now looked at the girl and gave her another big smile and then the words that began to flow from the girls mouth confused herself even more. "I hope I convinced them. I can't have people spreading word I'm here. There are some mean people out there." the young Princess said. 'Wait....so she is a princess. Gah.....is she still playing or what...she must be serious or at least something. I'm just getting confused' Taka thought. Her hand reached up and began to rub her forehead in frustration, despite Taka not wanting to show it was easily tellable she was getting a bit frustrated with the situation. "Okay, okay Little Miss. Where too? Since you don't want breakfast, where did you last see your parents?" Taka asked.



Akira sat staring at the woman that rubbed at her forehead. 'Oh do I see a hit of confusion mayne even some anger this should be fun.' he thought to herself. "Hmm well the last place I saw them... was.. uhhh.. Well, we traveled through a really hot sandy place but then about a day and a half later I was lost. I just picked a direction to go and I was lucky it was here. If I just had directions to another village I could find them on my own." Akira said this but she put a look of thought on her face. "The place... the name it's right on the tip of my tongue.." She would say soon after with a slight sound of anger. There is no way anyone could not believe Akira. This was Akira's area of expertise and she didn't mind not fighting people as long as she could make them believe anything she wanted.

Out of nowhere, Akira felt something on her leg. 'What a cute little Spider.' Akira would think in her mind with sarcasm and then she had an idea. In order to make herself more believable she started to scream. "Eww gross! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!!" She would squeal as she moved around like a littkle girl would. Akira wondered how much more excitment this woukld add to their conversation.


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

"Hmm well the last place I saw them... was.. uhhh.. Well, we traveled through a really hot sandy place but then about a day and a half later I was lost. I just picked a direction to go and I was lucky it was here. If I just had directions to another village I could find them on my own. The place... the name it's right on the tip of my tongue.." the young girl said. 'I'm being lied to...who is this women....who the hell is this women. No way a 13 year old girl could travel the distance from the nearest desert in a day. Thats impossible.....who is she? Was that just a childish lie to play along....no shes gone to far for that....hmmm let me try something.' Taka thought. "Cha! You can stop lieing and tell me who you are. I think it'd be best if I just got the village guards." Taka said in a stern scolding voice. 'I wonder what kinda response that will get, maybe I can learn about her...she could be telling the truth. But her story....is just so of kilter and the cuteness she professes.....makes you wanna almost believe her dispute the obvious impossibility of her traveling that fast...she is a scary girl' . Her words may have come out but Taka showed no indication of going towards the guards, even though she made a threat.....mostly because if she did she might not get the best welcome possible, she wasn't exactly a local either.

Taka arms recrossed again and her finger tapped against her right arm. Her face was now stern and flat and she was giving a no shits given face. The young girl began to respond to Takas accusation but was quickly interrupted by Takas voice "Before you start speaking...know this. I don't care who you are and where you come from...I just hope you are a teenage girl whos lost. But you've perplexed me quite a bit and I'd like the truth." she said. Taka hoped her size and her stern adult posture would get the girl to cough up who she really was.



Akira jumped a slight bit at the woman's words. 'I know I didn't say anything wrong. Maybe this girl just didn't hear me right. What a pain.' Akira thought to herself. She stared at the woman after the comment about getting the guards but then she noticedshe didn't move. 'What was that a threat or something. Please fighting them would be like taking candy from a child but we don't want to have word spread about us. So, let's see what we can do here.' Akira thought to herself but her face stayed shocked. Then, a moment later Akira's face became sad looking and fake tears started rolling down her face. As she rubbed her eyes with one hand, she would speak while still crying. "I already told you who I am why don't you believe me? I've been walking around for days lost and I just want to find my parents. Their probably worried about me and they won't go home without the princess, which is me."

As Akira wiped her fake tears away, she noticed their were some people looking at her. *Who would make a little girl cry like that?* they were saying. Nobody at the village gates seemed to notice anything which was good. Akira didn't want them to see her until she was ready to enter the village. She wouldn't enter this time considering she had gotten herself mixed up in this and as soon as she got directions that she obviously doesn't need she plans to leave just to keep her story straight with these people.


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

"I already told you who I am why don't you believe me? I've been walking around for days lost and I just want to find my parents. Their probably worried about me and they won't go home without the princess, which is me." the girl spoke. Taka could tell the tear train was already coming and this situation was only going to get worse with the crying. Taka gritted her teeth as she tried to figure out what to do. She could feel the anger radiate off the villagers even a few began to walk over to defend the girl, but Taka wouldn't allow such a thing. "No, no, no....Its just...your story doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I don't know of any Kingdoms in the area. If its true like you say then I need to know the name of the kingdom and you'll be under my protection and watch until we find your parents." Taka said in a sweet voice. Taka pulled out a Kunai and quickly cut a shred of her wrapping and handed it to the girl. She hopped she'd use it so it'd look like she was at least trying to help.

Taka bent down in order to get on eye contact level with the girl. Taka reached out her hand and attempted to give the young girl a pat on the head. 'I've gotten in deep on this one....why does she actually have to look Princessey.....what to do. I could just run for it. But I can't leave someone like this...she could actually be a Princess....wait a second.................she said....that she wandered around for a day not that she...got here in a day. If thats true...why do her clothes look so fresh and nice...she could have gotten help. Gah this is so confusing.' Taka rummaged in her mind. Despite her now kind actions her face told the story of total bewilderment and her twitching eyebrow wasn't a good selling point.



Akira wasn't worried at all when she was asked the name of the Kingdom. She took the material from the woman and used it to wipe her eyes, "You might not have heard of it because it's not very large. We try to keep ourselves hidden so that bad people don't attack us. When, we do leave though we have some cool guards to keep us safe. The name is the Kingdom of Aki. It's called that because the king or queens name usually begins with Aki. My daddy's name is Akime and since one day I am gonna be queen my name is Akira. Get it?" Then Akira noticed that the woman was thinking and obviously confused about something. Akira didn't quite know what it could be so she thought over her words. She believed she already cleared up the Princess part. Hmmm.. what else could it be. Akira still wiping her eyes so the woman could not see her thoughts got it. Little girls can't just travel around by themselves and look as good as she did. This was something Akira usually forgot. So, with a sniffle Akira looked up and smiled, "You know you're the third nicest person I've met since I got lost." In her head, Akira laughed. 'Yeah and the most complicated to work with.' She thought.

Akira thought back to the guard threat and wondered why the woman didn't seem like she woukld actually do such a thing. 'Hmmm most kids are nosey so guess I can play that part.' Akira thought. "Why would a nice person like you be standing outside looking so angry when I arrived?" She would say with a slight turn of her head. Maybe, she could get something out of this but then again who knows what she will be told.


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

"You might not have heard of it because it's not very large. We try to keep ourselves hidden so that bad people don't attack us. When, we do leave though we have some cool guards to keep us safe. The name is the Kingdom of Aki. It's called that because the king or queens name usually begins with Aki. My daddy's name is Akime and since one day I am gonna be queen my name is Akira. Get it?" she said so sweetly.....Taka face now turned red...this wasn't a red of embarrassment but the shade of frustration. 'Lies....total bullshit.......I've traveled the world for many years and never heard of them at all.'Taka thought. Takas finger started to move slowly up and down tapping against her forearm as she listened to the womans lies. "You know you're the third nicest person I've met since I got lost." she spoke... 'Huh that lines up with my own way of thinking....she might be covering her tracks. I'm going to assume she isn't telling the whole truth. But...there must be something I can do to help her' Taka thought. "Well thank you" Taka said with a slight blush. 'No ignore the young girls compliments...but I guess I am pretty nice. I mean I'm listening to all her madness and kinda just going along with it. She might really just be playing a game and messing with me. Theres so many questions' Taka brain fluttered.

"Why would a nice person like you be standing outside looking so angry when I arrived?" she said. 'SHIT I'm all worried about her sketchyness....but out of the two of us I must look like a mega weirdo...no wondered the damn people are on her side.' Taka worried. Taka was totally caught off guard by the question and without ever really coming up with a good reason for being her she attempted to respond as the silence between the Princess asking a question and her responding was getting suspicious as if Taka was thinking up her own lie. "Well....uh you see. Uh....I'm uhh....you know...the thing with the other thing...and you know like stuff." Taka sputtered to her. 'I'm a idiot....its offical' Taka lamented. Taka attempted to cover her silly words with extremely stupid looking smile.



Akira smiled at the stuttering woman, "Cat got your tongue?" She asked jokingly. 'This isn't going to get me anywhere as much as I like messing with people I don't feel like playing anymore.' Akira thought in her mind. She felt that having her own kind of fun was alright but after a while of nothing she eventually had to move on. Akira looked up at the sky by this time the sun had already risen very much. Seemed like Akira had been here for a little while. After a moment of looking, she finally made a surprised looking face. "I must not waiste anymore time here! I have to go find them!" Akira said in a frantic sounding voice. Quickly, she took the black bag off her back and pulled out a white button with a red dot in the middle. Akira stuck the button in the palm of the woman's hand. "This is so you'll remember me and I'll remember you when I see it. Also, if you see my parents they'll know I was here. Guess I will get directions on the way." She was moving around almost as if she was in a panic. Then, soon enough she was moving down the road at a very fast pace but of course only the speed of a normal little girl. 'Well, that was somethig it's more fun when they believe you.' Akira thought.


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

"Cat got your tongue? I must not waiste anymore time here! I have to go find them! This is so you'll remember me and I'll remember you when I see it. Also, if you see my parents they'll know I was here. Guess I will get directions on the way."

Taka hand grasped at the button and she graciously accepted it and Takas hand gripped onto to it. The simple jesture caused a large smile to move across Takas face "A....a...a..token of friendship" Taka spoke softly. The girl moved in a fluster and attempted to make her escape. Taka snapped into action, the girl had already taken a few steps but due to her slow speed Taka knew it'd be easy to catch the girl. Taka knew she could let her go on her own and so without thinking Taka bolted after the young girl. Takas feet began to kick up dirt as she moved closer to the girl. Takas longer legs made it much easier to catch the girl and Taka quickly made herself to the side of the young girl.

"Where we headed too exactly, Miss?" Taka said with a grandious smile. 'This girl wants to get away from me now it seems....or something weird. Did I do something lewd? No no no, I wasn't even thinking of stuff like that. Did I come off like a bad guy. NO. Huh......confusing girl this is, just who the hell is she' Takas mind mulled over. Taka made sure to keep a few feet between them but it seemed the girl was going slow enough that Taka might even be able to walk as fast this run was going. Taka keep her legs pumping and didn't go to a walk, she didn't want to make it seem like she was making fun of how fast the Princess was running. 'Well she certainly is running like a little girl, but shes a teenage....she could have had....sex by now!' Taka thought. A sudden "Mwa!" was yelped aloud in suprise at the thought.



Akira thought that maybe the woman would stay put and let her leave. Then, she heard the woman speak to her. 'Guess that's not gonna happen.'Akira thought with disappointment. She suddenly stopped and tapped her finger on her cheek, "Well I am going to another big village of course. You don't have to come it looked like you were busy. Besides, I'm 13 now I can take care of myself because I'm older now." Akira would say in her sweet girl voice. 'Now just go away already.' Her thoughts full of anger 'I don't like being annoyed.' She smiled a big smile and then turned to continue walking hoping that this lady would leave her alone. Eventually, she would have to get some kind of hint that Akira didn't want her around anymore.

'Why does this woman spend si much time asking about me when she doesn't tell anything about herself?' Akira thought. It was rather odd because usually if you want to kniw something you tell something in return it was only right. This made Akira start to wonder about the woman. Was she a Konoha Ninja? Was she kicked out of Konoha? Why was she standing outside of the gate instead of going in None of it made sence to Akira but the sooner she got away from this woman the less she would have to deal with it.


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

The young girl halted and her cute hand reached to her face and began to tap her own cheek. It seemed she might be thinking about something or another, Taka wasn't sure what she was planning or thinkning about. In this cute way Akira began to speak "Well I am going to another big village of course. You don't have to come it looked like you were busy. Besides, I'm 13 now I can take care of myself because I'm older now." . Taka was a bit suprised at the fact she had turn to being so against Taka helping. The girl then began to pick up speed and start to walk away. Taka simply followed in step and keep going along with her, 'Wonder where she is going the silly girl' Taka thought. "You may look like you can take care of yourself, however any old person could rob and do many things to you. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if a girl like you was found dead or worse!" Taka said in the way a mother would talk to a child.

It seemed to a degree to be a odd altercasion at this point but Taka wouldn't let up, 'She might have family nearby I'll have to see if she heads back to them or what. Maybe I should just let her off the hook. No I can't...she might have lied to me and I'm still quite confused. I have little concrete evdience. She could be a rich mans daughter. I have no idea, but I should help her home.' Taka pondered. Taka gripped the button and held onto it tight into her hand. "Lets just find your home, okay? Once I find your parents I'll leave you be. So why don't you tell me about yourself...something non-princess related?" Taka asked. She tried to word the question as a outting to her admiting she wasn't a princess without making Akira directly say it.



Akira listened to the woman talk, 'Oh if only you knew' She thought to hersekf the whole time. Now Akira could tell this woman would be stuck to her. She couldn't have this woman walk arounf with her she would have to decide something else. Once more Akira stopped and made a small sniffling sound. "That's not gonna work. My parents are dead. I lied I'm not a princess but I've always wanted to feel like one. I've been alone for a long time but the people in my village always look after me so I kind of feel like it's my own kingdom. I am really thirteen and I can take care of myself. That's what living alone does to you. So, you don't have to worry about me. I'm sorry I lied to you but the button is real you can keep it. How's that not Princess for you?" She would ask in a sad voice. Akira kept her head down and had a disappointed look on her face. 'Let's see how this works.' Akira thought in her head.

She kept her head low and held the little stuffed bunny close to her. It angered Akira to talk about parents. It reminded her of how the people in these villages killed her own parents, murdered her friends, and destroyed her village. These villages were nothing to her and one day she dreamed of destroying them just as they did her own people.


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

"That's not gonna work. My parents are dead. I lied I'm not a princess but I've always wanted to feel like one. I've been alone for a long time but the people in my village always look after me so I kind of feel like it's my own kingdom. I am really thirteen and I can take care of myself. That's what living alone does to you. So, you don't have to worry about me. I'm sorry I lied to you but the button is real you can keep it. How's that not Princess for you?" the young Princess said. Taka face jumped up for a moment and Taka slowly moved her head to look at the poor girl. Akiras head was facing towards the ground as if she was ashamed or distraught at simply talking about the subject. Taka let out a long sigh, 'So that explains it....poor girl' Taka thought. The tone and pity in Akira voice let Taka know she was letting out the truth of her situation. Taka looked away, she seemed dejected and her fist clinched a bit harder on the button that was given to herself. Taka move her head back towards Akira. "I-i'm sorry. Theres only one lie I notced in your speech that time. You are a Princess." Taka said softly. The two walked in slience for a bit before Taka worked up the courage to speak again.

'No wonder its seemed like she was getting frustrated with me, I'm trying to show her caring...she isn't use to that from people. I'm guessing shes tried to shut herself off from emtions like that. I'm such a idiot....such a idiot' Taka thought. "Life is fleeting, huh. I should know. You know Akira...Akira, what a pretty name. You know I'm sorry that happened to you, If I could I'd take your pain and the worlds pain away and accept it with bliss I would I would. But thats meaningless" a short pause happened in Taka speech. Taka moved her hand to try and gentely grab Akira and turn her so that they faced each other. Taka face was warm, it was different then before...it seemed to warm the air around her and push away the cold morning air...Takas blue eyes seemed to swirl and move like calm ocean waves that would lightly crash into your legs and fill you with the joy and happyniess of adventure. "What where their names? If you don't mind me asking, I'd like to pray for their souls to find peace so they can watch their wonderful daughter blossom into a wonderful person." she said lightly.



As they continued to walk Akira listened to the woman. This woman was very kind and sweet but Akira didn't care. The thought of this woman finally believing Akira made her happy. On the inside she grinned and evil grin. However, on the outside the tears flowed like a knife cutting butter. "You really think that I am a Princess?" Akira said as she stared at the ground sniffling. 'Ahh this just got a lot more interesting' Akira thought. On the outside, her eyes were blurred with tears even though they were fake she was still believable.

As Akira listened to the woman continue though, it felt as if the inside of her body was on fire. She was full of rage. 'This woman doesn't kniw anything about my pain. I'm sure she may have lost some loved ones same as I but there is no way she coukld have been hurt as bad. These people only care about pain when it's their own they never stop to think about others. My clan my family they died for no reason. They were killed because if the fear and cruelty of others. These people will never understand what it's like to live in hiding, have little food and water, work all day in a field, or even train just so you can find a bit of love or maybe even be noticed. They're all nothing more than liers and good for nothing murderers. Someone will put them in the same place my clan was when we were attcked for no reason and it will be me!' These thoughts ran through her mind. Even with the amount of expertise she had in diguising herself she couldn't hold back all her anger it showed in her eyes and her balled fists. Then, the woman asked their names so they could be prayed for. She lightened up a bit and brought herself back to this small girl she was supposed to be playing. "Their names were Enma and Akime." Akira said once more and she let loose a small tear that rolled down her cheek and fell to the ground. Akira's face showed real surprise because for a moment she thought the tear was real but then she started to convince herself it wasn't. Akira was never aloud to cry she must take all emotion and leave it to herself. This is what she was taught and this is how she would keep it.


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

"You really think that I am a Princess?" she said. Taka smiled widly "Yes, you can be anything you want." she said with a laugh. Takas hand lifted up and slowly pressed against her skin moving the small droplets of tears away from Akiras cloudy eyes. Taka looked down towards her hand which was clinched in total anger. Something was off about this....'Shes crying yet she.....she has anger underneath. Something was bubling under the sadness...rage. Poor....soul......shes in pain and that pain must give her anger and sadness.' Taka wondered.The young girl responded to her question "Their names were Enma and Akime.". Taka paused for a moment and she moved forward a little and then move her large arms around the little girl and squeezed onto her lightly. Taka moved her mouth to the young girls ear and the cool even breath pressed onto Akira ear..it might have even tickled a little. It was kinda odd Taka gave her a hug...but for Taka it was something normal..she was a affectante and loving person.

Taka hand reached out and grabbed onto the young girls hand. Taka didn't push hard onto it, but placed her fingers onto Akiras fingers and slowly tried to push them open. "You know....its okay to let it out though...but my father once t-t-told." Taka stuttered for a moment thinking about her own fathers death. Quickly she snapped back "Told me that a fist should only be drawn when you are defending your loved ones or protecting yourself" Taka said solemnly. Taka dropped to her knees and released Akiras hand. "Take all your anger....all your rage....put it on me. If you must....go to angers furthest extent." she said with a large smile across her face. Takas hand stayed by her side and her knukles touch the ground due to her being on her knees, she looked up at Akira "Hit me. PROTECT YOURSELF!!!"

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