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Flare in the Snow

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1Flare in the Snow Empty Flare in the Snow Sun Oct 12, 2014 7:41 am



A hundred, no, more a thousand ninja in this world were capable of producing the most basic fire style Jutsu. Oboro was included in this group. Generally, he focused his training primarily on his Gomu abilities. He constantly used Bungee Gomu to protect himself as well as make offensive advances. This sticky substances was his basic toolbox support, having many uses but requiring so little Chakra. This was indeed his ace in the hole. However he relied to heavily on it. Upon combat against those wielding sharp edged swords...it wasn't nearly as useful as Oboro would like for it to be. Considering Bukijutsu was the second most popular method of close range fighting, his toolbox was able to be defeated so easily. This was obviously an issue to someone who was absolutely obsessed with being stronger than any man before him. This is where his lineage would come in.

The Uchiha were proud people. Whether or not he claimed the name or not had no results on his pride. From the very first records of the Uchiha, Indra, the Uchiha were known for two things. The first being their ultimately powerful Doujutsu, the Sharingan. This was a tool that Oboro already had at his disposal. The second was their renown for their ability to conjure storms of pure hot ash. The clan was known for the strongest fire style Jutsu techniques this world had ever seen. This was indeed in Oboro's blood. He took had the potential for destroying an entire forest with one simple jutsu. This would be his secondary toolbox, the mastery of the flames. Though Oboro of the Flame didn't quite sound as good as Oboro of the Gomu. He would have to deal with it. Or he could simply remove the life of anyone who refused to address him by the title he preferred. Seemed simple enough.

The dream that Oboro found himself submerged in was absolutely and ultimately blissful. He sat in a forest of snow, butt on the ground leaving an imprint in the field of white. No footprints led to the spot in which he was sitting because truly, he never walked to this spot. This was where he showed up and yet he hasn't moved one step from this spot. Though, oddly enough the snow around him seemed to be slowly melting. Only the snow near him however. Odd enough, his skin was getting hot and gaining a red tint. He seemed to be radiating heat, burning away at the peacefully cool snow. This frustrated Oboro intensely. Though that was the primary issue as well. The angrier he grew, the hotter he became. Soon a fire was visible around his body. He was radiating a flaming aura, melting away even the snow pouring from the sky up to nearly ten feet away. "What the hell is happening here?" Oboro asked himself. What exactly was his body doing? As he stood and attempted to walk around, he soon began setting the trees around him afire as well. The entire forest of where he liked to spend his relaxation time began turning to ash and cinder. He had no clue what to do in this situation. He couldn't smother all of this fire with Gum and the lack of Suiton left in quite a sticky situation. All pun intended. So he was stuck, creating his own problem, unable to stop it.

At that moment he awoke, immediately realizing what this dream meant. He was an Uchiha but was unable to harness his fire. By fire, he was subliminally referring to his rage in his heart. The reason for all of these Uchiha harnessing fire style wasn't pure coincidence, it was so that they could transfer the fury of their soul into a powerful, destructive element. Katon was a sort of medium for their rage. With a destructive nature such as fire, they could harness beautiful flickering destruction. This was obviously a much more humane way that to just murder in cold blood. By burning someone alive you are turning them to ash, offering their body to nature, allowing them to become one with the earth.

Oboro immediately set out to begin his training. He only knew one fire style Jutsu for the moment and that one was only of B rank. It paled in comparison to the one that he wished to master. Fire Style, Great Fire Destruction was his ultimate goal. This was known to be the strongest fire style Jutsu that anyone could learn. Anything stronger would generally be seen as either illegal or a sage art. Those too were near grasp. Oboro laughed to himself quietly at the thought of such raw power.

Oboro walked miles. A few, to dozens, to hundreds of miles were crossed before he felt he was far enough from his precious forest. He would not allow his dream to come true fore it was absolutely devastating to even consider. So once he was clear out of reach of the forest and his village he began training.

The terrain he currently resided in was that of his dream, snowy. Though this was not a forest as it was before. This one was a simply plain covered in rocks and frozen water. The conditions would make it tougher for Oboro to muster up a flame in his throat, though he wouldn't be going back home until the Jutsu was completed. This lack of habitat would push him to the brink of exhaustion but if that was what it takes, he didn't even mind. His mentality would not change until his technique was perfected.

His first day was spent in basic exertion. He attempted the Jutsu well over one hundred times. Rat, Ox, Dog, Horse, Monkey, Boar, Tiger over and over again. While he performed all seven is less than two seconds, his Chakra began to run low after his hundredth or so attempt. His body was absolutely exhausted. This definitely was not the resolve of someone who held power. How could he expect to catch up to those ahead of him and not know any S rank Techniques. He purely pitied himself at that moment. He wouldn't be well known without having a Jutsu that struck fear into the hearts of others. No one would tremble at his name simply if hearing of Bungee Gomu. He needed this massive breath of a dragon. He needed to burn it all to the ground. But the only thing burning was his flesh as the ice around him infected every cell in his body. Rat, Ox, Dog, Horse, Monkey, Boar, Tiger: over and over again. His body began rejecting his efforts as he fell unconscious in the frost, unable to stop his own blunder. He fell face first into the frozen desert, body motionless.

Upon his awakening, he had no clue how long it had been since he'd fallen into his frozen slumber. Barely able to lift himself, he forced himself to make his way to the snow village, limping in the light snowfall. After traveling for what seemed an hour, lights could be seen off in the distance, providing a guide for his attempt at life. Looking at his arm, it was clear that he'd been stricken by frostbite. His flesh was bright red and turning black and it was clearer than ever that he needed a medic as soon as possible. His arm would surely be lost if left unattended.

Upon asking the people around the village, he gained knowledge necessary for his survival. There was a woman in the the village that was capable of healing him without any issue. She commonly opened her home as a free clinic and would be more than willing to assist the Uchiha. Her name was Selene and loved helping others. She lived a short distance down the street but was currently assisting a family with their sick dog.

At first glance it was clear that this woman had a strong heart. She had a look of great concern on her face as she treated to the sick pup, making sure to comfort the whole way through. Oboro observed this kindness from through window outside her home and awed at her simple aspiration to help others. Her heart too was strong an shelf great potential, though not in fighting but in healing the damages done by fighting. She was a different breed of strength. He knocked on her door as he saw her finished up with the creature. She opened the door before immediately looking at the man and evaluating his wounds. "You have frostbite stretching from your elbow to upper shoulder. Please step inside immediately." She said with a stern voice. As he mad his way inside, it was clear that the house was slightly run down. However, it was clear that this clinic also acted as a home. The waiting room was essentially a living room, featuring all the furniture that would be present in a modern day home. 'How cute.' Oboro thought to himself.

She took him to the back room before patching him up with her Iryo Ninjutsu. His arm looked fresh as he made his way into the blizzard once more. It was time to conquer this blasted Jutsu. However, he was going to try something else now. He wouldn't use simple fire breath, he would make it flare. It would be snazzy and exciting. It would be talked about. And only the Uchiha could reproduce the result. He would somehow use the spin of his sharingan to spin the flame, creating a sort of vortex. He'd gotten the idea as Selene rubbed his frostbite wound circularly, forcing his sharingan to active beneath the contacts because of sheer pain. He could replicate this Chakra flow in a class stream of fire.

Once again away from the village, Oboro practiced over and over again simply focusing his Chakra. Using a snowball he placed on his chest, he rolled it around his core in a circle using nothing but his Chakra for an hour. This wasn't as easy at you would think, as it took a master of ninjutsu over an sixty odd tries to be able to such a simply task. However, he was now able to focus his Chakra in such a manor.

He remembered the time he was at the library researching Jutsu in his adolescence. Rather more than one visit was there, he spent many days of accumulating knowledge. He studied and studied, particularly of Katon Jutsu and their requisite. It seemed as if the more speaks put into the Jutsu, the more powerful it would be. Most S ranks had anywhere between five and ten hand seals, allowing them to reach maximum power. Perhaps elongating the number of speaks required would give him the boost he needed.

In the field of snow, the flakes crystalized in mid air, freezing completely before touching the ground. The frozen rain fell and coated the flesh and hair of the Uchiha as he made his hand signs over and over again. Though now he was making his own. This went on for an hour before he realized this method was pointless.

"Damn this. Damn it all. I'll just use the breath." After making his seals of confrontation, fire emerged from his lungs. Not just a small bit, but a massive stream. Now he had to control it. He breathed again, though was only able to direct the flame to the right. It immediately smacked against a rock, flames scattering everywhere. However, he wouldn't stop there. In his first five tries, he was able to change its direction only once. By attempt nine, he could move it twice, though at different angles. At try 15, he could cork it like a screwball, making it do a half circle and leaving a trail behind it. He was so close that he could taste it. One last try...

He activated his signs of confrontation and have out the biggest flame possible. It not only screwed, but cooked multiple times, leaving a definite trail behind it, burning down a massive amount of snow. He'd finally created his own Uchiha technique.

WC: 2033

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