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The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Pixel

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The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!?

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1The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Empty The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:53 am


Konoha Anbu
Konoha Anbu


As member of Konohas Anbu it was his job to hunt out various criminals the ranks and bounties differed.  But this one was from Konoha and man who had raped a little girl and managed to escape the prison that was used to specifically hold ninja criminals.  This would a situation where Alder would likely have to interrogate him before erasing his body to bury Konoha’s secrets.  By picking the land of snow, a minor country with no direct ties to the Fire Nation he got to hideout out without fear of being turned over.  Alder had been thorough having read over the mission and his bingo book entry it was clear what he must do and for the most part what he was up against.  This man was a master of taijutsu and suiton user. He wasn’t Alder’s ideal opponent at all.  But the higher ups had picked and no one demanded successes from him more than himself.  
In travelers clothes and a cloak he approached town from what looked like path.  It was hard to tell because of the wind would whip up the snow covering most foot prints.  But it looked like formations that had been on his map.

Entering the village was not an issue the town border policy was lax and the countries lord had received warning that he would be here.  The town was busy with people on the street none of whom were deterred by the temperature because they were used to it, it was rather warm.  Alder could have sworn he saw someone eating ice cream.  The Land of Snows economy was chiefly supported by technology.  The items they made and exported were unique.  This city was a decent place a deserter to disappear and enjoy their self the problem though was Salem wasn’t interested in living quietly.
Criminal activity seamed to resonate around the bars and ports.  Alder stopped in on the closest bar to trains and docks. “Its so cold!” Alder spoke to no one in particular and rubbed his hands together

(ooc I temporarily quit this mission. I started many months ago b4 my return and just can't get into it right now unless Xi Xi joins soon)

2The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Empty Re: The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Sun Sep 28, 2014 5:58 pm

Xi Xi

Konoha Anbu Captain
Konoha Anbu Captain

A giant of a man had fell upon his feet from the skies as he had traveled from Konoha, The Land of Fire. Hazama had been migrating for two days with slight stops in between the realms of the world. Hazama looked back into the forest to make sure no one else was following suit as he had recently jumped off the last branch, and into a pile of snow. Hazama's skin immediately felt the effects of below zero. His eyes began to bulge as his chakra began to flow more effectively through them, activating his wonderful Kekkei Genkai. Hazama was looking for a man named, Salem someone who deserved punishment. Hazama's doujutsu began to canvas the area as his shinobi attire began to warm itself up to sooth away the cold form his pores. He found a steep pathway of vestiges giving indication that, Hazama wasn't the only one here who was going towards the so called criminal genius. The Kageken ejected himself from the frozen ground traveling landing directly upon the rooftop of a bar. If he were to drop down, it would be about a sixty meter jump upon his target. As he sat upon the bar he began his regulation as his eyes had found an accomplice, Malik.

Hazama knew he was the one who had appeared before him, a member under his position. The Anbu Captain waited quietly in the shadows above the bar as the howling wind pelted the snow a little heavier making vision obscured to untrained eyes. He began to withdraw, a kunai from his right hip pouch. This was going to end swiftly.

Chakra Remaining- 290

3The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Empty Re: The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Mon Sep 29, 2014 12:48 am


Konoha Anbu
Konoha Anbu

“Let me have something have something warm to drink please.”  Taking the cup he brought it to the table of some shady looking people sitting together in furthest corner of the bar.  In front of them were some documents and below the table were some tools.  “You don’t mind if I join you?” Pulling up chair quickly he put at the end of the booth.  “I just hate drinking alone, you know?” Two guys and the end of the booth immediately jump up one of the men next to him grab the paper out of Alder’s arms length.
What hell are you doin fuck off. Nobody invited you over here.” Reaching for Alder’s collar Alder gets up out the way quickly knocking over his beverage in the process. “What the hell man!” Getting up and out of the booth they pushed past him and exited the bar. “Apologizing to everyone for the ruckus he insisted on cleaning up the mess and grabbed a towel from the bar.  This also served as gap so he could some time and space between the men he would be following. After cleaning up he left some money on the table, since the men hadn't left a tip and he left the bar.

They had not journey far and were at the docks edge arguing and gesturing making reference the paper.  The most have worked out whatever problem they were having and started walking. With plenty of distance and buffers Alder tailed them like professionally trained shinobi he was. They shouldn't been able to tell they were being followed by him unless they had someone on their side watching them

4The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Empty Re: The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Mon Sep 29, 2014 1:20 am

Xi Xi

Konoha Anbu Captain
Konoha Anbu Captain

Hazama did not follow, or make his authority known to his unknowing co-operator. The Hyuuga simply held his tongue, and watched from afar. He jumped off the roof top of the bar landing onto another building, that seemed to sell tourist items such as shirts, coffee mugs, and calenders none of which had brought any type of interest towards the Hyuuga. His Byakugan still blazed, as he shifted his left and right palms into his pocket. The gale begin to push a little harder making Malik disappear less visible to all but the Kageken himself. Hazama placed his left foot upon the edge of the rooftop gazing at the surroundings. It appeared Alder the Uzumaki was following someone, he knew of this boy, but he didn't know of Kageken, himself. It was sometimes speculated that he didn't even exist but that was going to change very quickly.

Was, Alder's gut leading him in the right direction? Only time would tell. Time itself was something Hazama had plenty of. He was a very patient man, and if it wasn't for such a cold climate he would go to sleep now, but it might have granted him hypothermia as a welcoming gift, one he refused to accept. As Alder, and company began to roam further, Hazama continued the pace by scaling the roof tops. He would not follow upon the earth where they laid carpets of snow as each footstep would bunch together the sound of snow, and ice. Currently Hazama stood upon another roof top, settling the distance to thirty five meters. He could take a second, and wipe the target clean off the map, but the two men were not the ones who had been marked. He would wait for Salem to make his appearance.

Chakra 283

5The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Empty Re: The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Mon Sep 29, 2014 7:58 am


Konoha Anbu
Konoha Anbu

Consulting their paper they stopped in front of one of the boats and whispered something to the guard standing by.  Nodding he left and right before moving on.  Fifteen minutes later they were back holding a large crate and walking down the ramp. Not even a minute later the guard returns with his face in a newspaper.  Making haist they brought to a small building down the road. One with no windows and there couldn’t be more than two rooms.  Giving them few minutes get settled Alder goes to the door. Painted red the sign read Polar Shipping.  The door didn’t appear to be booby trapped and the people who were being tailed had not done anything special to get in.  Opening the door he walked it.  The room was plain and had one woman in it behind a large desk that blocked the view of her lower half.
“Hello welcome to Polar Shipping!” She said this rather forced like she had said it a hundred times before.
“Hey I was actually looking for the guy who came in before me, well one o them.  You see he I actually owe him an apology. You know what I’ll just tell him. SIR! Sir! Guy from bar. Putting on a confused expression he looked to the flustered receptionist.
“You can’t  go back there and even you could no one is there to hear you.” Shuffling under the table Alder didn’t let this shift escape his sight. “It must have been the building next door.  I assure you there is no one there.

Below the building watching from a camera a man scolds the four men who had brought the boat shipment

6The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Empty Re: The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Tue Sep 30, 2014 8:55 pm

Xi Xi

Konoha Anbu Captain
Konoha Anbu Captain

(Sorry, my muse is fading)

Waves of snow began to hide the shadow of Malik. With each step he took he moved closer down the pathway of confrontation. Hazama's eyes weren't oblivious to anything in this world. He even had a pretty good estimate, on how things were going to turn out. No injuries to himself, and a few bodies sleeping soundly, and no severe property damage, besides a broken window or two. The Kageken jumped down from his place of solitude landing in the huddle of soft white ice. Moving towards the direction, Malik went he paused for a moment about three meters from the door. It seemed as, if someone was giving a lecture, and four students were being graded. Hazama shifted his hands inside his pockets, as he waited a bit longer for the time to pass by.

7The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Empty Re: The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Fri Oct 03, 2014 5:19 am


Konoha Anbu
Konoha Anbu

Having had enough knowing already where his target had went to quickly body flickers behind the woman hitting her in the back of the neck just hard enough for to pass out. Heading to the room behind her he looks out for traps. First putting an ear to the door he opens the door slowly. Emerging into the back room it was plain a few storage boxes and crates. Malik knew that the walls and roof weren’t thick enough to hide the men and came to conclusion that there must be a sub room. Without moving things around he searched until he saw crates that had slid back and forth so often that the floor that there was distinct pattern left behind. Lifting the lid the box slid back revealing the hidden floor beneath.
Chakra 255/260 100

8The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Empty Re: The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Sun Oct 05, 2014 11:40 am

Xi Xi

Konoha Anbu Captain
Konoha Anbu Captain

The winter breeze was calling for it's village. It swept across the land giving everyone with-in its reach a strong caresses.  It was cold, and the degrees was well below -45. Hazama wasn't fond of this place at all. He didn't like the cold, and he'd rather be in Konoha relaxing under the shades of the trees. He, however had business to take care of first. Hazama was tailing, Malik to see how well he worked undercover. More like an onsite job performance review, he was a mystery shopper, and was marking the survey. Hazama's left palm grasped the cold metal door. As soon as he stepped through the frame he instantly felt the warmth around him, and it felt nice. It made him smile mildly the woman before him remained inactive, and it made Hazama slightly ponder, Malik's thought on incognito. Hazama picked up the damsel, and gently placed her upon an orange sofa to rest her head. He drizzled a brown quilt over her body before returning to the entrance gate of the building. He took a sign, and placed it upon the door. It read. Out to lunch. He sealed the door shut behind him locking it from the inside.  Hazama made his way over to a coffee mug where it seemed that was hot chocolate that the assistant had made before she was forced to take a nap. Hazama clasped the steaming cup with both hands, and began to sip the cup lightly. He chuckled a bit as it seemed he had gotten whip cream upon his upper lip.
The Hyuuga shook his head from left to right, and spoke softly, and aloud to himself.

"Sloppy...just sloppy, Malik."

He said as he took another sip of his beverage.

9The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Empty Re: The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Sun Oct 05, 2014 2:30 pm


Konoha Anbu
Konoha Anbu

Malix had herd Hazama walk in and it had stopped him from descending into the building’s basement.   He closed the lid on the crate close the passage and hid his presence so that he could get the jump on whoever had entered. When Hazama walked through all his mistakes had become overwhelmingly obvious.  Surprised and embarrassed not only had he carelessly left the body he should have locked up.  His mouth opened and closed, he wasn't one to make excuses he would own up to where he went wrong. Stepping out in clear view, not that he was hidden from those eyes; Malik immediately began to confirm his inadequacies.  “Your right my work was poor, and rushed.  I should have locked the door in addition to taking better care with bystanders.”  Malik also wanted to elaborate on what he could do to better improve on the mission so far but it would have to be in the report because he didn't want to take the chance he could be heard.  This would only reveal his abilities to enemies and Malik didn’t want any further embarrassments.  But if he was at liberty to speak he would have said the door should have been sealed and the woman places under genjutsu.  “My apologies, will you be leading from here?”  Normally he would have pointed out the way but the Captain needed no assistance and he surely had been watching this entire time.

My WC so far 1,271

10The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Empty Re: The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Sun Oct 05, 2014 10:02 pm

Xi Xi

Konoha Anbu Captain
Konoha Anbu Captain

Hazama silently took another sip of his delight. Hot chocolate always warms the soul, it was relaxing yet gave him renewed warmth to his body. He grasped an alternate coffee mug in his free hand, extending his limb to his associate.

"Here try some. It's very good"

He stated as he pressed his spine back into the frame of a chair. His Byakugan continued to gather details about Salem's operations here. He wasn't bothered by, Malik's words he seemed to understand that rushing could sometimes lead to mistakes. Hazama stood up, chugging the rest of his hot chocolate, and dipped the mug into an empty sink.

"I'm just here to lend a hand. You're were here first, I'll ask you how do you want to proceed with the mission? Are you going to bust a couple heads or slit a few throats?"

He asked casually, as he ran the water gently over his fingers. He wondered what Malik would choose. Go in loud, and finish them off quickly or go in silently, while waiting for the right time to strike. Neither option was incorrect, and whatever he choose his Captain would be right there to lend him a hand.

11The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Empty Re: The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Mon Oct 06, 2014 1:49 am


Konoha Anbu
Konoha Anbu

Malik wasn’t one to stop during a mission so he felt uncomfortable accepting the cup to drink. But he took it anyway if only to just be polite. At least it was hot chocolate and not coffee.

“Thank you, it is quite cold.” The cup was warm in his hands which help the blood to better circulate. Emptying the cup his mouth slightly puckered and he spewed out a small amount of something that wasn’t hot chocolate. Around the lip of the cup it melted removing his dna. The paste would also evaporate so that his technique wouldn't remain for study.
Malik considered the mission objective. Missing ninja were to be executed that was policy. However it might be helpful to learn how he escaped. The thugs that were with him were criminals of the Land of Snow so if they needed to be taken down then they had to be turned over to those in charge of this country.
“I will interrogate the target onsite and see if I can learn how he escaped. Then he shall face the acid treatment. It messy but I have not learn Body Elimination. Have you picked up anything useful?” He was referring to his captains bloodline limit.

12The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Empty Re: The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Wed Oct 08, 2014 12:17 am

Xi Xi

Konoha Anbu Captain
Konoha Anbu Captain

Hazama nodded silently as he prepared fully for combat. He spoke to the young associate of his with a single suggestion to his plan.

"Are you going in loud or silently? I prefer to get this over as soon as possible."

He said as he yawned.

"I've got a nap to get back too, He said as he walked over to the power box, and shut off all the lights inside of the estate. His Byakugan continued to shelter the darkness from his eyes. The Evil Eye, showed him all he needed to know. He withdrew his shooting star, and spoke upon Malik.

"The only thing I can tell you is that there is a total of one dozen men inside, and the only one who is trained as a shinobi as far as my knowledge goes is Salem. Let's get started."

Hazama said as he made his way down into the deep of abyss behind the hidden floor. Hazama's bow was tugged back with his left hand, as he nocked an arrow with his right. He polarized the bow string before it lost it's polarity. The arrow shot swift, and silently hitting two targets with one blow seeding them impaled into a wooden crate. They had been executed without a second thought. The Hyuuga stood still with in the shades of darkness as he waited for, Malik to make his first move.

13The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Empty Re: The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Wed Oct 08, 2014 1:37 am


Konoha Anbu
Konoha Anbu

Malik wondered if this was subtle jab at him. Walking towards the crate that hid the entrance to the underground facility Malik opened the lid that would open the path.
“If there is only one trained opponent then there would be no benefit it slow tactics.   They already know we are here.”
Descending down the path that had been hidden Malik didn’t wait any longer for his Captain. Numbers weren’t all that important when the force was unskilled.   Right off the bat Hazama manages to drop two people.  Some of the men flinched while others proceeded forward.  Alder still intending to have them arrested tried something gentler.  Two jutsu followed one after the other as he ran it would take a just a few seconds to reach them, without body flicker.   His body started secrete a clear mucus Way of the slug: Mucus secretion.  In the middle of the men who had proceeded forward in spite of their comrades falling we subjected to flurries of kicks to the legs, stomach and chest.  In the middle of this barrage of taijutsu Alder weaved more signs Way of the Slug: Phlegm blackout .  By the time the jutsu would take affect they would have been knock out through blows given by Malik, but they would stay down and be alive.
Chakra 250/260

14The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Empty Re: The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Fri Oct 10, 2014 7:49 pm

Xi Xi

Konoha Anbu Captain
Konoha Anbu Captain

The elite Hyuuga, plucked another arrow from his quiver, and placed it inside the mouth of the shooting star. As he nocked he he scanned the area with his byakugan. He released the falling star from it's home as it homed into it's mark driving four men off their feet, and into the a pallet of stone. His bow withdrew itself back into it's birth state. His optics wandered around the area slightly as he visually grasped Malik, preforming his task. He wandered across the realm of the decomposing flesh, as they were surrounded by a solid mass of the lifeless. The area suddenly bloomed with an intense illumination. It swept over the deceased showing their ether flowing from their bodies forming a man made pond. Hazama migrated over towards the young anbu, and spoke to him.

"You want the first go?"

He asked as the man of the hour made himself known. He stood about eighteen meters from were Alder had currently held his posture.

15The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Empty Re: The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Fri Oct 10, 2014 8:13 pm


Konoha Anbu
Konoha Anbu

Like a general Salem stood in the back watching as his henchmen had been taken down. You could tell that he was heartless although they had been hired help he showed no sympathy for them as they laid there. There was slight fog hanging over the air that surrounded Alder. His mucus had turned into gas this would put those nearest to him to sleep. Both Hazama and Salem were much too far for to affect them. For the mean time it would serve as a slight deterrent for Salem.
”I will complete this task.” It was Alder’s assignment and he had come here and prepared himself for this very moment.
“Salem you know why we are here and the crimes and the crimes you have committed. For that there can be no repentance.” You journey end here. Alder took on a strong stance he was prepared for Salem’s superior taijutsu if should come to that but first Alder would try keep control of the situation by leading the charge. Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique This was rudimentary technique unlikely to last. But coupled with Sly mind affect Alder hoped to confuse his sense of direction. Things would appear normal for Salem at first but he would suddenly feel a sense of fear as his sense of direction become subtly off.

Occ Please control Salem

16The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Empty Re: The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Sat Oct 11, 2014 10:07 pm

Xi Xi

Konoha Anbu Captain
Konoha Anbu Captain

Salem stood in a white tank top, and a pair of black jumpsuit sweat pants, and a fashionable pair of sneakers. He eyes glared directly at, Malik with malevolent intent. His right, and left palm were shoved deep into his pockets as he began weaving hand signs he noticed bringing forth a jutsu of his own genjutsu techniques. He moved forward with a swift step as his right shoe became stained with the large puddles of blood. His entire being stood about seven meters away from Alder, as he swung the leg that had just dipped into the puddle. He wasn’t going to let his enemy have the first strike. His leg moved like a horizontal axe, and moved up only to attempt to bring it down upon, Alders head just as he pulled moisture from the air in order to preform a suiton jutsu that creates whips. If Alder was hit he wouldn’t die but he would surely have blood drawn from his body. Salem was testing the waters, he wasn’t going to let anyone get the jump on him especially some fool who thought they could use genjutsu on a special jounin such as himself.

Hazama stood from a far watching in the shadows, as it appeared to him like Salem, was going interrupt the jutsu of Malik. The water had formed around Salem’s lower libs attempting to strap themselves to Alder’s flesh.

Water Release: Water Whip was used.

17The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Empty Re: The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Sun Oct 12, 2014 3:26 am


Konoha Anbu
Konoha Anbu

Alder had watched Salem carefully his hands had been moving with purpose in his pockets and when they were removed nothing was taken out of his pockets. He had been weaving signs. Coming straight for Alder it was clear that his own genjutsu had not worked, Salem most have released it. Alders opponent was to swift for him two weave signs from this distance so in order bridge the gap if only a little Alder channeled chakra into his feet. Knowing that his opponent could likely do this as well Alder waited no time springing backwards, just as Salem’s leg crashed to the ground. As Alder sprung back he wove signs. Alder noticed the whip forming both there was nothing that could be done about that right now. Alder let loose a powerful Sticky tooth Acid. If Salem were to grab Alder or strike him with the whip then it would be hard to do anything about the acid.
Even in the midst of battle it was comforting that Hazama was watching his back.

18The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Empty Re: The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Sun Oct 12, 2014 5:07 am

Xi Xi

Konoha Anbu Captain
Konoha Anbu Captain

As Salem's left leg cracked the pavement Malik paced himself backwards away from the target of no more than four meters, however Malik failed to notice that the whip itself had already migrated around the boys left, and right legs. Salem released his jutsu shape into a puddle of water as he quickly jumped two meters to the right side of alder as he spit the sticky tooth acid across their arena. Salem formed handsigns with his left hand attempting to slow young his foe with a water release syrup starch capture field method. Hazama took notice of the technique instantly, and warned his comrade as Salem's left fist was aiming for the jaw line of Alder.

"To your right! and look out below."

Hazama shouted hoping his message would be enough to grant him a counter, and react.

19The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Empty Re: The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Sun Oct 12, 2014 5:52 am


Konoha Anbu
Konoha Anbu

Malik was very impressed by this shinobi physical strength. Had he been hit his shoulder been hit it would have likely let the bone fracturing and most assuredly it would be dislocated. The file Malik had read indicated used Salem was a Master in Taijutsu and utilized suiton it was right. As long as Salem was close and trying taijutsu it was good to have his body coated with mucus. Putting his hands together one sign was enough as his skin wants again was coated in the slime. Hearing his captains warning Alder jumped left while glancing down. He wasn’t quick enough to avoid the expanding puddle completely but having chakra on his feet prevent him sticking the puddle. Alder was currently an arm’s length from Salem’s right side. This should be to close to properly punch Malik without back away or spinning across with his alternate arm. Clapping his hands together fog lifts of Alders skin where the Mucus had been Phlegm Blackout.


20The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Empty Re: The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Sun Oct 12, 2014 6:24 am

Xi Xi

Konoha Anbu Captain
Konoha Anbu Captain

Salem's fist went wasn't a direct hit. His hit was surely strong enough that it possibly could have broke the bone of his opponent, but the sp jounin wasn't likely to get a second chance. As Alder moved away once again gaining a little bit of distance from himself and Salem he produced another jutsu from his womb of chakra with a clap of his hand. Salem gasped as he peddled his being back four meters, to cough slightly. He wiped the side of his mouth with the back of his hand.

"What type of cheap fucking trip is that you freak?!"

Salem questioned as he had inhaled some of the gas into his lungs. His eyes glared with anger, as he moved forward attempting to leaf gale Alder off his feet to unbalance the shinobi for round two. Hazama deactivated his Byakugan, and made his way over the large amounts of corpses. He gathered them into a pile as he prepared his jutsu. He formed a glancing touch upon the lifeless as he made his way towards the stairs.

"Malik bring him back to Konoha, He doesn't know that the fight is already over."

Hazama stated as the corpses were removed from this life. Hazama had complete faith in his comrade.

Jutsu Used:
Body Elimination Jutsu

21The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Empty Re: The Lewd Desserter! Hiding in Snow!? Sun Oct 12, 2014 6:37 am


Konoha Anbu
Konoha Anbu

Slumping over Salem Falls asleep hitting the ground Alder uses more secure method to keep him under wraps for the journey back to Konoha


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