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Bullies! [D-Rank Mission] Pixel

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Bullies! [D-Rank Mission]

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1Bullies! [D-Rank Mission] Empty Bullies! [D-Rank Mission] Thu Oct 30, 2014 12:50 am



As Yuuji left his home this time for a different reaason, it wasn't to go out and train like usual nor was it to sit around and do nothing, this time it was for a mission that caught his interest.
"Bullies, huh?
He mutters quietly to himself as he thanks back to the time when he was bullied by the some of the kids from the main house when he was younger he clenches his fists as the voices run through his mind
"Failure, failure, failure!"
"Weakling, you let them die!"
"No no, he killed them all, murderer!"
Yuuji walks mindlessly before coming to grips with reality once again as he looks around nearly overstepping his destination as he takes a right turn up the stret as he approaches an old house
before knocking on the door.
"This seems like the place."
After a few moments pass a woman opens the door slightly. almost startled by the cold gaze she meets. "Can I help you?" she asks curiously before Yuuji answers her.
[color=#cc33fcc[/color]"I'm here to see your son about an incident that you put forward."
The woman quickly opens the door fully as she smiles happily "Oh thank you, come on in!" her attitude completely changed as Yuuji entered their home as he looked around he could easily tell that they weren't a rich family, infact they were the very opposite before he can get a chance to get a word in, Yuuji can feel something tugging on his sleeve as he turns to the gaze to the floor his eyes are greeted by a young boy with short black hair
"I know you, you're Yuuji-sama!" Yuuji looks alittle taken back as the boy mentions his name and lets the boy continue speaking "I don't believe any of those rumours people say, they say you're a bad guy and stuff!"
Yuuji can't remove the surprised look on his face as thoughts trail through his mind.
Is that how some people see me, a bad guy? Am I?
He quickly shakes away the thoughts as his facial expression returns to normal and nods once
"Well, thanks now why don't you tell me whats been going on?"
Yuuji lowers himself down to the boys level as he explains the situation, apparently a few other kids were bullying this one because he couldn't grasp a technique that came naturally to them, now instead of going to confront these bullies, Yuuji had the better idea of spending the rest of his day training with the boy untill he mastered the technique.
"No, no, no, you need to focus, concentrate"
"Come on, you almost had it, give it one more go!"
"I think we'll just have to call it at this rate.."
Yuuji lets out a long sigh as the sun slowly starts to set, he raises his hand to ruffle the back of his hair, the young boy also looks alittle dishearted before a look of determination sweeps across his face as he screams "I will do it, watch!" and low and behold the young boy executes the technique perfectly, the feel of accomplishment sweeps over Yuuji as he cracks out a slight smile as he nods in approval at the boy. "Now next time, you can show 'em how good you are, I don't think they have anything to bully you about now but if they do, come and see me alright?
The young nods and smiles happily as he runs off home waving and shouting "I did it! Thank you Yuuji-sama!"
Yuuji sighs happily as he makes his way down the street with his hands in his pockets
"If that kid likes me for after all the rumours, then how bad can I be huh?"


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