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Chop It Down [D-Rank Mission] Pixel

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Chop It Down [D-Rank Mission]

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1Chop It Down [D-Rank Mission] Empty Chop It Down [D-Rank Mission] Tue Nov 04, 2014 2:39 am


Konoha Chunin
Konoha Chunin

Mission Details:

"Chopping down trees? Sounds easy! I will be done with it soon, so don't miss me!" Axel said to the hokage as he left her office. He was tasked with supplying log wood to some of the people of konoha, and since he was quite skilled with a sword, Axel knew that it would be easy peasy, and he coild go for easy tasks now, as he needed a lot so that the hgher-ups could consider him for higher ranks, like chuunin and jounin. Maybe later in the future Axel would even apply for Hokage, but it depended on how he will be changed during his early ninja years. He has heard stories of genin wanting to reach the top, but due to certain situations, lower their goals. He hoped that he would not be like that.

Exiting the large building, Axel headed straight for the training grounds, since there were multiple trees in that location. As he walked through the field, he saw several ninja sparring with one another. He was so interested in the fights that he took a few minutes to just look around. One fight was a pure taijutsu battle, while another was a match of jutsus, several elemental jutsu being unleashed out into the world. Axel also swore he saw some ninja summon animals, which immediately brought up the thought on what summoning contract he should make. After a few minutes of pondering this, Axel just realized that about 10 minutes has passed, and he hasn't cut down a single tree.

"Oh shit! I gotta get to work!" shouted Axel, disrupting some ninja, who then got blown away by jutsu directed at them. Axel had to run so he would not feel the wrath of these ninja. After a few minutes, he reached a place suitable enough to cut down ten trees. After that, he got to work, taking out his katana, and focusing on one tree. He wanted to cut them at a low point to get enough amount of wood needed, so he crouched, and ran towards the tree, which was about 15 meters away from him. He wanted a running start to cut it down in one strike. Once close enough, he sliced the tree horizontally, bringing it down, but did not stop there. He still had enough momentum to keep going, and thus began to cut more and more trees, hopping out of the area right after he did so that he trees did not fall on him. After a few more minutes, all ten trees were cut, so he started hauling them to the location in which they were needed, one by one.

"There you go guys. Ten fine long peaces of wood ready for you to go to work on!" Axel said to the people who originally asked for the mission to be done. They congratulated him, then after that, Axel went back to the hokage's office to report a job well-done. After that, he would go back to his house and get some sleep.

WC: 509

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