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Apprehension[C-Rank Mission] Pixel

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Apprehension[C-Rank Mission]

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1Apprehension[C-Rank Mission] Empty Apprehension[C-Rank Mission] Sat Nov 08, 2014 2:02 pm



mission info:
Leaving the administration building after receiving a mission, korra opened the mission scroll and read it through. Since it was night time, he could not see much so he moved under the light of the moon and read the mission information. The village police had given a report of a set of acedemy student spray painting the walls of the village with a set of eyes. Korra wondered what had gotten into them but to him, it was not his problem to worry about. His goal was to execute the mission. He continued with the scroll as it stated that he should apprehend the targets but they statement that pissed him off the most was that none of the targets should be harmed..."I wish I could..." said korra. He so much hated the easy way. Why would they not want to harm a bunch of stupid kids who were going all around disturbing the peace of the city...but on a second thought, if these things do not happen, then a shinobi's life would be useless. No missions, no going around, nothing to do, that would really suck. So, he headed straight to the location where the mission stated that the children could be found...stupid bunch of kids..its the likes of them who end up to be rougue nins and pose a threat to the nation.. Uh.. Don't harm them,..I wish I could.... he said.. As he walked through the village to the destined location, he saw some walls that were spray painted by the gang of kids.. On the walls were a set of eyes.. The eyes were spray painted in black while the eye balls were in blue in a manner that looked like they were erupting flames. Korra wondered why a gang of kids would paint such things on the village walls. Was it for fun? Where they trying to terrorize or scare other kids? Where they trying to get attention? Korra had no real answer to the question he asked himself. Getting to the surroundings of a part of the village, a saw another child spray painting the same set of eyes on a wall.. Their base won't be far now.. Korra thought so he stealthly followed the kid. Upon getting to a spot, korra looked further and saw a bunch of kids standing by a food stall. A bigger kid possibly their boss was standing on a box higher than the other children looking at them. The children were filling their spray cans with paint planning on going to paint again. But deep down, korra knew that this would be their last time of doing so. He walked unoticed to a tall poll standing opposite the kids. He jumped unto the poll and balanced on it looking at the kids who had not noticed him yet. After much deliberation, korra decided to make their imagination a reality.
He brought out two smoke bombs from the pouch sitting on his trouser by his right thigh. He threw the smoke bombs at the kids location causing them to look at him before the smoke erupted. He then brought out another smoke bomb from the same pouch and threw it beneath him covering the whole area in smoke.
Korra was standing straight on the poll as the moon's location was directly above his head. With the children still trying to get a hang of what just happened, korra closed his eyes and began to think... He thought of things that would make him angry.. He started by thinking of why his mother died so early.. Why his father had to leave the land of water. He thought of why a lightening bolt had to strike his father dead.. He got angry at why they left him to be an orphan.. As his rage filled him, he channelled the rage from his inner body out through his eyes as his eye balls erupted in blue flames.. Korra shouted in anger as he drew the children's attentions to him. He saw that they were scared. To add more terror to it, korra brought out his twin dagger and channeled his blue chakra through it lightning it up. Since the whole area was covered in smoke, the children could not tell if it was a human or not.. All they could see was blue flameing eyes with blue swords.. They shivered as they held themselves together.. Then, korra spoke with a voice of lightening.. Why have you decided to keep drawing my eyes on the walls of kumogakure no sato? I will give you just this one warning. Any other attempt to continue with your immoral deeds will result in disaster... As the children heard him speak, they fell on their knees and started to plead. Korra quickly used this opportunity to pick a rope tied to the pole and swiftly move to the children's location. Since they were just four kids, korra had no trouble in tieing them up. They were so afraid that they could not open their eyes. Korra tossed the tied up children carefully into a kart by the food stall and wheeled them straight to the main village.. Upon getting there, it was almost morning so he left them still tied up at the entrance of the police office with their faces all sprayed with paint to identify them as the naughty
spray painters.

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