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Litter Picking [D- Rank Mission] Pixel

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Litter Picking [D- Rank Mission]

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1Litter Picking [D- Rank Mission] Empty Litter Picking [D- Rank Mission] Mon Nov 10, 2014 5:40 am



Yuuji could never stand doing the tasks he was given, but it brung in ryo so who was he to complain, but picking up litter didn't seem all that ideal to help with training.
He he walked around the village, picking up trash, wherever he saw it, even trying to lazily brush some to the side so it could be hidden. 
Out of all the possible tasks he had to get this one, surely there must of been something better that they could of gave him, but no today his job was to clean up after others, anyhow after failing the exam over one stupid riddle, this would probably help him rank up, he still had a chance to show off what he's capable of.
Yuuji walked along eyeing the ramen cups and wrappers on the floor, when did people become so lazy to just put their rubbish in the trash, but hey atleast it's better then sitting around doing nothing all day, atleast this way he was earning something but the fact that he had to pick up trash other than train was just annoying, but however he learned to face the fact that in order to get somewhere, you need to do things such as small as this to make any progress.
Yuuji kept moving around the streets of Konoha at a steady pace, continuing to pick up some trash, seeing a few other nin also fallen with this task, it seems everyone is in the same situation once in a while, he had even become lazy himself at one point stopping half way through his route, purposely stopping by a ramen store to sit down and have something to eat because litter picking is exhausting work right, not really but it did get pretty boring, after feeling his stomach he carried on with his routine, trying to find ways to kill time, he even noticed a familar face zooming around and climbing up buildings as they he picked up litter, somehow the boy has seemed to enjoy himself while doing it, Yuuji couldn't understand why he went through so much effort just to get the job done, but maybe it has some perks as well it sped things up and it probably gave the boy some exercise instead of just walking around lazily like he did.
As he walked along, he noticed a young boy throw a ramen cup into some bushes before they were confronted by the other nin who seemed pretty ticked out about it, yet Yuuji just stood there amused as they exchanged heated words from one another before a fight had suddenly broke out between them, he thought that he should interefer before it got out of hand, but Yuuji thought it'd be more entertaining to watch as they brawled it out.
Which had ended up with the two litters on the floor and injured from the other nin.
He carelessly shrugged after watching before finishing his route of litter picking and headed to the office to hand in his report before heading home.

WC: 505

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