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Office of the Tsuchikage [Please Read] Pixel

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Office of the Tsuchikage [Please Read]

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1Office of the Tsuchikage [Please Read] Empty Office of the Tsuchikage [Please Read] Thu May 22, 2014 1:28 am



Office of the Tsuchikage [Please Read] 166lvcx

This is the office of the Tsuchikage, this topic is available to all Iwagakure ninja that wish to RP with me, simply post here and I will reply when I am available to do so. If you are a foreign shinobi that has been let into the village by either a Jounin or an ANBU, and you seek council with me. This is also the place to do it. Thank you.

Akuma Ketsurui

Akuma Ketsurui

Office of the Tsuchikage [Please Read] Altpic_zps7885c2f9

With the nature of the beast Akuma’s sleeping habits were quite scattered  by periods where she would lay down on some nice clump of grass or actually a bed depending on what the situation may be. Anyway she had received word that she was being requested by none other than the Tsuchikage himself, whomever he was. Akuma wasn’t well informed of the world and it’s leaders which would be apparent as she hardly knew the one ruling over the city she was living in. She was just waundering about the city in hopes of finding the location which he had picked. Unfortunately she hadn’t gotten use to the layout of the town, cities and the like tended to do that to her to many distracting scents and sights for her sensitive eyes. Having gotten a beautiful nights sleep Suri as she preferred to call herself would probably spend most of the day perky and attuned to the world around her.

Much like a canine or cat Akuma had planted herself on a rooftop sitting in the same manner of that of a domesticated pet. Her spirit guardian always seemed to get the better of her while she was waiting or bored. Perched atop the roof she raised her hand much like a paw and began to lik it the tail she had slowly slipping out from beneath the training outfit she was wearing today. As they had a mind of their own she didn’t really feel it escape it’s concealment and she didn’t really care as both ears still pinned down to her head by the strands of hair which restrained them. Her red tongue which didn’t have any animal characteristics looked as similar as that of any child which only made it that much weirder to any other observers who had been spying on her.

The wind today was blowing in a southwesterly flow so anyone up  wind of her maybe be known to her presence. Anywhere else she would have relied on her hearing or sight. She would continue to lick herself eyes closing as she awaited for the time when his office would most likely be open which probably would be to much longer, as the last Tsuchikage was now missing after a brief period that he was in power and was now being taken by a Jounin which Akuma hadn’t met before but nonetheless expected to meet the alpha of this pack in Iwagakure. Thoroughly sufficed by her grooming she would hop down off the roof and begin making her way toward the Kage office which she was hoping to meet the man of the hour or woman as she hadn’t heard who actually was in control. Walking up through the building a few of the guards recognized the child and didn’t see her as an immediate threat allowing her to pass as she walked up the room. stopping before it she raised a hand in a customary manner and knocked three times to await a voice to let her in or be rejected by silence. She was going to try stating her name and rank but it had seemed that her nerves kept her from speaking up which happened when she was meeting higher officials.

WC: 540
Beast Child

Last edited by Akuma Ketsurui on Tue May 27, 2014 7:56 am; edited 1 time in total



There were three knocks on his office door as he took the last drink of his morning coffee, it had been two hours since he had given the announcements for that day and a few more hours before he would begin his departure towards the Land of Tea. He took a second to adjust his papers and make sure the general atmosphere of the room was proper. He had sent a few messages out to certain shinobi in the village that he wanted to address in person, certain members of certain clans that had the potential to be dangerous. He merely wanted to ensure that the village would stay safe and that he could depend on these individuals to be loyal to the village. In his first few days as Tsuchikage, he had really been reading into the current state of the village. Luckily there were no current missing ninja from the village of any note. But with such powerful clans in the Earth Country, he had to do whatever he could to make sure it stayed that way. The Tsuchikage set his coffee cup aside and said, "Hello, let me get the door for you!"

He stood up and started to walk towards the door, on this current day he was wearing his combat gear since he was leaving to go to the Land of Tea before the sun had hit two o'clock. Skintight blacks and combat sandals with white bandages wrapped around his arms and shins. A black headband facing sideways on the left side of head showing the pride of Iwagakure. He reached the door and opened it, revealing a young girl standing there before him. Immediately he knew who he was addressing, "Ah young miss Akuma please do come in! It's a pleasure to meet you m'dear." He gestured her to step into his office and if she did so he would close to the door behind her and direct her towards a chair to sit in.

[Word Count] 330

4Office of the Tsuchikage [Please Read] Empty Re: Office of the Tsuchikage [Please Read] Thu May 22, 2014 10:54 pm

Akuma Ketsurui

Akuma Ketsurui

Office of the Tsuchikage [Please Read] Altpic_zps7885c2f9

Hearing the remark on grabbing the door she stood there patiently like a young pup awaiting to be let back in from outside. She was quite young but tall for her age possibly a family trait that came with the tribe’s animal appearances and overbearing size but it was no matter. As it opened she remained a speechless as she was now gazing upon possibly the strongest member of the Earth’s Country. A slight yip escaped her mouth as she was awestruck by the man. Clasping a hand over her mouth she felt embarrassed by the sudden outburst especially in front of someone with such high stature as himself. Feeling the need to apologize she suddenly would open her mouth.

A soft tone from the child began to speak, “My apologies I didn’t mean to-to-to.” Stuttering she let out another frightened yip as that which a fox would make when frightened. Being moved toward the chair she walked silently once again to embarrassed to attempt another apology. Her tribes blood was rather strange coursing through her like a time bomb allowing her to go feral given the proper trigger but nothing that any experienced shinobi couldn’t deal with given the right tools. Shuffling in she would try to regain her  composure as she sat down in front of him surprised slightly that he knew her name but then again what else would she expect from someone with his ranking.

WC: 239
Beast Child

Last edited by Akuma Ketsurui on Wed May 28, 2014 8:30 pm; edited 1 time in total



A look of shock filled the Tsuchikage's face as he heard not one but two eventual yipping noises come from the girl. As she tried to address him with an apology she barely could get two words out before falling back into a bout of shyness. She came into the office and as he had said he closed the door and made his way in that general direction. However instead of sitting down he immediately walked over to a large tea cabinet and opened it. Shuffling through it for a second he couldn't help but utter a large, "Hmmmmmm..." before he finally found what he was looking for. Walking over to a small sink that he had in his room he filled a small kettle with water and placed it on top of a plug in burner. He finally turned around and lifted a box of tea and said to the girl, "A calming blend of chamomile and lavender. Miss Akuma, you don't need to be frightened or shy around me I promise you." He set down the tea box and walked over to the young girl, sitting in front of her in another chair a small table with a flower pot rested in the middle.

Reaching over it he placed a hand on her shoulder and looked her in the eyes, a smile falling across his face as he said, "Try not to think of me as your Tsuchikage, instead think of me as your friend." He nodded with intent once and then let go of her sitting back and throwing one leg over the other. He could hear the water in the kettle slowly starting to boil... Another minute or so... But that what was not the most important matter at hand. On the table with the flowerpot was a file. Bansho picked it up and opened it and began to speak, "Miss Akuma. You are a member of a clan which allows it's family to become possessed by the spirit of an animal at birth correct? That is a very strong ability my dear. In particular it says you are possessed by a fox, is any of this wrong?" He looked her in the eyes and shut the file but then continued to speak; "I wanted to bring you into my office to ask you about your life in Iwagakure, are you... Happy?"

At this point the tea kettle began to whistle and the Tsuchikage stood up, walking over to it he took it off the burner and from a cabinet nearby he got one teacup. Filling it with water and placing one of the teabags into it from the box he had explained to her earlier. He picked it in and out of the cup until it had sunken through and the water began to absorb the leaves, once he had done so he placed the teacup on a cup holder on her side of the table and sat back down, silent so that she could speak.

[Word Count:] 500
[Total Word Count:] 830


Iwa Anbu
Iwa Anbu

Yago would be perched on a rooftop over looking the village. It had been a few days now since he has been a part of the anbu core. A life that seem to be very fitting to him, nothing about him seem out of place at the moment. Yago was in his on duty attire which was the anbu core attire a black vest with metal armor plate that start at the wrist and ends where the elbow begins. He wore ontop of that was an all black kimono with the kanji " Second coming of the demon" inscribed on the back of it in a vertical patterned. Yago eyes just trailed around the village as he held a letter address to him from the newly appointed kage, requesting his presence in his office.

Yago closed his eyes for a brief moment pondering on what his kage would want to address with him. As he once again reopened his eyes adjusting his black demonic mask on his face with the kanji "Demon" inscribed in the center of the forehead. Once he positioned it correctly he would rise up to his feet placing the letter into his pocket. Yago knew he would not get an answer just standing here thinking about it. With that being said yago now leaped off the roof top landing on another as he now started a dead Sprint leaping from rooftop to rooftop. It hadn't taken yago long before he was at the building that housed the kages office. Yago stop briefly as thought about how to enter the building, he could easily just leaped onto the balcony that housed the kage room. But he knew this wasn't a meeting of great importance so that wouldn't be needed.

He took a deep breath before leaping off the building onto the ground in front of the building. Yago now simply just walked into the building. He walked right by the first desk without even dressing the woman there. As he made his way to the stairwell that would lead him to the kages floor. The two guards that were standing did not even look in his direction. He wasn't sure if it was because of the cold distant presence he was giving off or perhaps the masked  that he was wearing or even the fact that they knew what kind of man he was. He couldn't figure it out nor did he want to try. As he walked passed them he noticed the guard to the left of him shiver slightly confirming yago thoughts as a slight grin appeared on his face under the mask.

He took his sweet time scaling the stair case to finally get to the floor that had the kages room. As he now stood in front of the door. Giving it three knocks before speaking "  Sir.. I've come as you requested". Yago stated his voice ice cold and a little more deeper then his normal voice thanks to the mask he was wearing that adjusted his voice to hide who he truly was under his mask. As he now stood in front of the door awaiting a response informing him to enter the office.

WC: 477



For the sake of continuing the RP, with the arrival of the new shinobi. Bansho kindly asked that young miss Akuma step out for a second to drink her tea and calm her nerves, when you get back. You can continue from where we left off.

After Bansho had seen Kiyomi out and let in the mysterious figure, from the various data of around the village. He knew exactly who this man was. Hyuga, Yago... Another powerful shinobi with a kekkei genkai in the village that he had requested. Walking over to his desk and picking a file up he looked at the man behind his mask, the kanji's for "Demons" adorning his mask and clothing. "Yago... A newly sworn in member of the village's ANBU black-ops... Welcome to my humble office!" He smiled and let a small laugh out and then his face fell slightly serious again, he had a different demeanor with this man, someone who had seen the world and the horrible things in it. But he still retained that bubbly attitude with all of the villagers, as was his personality.

"So, what do you think? Wearing a mask and wandering around the village. Does it bring you a sense of honor or mystery? I myself was never one of the ANBU but I often worked with them when I went on missions for the villages. One of my very good friends was part of your corps, he died during an A-Rank mission in the Land of Snow. But that is in the past. I have asked you here my friend, because I am trying to limit the amount of missing-nin activity within the village, something I am sure you are quite attuned too."

He beckoned towards the cabinet of teas and other various drinks that he had given to the young Akuma before continuing, "I have to ask my friend, are you happy Hyuga, Yago? Are you content in the village? Is there anything that would entice you into unlawfully leaving?" His face was now stern and unchanging, he was not going to play it soft with this man because he knew in his heart that this man was not one who wanted to hear it softly... Bansho had a knack for reading his villagers, even the ones that hid behind masks...

[Word Count:] 339
[Total Word Count:] 1,169


Iwa Anbu
Iwa Anbu

As the door opened yago noticed a young girl walk out of the kages office. Yago moved to the side to let the girl pass. He had seen her around the village but never engaged in conversation with her. Yago didn't feel the need to start it now as she walked by him he glanced at her once before turning to enter into the office not even hesitating to give the girl a second look. He was more interested in why he was being summoned here. Yago had been in this office several times in the pass but this time it felt a lot different. The air that had accumulated in here during this mans time in here had changed it significantly. It was more calm and had a more positive vibe swirling around it. Yago started to think about his past times in here with the previous kage....

Yago quickly came back to the realm of reality once he heard the kage speak. He listened to the kages first to questions taking them in to contemplate an answer for them while the kage was finishing his first statement." I do what I must for the sake and stability of our village sir. I feel no honor nor mystery about myself. I join the core because it embodied the skills I have acquired during both my training and my missions. My existence is only to protect you and peace you wish to provide to our village. Anything else is obsolete sir". Yago stated in response to the first two question the kage had asked him. He grew silent once again as the kage spoke. Asking a sum of three question in sequence right behind each other.

" Indeed I am currently satisfied with my role in the core. I am context with this village. I do not see nor feel the need to leave this village unless on assignment. To go rouge is something I don't look kindly on and his punishable with immediate death of said person sir". Yago stood there for a second collecting his thought once again. " Tell me sir how are you adjusting to the life of our kage? Do you have any plans in place to secure our peace? How do you feel about the current state of our village sir?. Yago wasn't known to ask such question but he assumed he was here for simple conversation. Which currently he would more then happily give due to not having any current missions. That and more so the fact he never engaged in conversation with any of the previous kages. He felt like this one would be different in a good way so he preferred to chat with him for the time being.

Current Count: 887



"Ah the village is doing quite well, and I feel as if I have adapted to it quite well. The internal affairs of the village are as peaceful as they can be. As for the current state... Well, I'm just trying to ensure the loyalty of all of our village members with kekkei genkai have no plans of leaving any time soon, but as long as I have loyal ANBU such as yourself then I have no doubt that everything will be just fine." Taking a deep breath he pushed his hair out of his face and then cocked his head slightly as he said, "You shouldn't take life so seriously my friend. This is just a conversation between two members of the village of Iwagakure, you need not worry about anything." He walked over to his desk and sat down in a chair, "I have no doubt that you have heard of some of the recent assassination contracts I have put out on various shinobi throughout the countryside?" He grabbed a few files from the pile (click this) and held them out to the ANBU.

"I will be depending on men like you to make sure that men like these are put behind bars or disposed of post haste. I do hate confrontation myself, but in the world we live in such a thing is inevitable." With this he fell silent and waited for a reply.

[Word Count:] 236
[Total Word Count:] 1,405

10Office of the Tsuchikage [Please Read] Empty Re: Office of the Tsuchikage [Please Read] Tue May 27, 2014 7:57 am

Akuma Ketsurui

Akuma Ketsurui

Office of the Tsuchikage [Please Read] Altpic_zps7885c2f9
A firm three knocks pierced through the air as everything that would happen now would be a both dazzled in her mind as well as the fact that another soul was appearing shortly after her arrival. Blankly as he walked in her sense refused to operate now as she was standing between to blatantly powerful ninjas were now caught her in the middle between the two. The deep voice thundered in her animal like ears causing herself to cup them down even more than they already were from the hair laid across it. Gladly accepting her tea from the Tsuchikage she turned her eyes down to the ground allowing trying to prevent herself from looking disrespectfully at the masked Anbu who was now before her. Waddling out she was obviously a bit startled and was unprepared for such a crowd to suddenly appear, as if meeting one of the most powerful men of the city wasn’t bad enough she was now stuck between one of the anbu who she so admired. Not even a yip could escape from her muzzled voice. Pulling the cup of tea to her lips she strolled out and sat down next to the wall shivering slightly still frazzled.

Not even catching a glimpse of the man who would now be inside the office in her place. Vaguely she could catch a few words although the door and ear being held against her head made it nearly impossible to make out the words. Slowly sipping away at the tea she started to gain her composure once again wishing to apologize for her sudden shocking silence that had taken over. She wouldn’t catch the first part as she was still surprised meaning that the Anbu black-ops wouldn’t have entered her ears. Startling she then heard a laugh which she related to the Tsuchikage himself. Now back to her normal she grew quite curious of what they were saying. Slowly she would crawl over on all four making it quite apparent with her graceful movement to onlookers that she seemed more an animal then a child. Pressing her head against the door she began listening in which was rather difficult.

There was a bunch of garble as she began to raise a hand cupped like that of a paw which began to rub the tussle of hair above her fox like ears away. Breathing now slowed and acting like a wild animal on the prowl she was beginning to reveal those to scarlet ears that now were being pressed into the wall the ever so faint sound probably capable of being heard by the two who were on the other side. He wasn’t part of the anbu when he took over as the alpha? huh. Hearing the remark about his friend being dead that was indeed sad. Holding back a whine of remorse for him she continued to listen at the door waiting from them to somewhat rap up before she would knock once again prepared. The tea now empty there was nothing but the sounds they each made. Every now and then she had to stop and comprehend what a certain word meant.

As the other deepened toned man spoke of his intentions for working for him she smiled knowing that she was safe they both seemed honest and caring individuals. However the next part she would hear was off putting to the point where when she hear it her head would raise up under the door handle into the office stopping an inch below startled that Bansho would lay such a harsh punishment for a crime such as going rogue. Her mind began wandering of the possible manners to death. Lightly stroking her neck she thought of hangings and bloodletting which often happened between the human and animal world. Neither sound particularly pleasing as it continued to race she wouldn’t hear if they mentioned her name till suddenly she jerked up smashing her head into the handle releasing a loud shrill yip of pain. Curled up now at the door her hands cupped the place which she had smashed undoubtedly being heard by both of those inside by the time bansho was apparently handing something to the ANBU.

WC: 704
Beast Child

11Office of the Tsuchikage [Please Read] Empty Re: Office of the Tsuchikage [Please Read] Tue May 27, 2014 7:35 pm


Iwa Anbu
Iwa Anbu

"hmm.... Were the only words that pass threw Yago lips as he listen to his kage speak. A slight grin appeared on his face under his mask. Perhaps he was right in saying this, it could help him out in certain situations to be a tad more friendly. Hell even his own friend was telling him that. He shrugged at the thought. " Yes I've heard about them, but haven't actually taken..." before he could even finish his statement bansho was already handing him a folder. As yago reached out to take it from him. A loud noise like something hitting metal would ring out in the office. Yago now turning his head and slightly shifting his body would look behind him as the door to the kages office would be opened slightly as the young girl who had just walked out of the room was there cuffing the top of her head.

Yago surprisingly let a slight chuckle pass his lips. " It would seem as though he have an ease dropper". Yago stated his voice still slightly cold. As he now turned back to bansho and took the file out of his hand. He survey it quickly noticing a few of them that caught his attention. He figured this would surely kill his current boredom no problem. He handed the file back over to bansho. " I would assume the young genin became overly curious about what we were currently discussing in here". Yago turned back to the girl once more " Are you ok younglin?". Yago stated now with a little more warmth in his voice.

Current Count:1127

12Office of the Tsuchikage [Please Read] Empty Re: Office of the Tsuchikage [Please Read] Wed May 28, 2014 3:14 am



The Tsuchikage watched the ANBU speak, a warm look in his eyes and a warm feeling in his heart. The curiosity of youth never ceased to amaze him. He walked forwards and pressed his hand on the ANBU's shoulder and gave him a soft nod before looking at the door and walking over to it he opened it. He let out a giddy laugh as he looked down at her on her knees with her ears cupped against the door, "Please miss Akuma, you're welcome to come into the office. We're not discussing matters of national security, but please do mind what you hear and remember that it goes nowhere else okay?" He nodded to her and then walked away from the door and back over to the ANBU, as he passed him he let out a soft whisper "The girl is part of a clan that has spiritual connections with animals, she is a human/fox hybrid so be careful when around her."

With this he walked back around his desk and turned his attention back towards the file as he said, "Anyways though, the names in that file all list extremely powerful shinobi that as I said before have been causing all manners of chaos throughout the village... It's quite irritating really." He let out a small chuckle before standing up and walking over to his cabinet, pulling out a special juice mix he had prepared and taking a small sip of it. "Mmmm so good, I swear the fruits and vegetables in the Earth Country are the most magnificent in all the world. After taking a drink he set the drink down and then turned his attention back towards the girl, "I do believe you never did get to answer that question, I do not mean to make you feel inferior but when an ANBU comes to my door you can never really know what the situation is like, plus I wanted to give you an opportunity to calm down."

"Are you, happy? Miss Akuma?"

[Word Count:] 335
[Total Word Count:] 1,740

13Office of the Tsuchikage [Please Read] Empty Re: Office of the Tsuchikage [Please Read] Wed May 28, 2014 8:31 pm

Akuma Ketsurui

Akuma Ketsurui

Office of the Tsuchikage [Please Read] Altpic_zps7885c2f9
Rubbing her head she would sit there as the door opened, realizing that her little blunder would make it quite obvious to the two of them that she was listening in. The fox ears twitched slightly as they both spoke her arms still cradling her aching head. Looking toward the ANBU and then back to the Tsuchikage she blinked, the next couple of questions to her left her a bit petrified. Was Akuma alright? Was she? Looking up to the two men she fear that first they would be angry with her as she wasn’t suppose to drop eaves like this especially when it came to higher officials. Finally regaining a slight bit of composure she nodded yes in response as she pushed herself up off the ground. As it creaked open and the kage told her to come back in she flopped backwards seeing him, only partially comprehending what he was saying about national security. She was more worried about the consequences of her prior actions and the words she had heard about punishment wise he said before.

ALthough as he smiled down happily at her she felt some of her fears subside knowing that he wasn’t angry with her. Once again she began to push herself to her feat ignoring any help that the two would offer or neglect to as the case may be. Standing up her right hand still sat atop her head massaging the tender region as she waddled back in sliding along the wall a bit awkwardly. Looking down her ears perked up as she could vaguely hear him now whispering to the ANBU member. Listening in she wasn’t quite able to pick any of what he had to say up. She was a bit suspicious though that he would mention something in secret in front of her now. Another booming chuckled call her ears to twitch as she was trying to hone in on his voice just to be blasted with his chuckle. Cupping her hands over her ears she winced looking over toward them. Watching him go pull out a strange mixture juice which he elaborated on.

"Are you, happy? Miss Akuma?" hearing this she stopped one hand now scratching behind her ear as she saw that he was now questioning her. Coughing she then began to speak up normally, “Of course … sir kage.” She managed to barely weasel out from between her lips.

WC: 405
Beast Child

14Office of the Tsuchikage [Please Read] Empty Re: Office of the Tsuchikage [Please Read] Thu May 29, 2014 7:36 am


Iwa Anbu
Iwa Anbu

It would seem as though yago was correct in his previous analysis of the girl's curiosity getting the better of her. As bansho walked over to the door letting the younglin in. She still had her hands placed over her head as she walked into the room. As the kage now whispered to him about the girls ancestry and her being possessed by a fox spirit. Yago had heard about this clan but he thought it were nothing but a mere rumor. Told by people with nothing else better to do with there time. But yet here this young girl was.. Living proof of what he had been hearing. As he now noticed her fox like ears pop up as the kage whispered that in his ear. Yago mildly surprise by the fact he had not noticed it before. As bansho now walked over to his cabinet procuring some kind of drink from the cabinet. As he now sip from it his face giving off the expression of pure enjoyment of the beverage, as he now walked back over to his desk placing the drink upon it before engaging once again in conversation. But this time it would be with the young girl and not him.

Yago had now felted as though he had completed his task with his kage. He looked over at the girl onces more taken in her appearance for future reference. He now turned back to his kage." well my lord if you would excuse me, I do believe that I have a few missions that I need to carry out for you. So I will be taking my leave". He stated before bowing. He turned around and looked over to the girl " I hope to see you around the village young one". Yago stated before walking over to the door and taking his leave from the kages office.

WC: 282

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