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Moyasu's Office

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1Moyasu's Office Empty Moyasu's Office Sat Oct 26, 2013 11:06 am



"Sir this way please." , "Wow i didn't realize how big this place actually was...". "What was your name again and why exactly are you getting your very own office?", "I am Moyasu Uchiha and i am the officially new Anbu Captain for Kumogakure.".


Earlier on that day

This was the conversation shared by two strangers, one being a female and the other being a young man... wait i mean kid... well he had to of been a man if he was the new Anbu Captain for Kumogakure. He was a short kid with white spiky hair, brown skin and a long jumper with a hood under his Anbu vest. It was such an strange attire but that figure seemed to like it a lot. That figure was a 19year old Anbu Captain known as Moyasu from the Uchiha clan.

Moyasu had woken up to what some call a beautiful day but to Moyasu, all days were the same whether it be raining, sunny or even lightning, a day is a day. Today Moyasu had to make his way towards the office area of Kumogakure where he would then get organized into his new office that came with the perks of becoming the Anbu Captain. He didn't really feel the need for once since he is a active person and likes to go on missions which most likely meant he would never be in his office. Despite this fact, he had to have one for the Anbu organizations so he did. He had got ready into his normal Anbu attire with his mask hanging of the side of his left hip, exiting his house and heading for the office.

He had now arrived at the office making his way up into the upper section of the building towards his office when he was stopped by one of the ladys at the reception desks. "Sir this way please." , "Wow i didn't realize how big this place actually was...". "What was your name again and why exactly are you getting your very own office?", "I am Moyasu Uchiha and i am the officially new Anbu Captain for Kumogakure.". Moyasu had smiled at the lady as she took him to his office.

He had now arrived at two big brown doors, what seemed to be his office and with a huge smile he pushed open both doors and yelled "HELLLO MY BEAUTIFUL OFFICE!". This would show the immaturity that came with his age but still Moyasu was deemed worthy to lead the Anbu. Moyasu would then walk over to the back of his desk where a huge window that watched over the village was located and without wasting time exploring the rest of the office, Moyasu opened the blinds as well as taking a seat on his chair and staring out the windows.

"Hm... i could actually get used to this life.. i just wish my mother and father were alive to share it with me..." Moyasu said with a blank expression but with his eyes becoming watery.


2Moyasu's Office Empty Re: Moyasu's Office Sat Oct 26, 2013 4:24 pm


Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

Today was indeed a beautiful day, not a single cloud in the sky. That's actually pretty weird though, no clouds in the village hidden in the clouds, irony perhaps? Anyhow on this bright and sunny day a young ANBU member would make his appearance. Satoru Raiju, or just Satu for short, wakes up in his large Hokkedō like compound. He rolls out of his grand king sized bed and is greeted by two maids holding a cup of water and a warm face towel for him. Satu sits up, drinks the water and wipes his face, bowing to thank the women. Right now he's half naked, only his boxers on, so the women blush. A pair of feet slide into sandals on the edge of the bed, and he begins to walk, starting off his day. After a nice bath, breakfast and news of his clan, the man begins equipping ANBU armor. On the back of his chest piece a large wolf like beast peers at whomever is glaring at Satu's back. Once fully equipped the man leaves his compound and heads off to work.

He had a really simple mission really... meet the new ANBU Captain to introduce himself. For this simple task he'd complete a C-ranked mission. Truthfully this was the first C-ranked mission he'd been on in years, being such a high ranking Shinobi he was used to at least B-ranked missions. Walking to the office from his clan's giant ass compound wasn't really a short walk, it took like 30 minutes if you weren't doing any ninja like shit, and he wasn't. Maybe investing in a bike would be a good idea, idk.

Seeing the faces of the villagers was nice though, most would kindly nod or wave towards Satu. He was a popular guy, being the head of the most powerful clan in Kumo had advantages! Once the man had reached the market district he sat down in a little restaurant and ordered bacon and eggs. Of course for this meal he had to take off his mask, which was allowed to do for occasions like this. He also pulled down his scarf, showing his handsome face to all the ladies he was afraid to talk to. The waiter bowed as she saw him, she was a yellow cloud member and still must have thought the class system was being enforced. Satu grabs her hand and helps her up, smiling.

"You don't have to bow to me, I'm your family not your king."

She smiles and gives him his food, blushing as she walks off. After the ANBU member consumes his meal he tries to pay for it, but the owner happens to be apart of the clan as well, so he says it's on the house. Satu finally makes his way to the office after all of this, signing in and all that. Who does the 21 year old man see once he enters the ANBU Captain's office? His little cousin, Moyasu Uchiha. He instantly smiles and opens his arms to hug the boy.

"Hey Moya-kun! Are my eyes deceiving me or are you the ANBU Captain?!"

3Moyasu's Office Empty Re: Moyasu's Office Sat Oct 26, 2013 5:55 pm



Moyasu had been sitting down in his new office looking out the window for at least two hours now, creepy? i think so. What exactly had he been doing just looking out the window? was he watching little kids play? was he being a pervert like his cousin Satu? doubt it. Whatever he was doing, it came to an end when he had lifted himself off his chair planing to leave the office when he was suddenly interrupted by a familiar voice indeed.
"Hey Moya-kun! Are my eyes deceiving me or are you the ANBU Captain?!"
Moyasu heard letting of a small smirk and stopping his body from doing anything and instantly crunching up his face and letting off a huge smile.
"Cousin... is that you...."
Moyasu said softly turning around slowly holding the excitement in. Satu was the only main family member that he had after both his mother and father died. He was all alone but that would not stop the happiness to show itself. Upon turning around he had seen his cousin Satoru Raiju standing there before his hazel brown eyes with his arms out, opening up for a gentle hug, somewhat a gesture of gratitude.

Happily, Moyasu hugged his cousin before releasing the hug and stepping back while looking at his cousin with joy which could easily be spotted by the emotion on his face and within his eyes.
"Yeah im the new Anbu Captain cousin, great eh? What are you doing here anyway Satu? wait... don't tell me you are in the Anbu Black Ops!"
Moyasu said rubbing the emotion away from his eyes, revealing his normal blank expression. His left hand was then lifted and planted into his pocket moving around a lot, it was as if he had been searching for something. A few seconds later while waiting for his reply, Moyasu pulled out two lollipops. One being his favorite flavor, cherry and the other being a lemon one. Moyasu would then throw the lemon flavored lollipop at his cousin while opening his own and beginning to suck on it.

It was quite a dumb question to ask, since Satu was wearing the Anbu Black Ops attire but Moyasu didn't pay any attention to his appearance due to the fact that he was just excited to see his family. Satu had also been shown to have his Anbu mask, something that Moyasu disliked. The fact that the masks had no hole on the mouth meant that he could not be able to suck a lollipop while he was wearing that stupid thing. If it was up to Moyasu, he would surely remove the lower half of the mask without question but he had no power to do such, he was only the captain not the appearances designer.


4Moyasu's Office Empty Re: Moyasu's Office Sun Oct 27, 2013 1:35 pm


Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

"Yeah im the new Anbu Captain cousin, great eh? What are you doing here anyway Satu? wait... don't tell me you are in the Anbu Black Ops!"

"No the ANBU uniform is just for Halloween, I'm dressing up and passing out candy. Of course I'm ANBU! I'm the guy Kumo comes to when they need a 100 percent success rate, or if a highly powerful target needs assassinating. I didn't know you were in ANBU, and I surely didn't know you were the Captain!"

Moya was always sucking on lollipops, he must have sucked his thumb when he was younger. It was a habit most children that couldn't breast feed had. The older cousin catches and pockets the lollipop, saving it for another time. Satu was slightly proud of his cousin, he always knew he had some amount of potential and talent, even if it took him until he was about 15 to become a Chuunin. Though to be fair becoming a Chuunin at 15 isn't that bad, it's actually impressive, Satu was just a goon that ended up passing his exams at at age 8. It seems the wonderful weather wasn't here for long, clouds begin to form and one blocks out the sun, which just so happened to be shining into the office. Satu sighs and sits down, slightly saddened that this perfect day wasn't so perfect anymore.

"So cousin, what missions do you have for me? I hope something fun, I've been on a slew of boring missions."

A young, attractive woman comes into the room handing the two men paper about a few budget cuts from the ANBU organization. Nothing major, just that they couldn't fund the free bagels and coffee for the morning anymore. She smiles and blushes once her eyes lock with Satu, rushing out quickly. He blushes as well and tries to hide it from his cousin, covering his face, acting as if he's reading.

"So the weather right?! It's all weird and shit, changing from good to bad." He laughs nervously, what a shy lad.

Last edited by kidbushido on Sun Oct 27, 2013 2:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

5Moyasu's Office Empty Re: Moyasu's Office Sun Oct 27, 2013 1:58 pm



Moyasu sucked his cherry flavored lollipop hearing a reply from his cousin that made him giggle a bit.
"No the ANBU uniform is just for Halloween, I'm dressing up and passing out candy. Of course I'm ANBU! I'm the guy Kumo comes to when they need a 100 percent success rate, or if a highly powerful target needs assassinating. I didn't know you were in ANBU, and I surely didn't know you were the Captain!"
A smile then emerged kicking out the giggle that had been coming from Moyasu. It was such a rude reply to most people but the bond that Moya and Satu had.It was by far to hard to break from a simple rude reply. They knew each other to well and what others thought was rude, they found it funny.
"HA...HA...HA.... your funny as ever cousin.. not. "
Moyasu said hearing a question from his cousin that he ignored when suddenly after a lady walked into the room with two papers, guessing one was for him and one was for Satu.

Moyasu collected his paper and noticed the awkward moment between the lady and his cousin looking at the ground and rubbing his head softly, letting his white spiky hair flick around each time he moved his hand.
"No matter how old we grow, you will forever remain a pervert Satu."
Moyasu said laughing before reading his the paper he had collected from the young girl that ran out of the room.
The question that was asked earlier soon popped back into his head as he walked over to his desk, taking a seat and opening up his draws to a bunch of paperwork. With the paper he received from that lady earlier, he put it into the draw with a bunch of others, closing it and opening the draw on top of that one.

"So the weather right?! It's all weird and shit, changing from good to bad."
Moya heard as he nodded his head softly, slowly pulling out two papers from a bunch.
"Well, Cousin we have two missions that need to be done today. The first one is our Daily Patrol where we just do our normal Patrol duties but instead we can do it together. The other is called Operation Zero: Taking out the trash. On that mission we will have to travel out of Kumogakure and into the Thunder valleys to investigate the strange noises, apparently its a ghost...... Na I'm kidding its only meant to be a group of thugs that need their asses whipped. So what mission would it be?"
Moyasu said putting the two papers on the desk in front of him for his cousin to see while slowly raising his head and focusing his eye contact onto him.


6Moyasu's Office Empty Re: Moyasu's Office Sun Oct 27, 2013 5:37 pm


Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

"No matter how old we grow, you will forever remain a pervert Satu."

"I'm not a pervert little cousin I just like girls, sometimes I wonder about you though. You know I'll accept you no matter which... uhhh... genital you prefer. It's all good to me man, I have a gay butler and he's hilarious, you gotta hear his stories bro-"

Satu notices he's losing track of his mind again and quickly snaps back to reality. He then chuckles to himself softly and pats his cousin on the shoulder. He tends to do that a lot, joke and lose track of his environment.

"Well, Cousin we have two missions that need to be done today. The first one is our Daily Patrol where we just do our normal Patrol duties but instead we can do it together. The other is called Operation Zero: Taking out the trash. On that mission we will have to travel out of Kumogakure and into the Thunder valleys to investigate the strange noises, apparently its a ghost...... Na I'm kidding its only meant to be a group of thugs that need their asses whipped. So what mission would it be?"

This doesn't even require much thought.

"Obviously the one in the thunder valleys to investigate the noises. Why the shit would I go on daily patrol, that's so boring. PLUS the name, "Operation Zero: Taking out the trash" sounds so cool. I sound like one of those secret agents from those foreign films I love so much! Well... technically we are secret agents if you think about it Moya-kun. I mean, we secretly kill people, sabotage stuff and look cool like ALL the time. Wow... I'm living the dream!"

He laughs a bit harder this time, a huge smile upon his face.

"Alright letme start this mission. Once you're done with your mission go towards my compound so we can talk bro! You know I'll be done with mine, Peace!"

The young man shakes his cousin's hand and heads out.


7Moyasu's Office Empty Re: Moyasu's Office Sun Oct 27, 2013 5:48 pm




"I'm not a pervert little cousin I just like girls, sometimes I wonder about you though. You know I'll accept you no matter which... uhhh... genital you prefer. It's all good to me man, I have a gay butler and he's hilarious, you gotta hear his stories bro"
Moyasu heard before raising his head at his cousin with his eye twitching showing that he was annoyed with what he just said.
"You asshole..... I can score better bitches then you cousin!!"
Moyasu said with a annoyed look. It was real weird for Moyasu to say such a thing seeing as he wasn't interested in the whole dating thing at the moment. He was young and had his entire life to live so why would he even bother worrying about foolish things? he didn't get the point so he never really found interest in relationships however he did plan to have a family of his own just not so early.
"Obviously the one in the thunder valleys to investigate the noises. Why the shit would I go on daily patrol, that's so boring. PLUS the name, "Operation Zero: Taking out the trash" sounds so cool. I sound like one of those secret agents from those foreign films I love so much! Well... technically we are secret agents if you think about it Moya-kun. I mean, we secretly kill people, sabotage stuff and look cool like ALL the time. Wow... I'm living the dream!"
He heard letting a smile hit his face while putting the patrol mission paper back into the draw. He would then grab his Anbu mask putting it on his face while raising his head towards his cousin and getting off his chair.
"Alright then cousin, taking out the trash it is."
Moyasu said walking from around his table and shaking his cousins hand.
"Alright letme start this mission. Once you're done with your mission go towards my compound so we can talk bro! You know I'll be done with mine, Peace"
Was the last thing he heard, nodding his head to show agreement. Moyasu would then walk over to a closet located on the side of his wall doing a password to unlock the doors. Upon unlocking the doors, they would open up automatically revealing all his weapons but like always he grabbed his blade and headed out to meet his cousin in order to start his mission.

Exit ~
Mission Completed.
Word count Required: N/A
Total Word count: 391


8Moyasu's Office Empty Re: Moyasu's Office Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:39 am


Kumo Anbu
Kumo Anbu

Name: Operation Lightning: Registration.
Rank: C
Type: PC
Mission given by: Anbu Captain.
Rewards: 120Ryo + 1 Free D-rank jutsu token.
Participants: Anbu Only.
Daily: Once.
Description: Hanzou, Welcome to the Kumogakure Anbu Black Ops. Upon joining you are required to meet with the current Anbu Captain to introduce yourself.
Hanshin Hanzou, to most of the people in the village this name is just history. Basically everyone thinks Hanzou died a long time ago during the chunnin exam, but he is being trained under the ANBU control.
Hanzou hear something about a new Captain, so he go introduce himself to his new captain.
"I heard he is an Uchiha, this might be interesting.."
Hanzou stop infront of the captain's door, he take a second to breath and think on what he was going to say, Hanzou always respect all of his superiors. Hanzou knocks at the door and after 2 seconds he open the door and walk inside slowly.
-Excuse me sir!

9Moyasu's Office Empty Re: Moyasu's Office Mon Nov 04, 2013 1:07 pm



(Please excuse me for not being able to post with Moyasu as i already am in two topics .-. so instead il post as an Npc to give you instructions.)


The receptionist had been doing her normal daily routines when a strange figure walked into the building. This stranger was beyond the word creepy.... he was covered in bandages. At first she mistook him for a very badly injuried man and was about to call the medical ninja then she had thoughts that maybe he was a mummy, hard to say but one thing was certain. He was a Anbu member and you could tell by the armor and blade that the man wielded.

She had watched up walk up the stairs and straight towards the office before realizing that Moyasu, the Anbu Captain was out and wouldn't be back for a while so she ran up the stairs and chased the man but by the time she reached him, he had already entered the office."Excuse me sir! why are you inside Captain Moyasu's office?" She asked awaiting answers before she called someone to escort the mummy looking dude outside of the office, she couldn't do it herself? she was merely a receptionist, nothing more and nothing less.


10Moyasu's Office Empty Re: Moyasu's Office Tue Nov 05, 2013 7:33 am


Kumo Anbu
Kumo Anbu

While Hanzou slowly open the door he hear a girly voice coming from behind him.
-Excuse me sir! why are you inside Captain Moyasu's office?
Hanzou then turn and look at the woman, she looked a little scaried and Hanzou could tell by her look that she was not comfortable with that situation.
-Hello, I'm from the ANBU squad and I came to meet the ANBU captain. Me and the captain didn't meet yet and I need to introduce myself.
Hanzou look at the woman, he was not sure if she was understanding him or not. She looked like she was more concentrate on Hanzou's appearance then on what he had to say. Not wanting to spend his time there talking to the woman Hanzou ask her.
-Do you know where the captain is?

11Moyasu's Office Empty Re: Moyasu's Office Wed Nov 06, 2013 11:43 am




She stood there with a shocked expression before loosening up when she heard what the stranger had said.
"Hello, I'm from the ANBU squad and I came to meet the ANBU captain. Me and the captain didn't meet yet and I need to introduce myself."
The words were heard from the mummy looking figure making the lady bow with respect.
"Do you know where the captain is?"
She heard before looking around the captain's office. She was usually stuck at the reception desk so she hadn't been in here lately.
"Oh? you haven't heard the news lately? Moyasu the Anbu Captain has been promoted to Raikage because something bad happened to him. His cousin Satu is the new captain but i don't know where he is? he is all over the place that one."
The lady would say with a stunning smile.
"Anyway good luck on finding them, i need to get back to work."
She would say before leaving the room and returning to her reception desk



12Moyasu's Office Empty Re: Moyasu's Office Thu Nov 07, 2013 1:47 am


Kumo Anbu
Kumo Anbu

"Oh? you haven't heard the news lately? Moyasu the Anbu Captain has been promoted to Raikage because something bad happened to him. His cousin Satu is the new captain but i don't know where he is? he is all over the place that one."
Hanzou listen to the woman carefully, for him that was really interesting news. While Hanzou keep thinking about what the woman just said to him he sees the woman giving a little smile.
"Anyway good luck on finding them, i need to get back to work."
She would say that before leaving the room and returning to her reception desk, leaving Hanzou by himself in the room. While he is there by himself he stop to think in what is going on in Kumo.
"This is really strange.. Moyasu becoming the Raikage so suddenly like that.. Something wrong is happening. Well I don't have a lot of time for that right now, I need to talk to this new captain.. I'll have to come back here another time and look for him again"
Hanzou start walking out of the building.

Exit ~

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