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Otaki's Office

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1Otaki's Office Empty Otaki's Office Wed Oct 30, 2013 7:39 am




The room was still as Otaki sat in silent meditation. He had been like this for hours, sitting there on the floor calmly. He had meditated every morning for the past five years, and found that each day he learned something new. Today for instance, he realized that he had forgotten to tell his son good bye that morning. It as no big deal, but it was still something that weighed on his mind.

Otaki rose and walked to sliding door. As he did, he exchanged his normal white Kage coat for short black jacket and his mask, which he slipped over his face. He then proceeded to the secret elevator which led to a passageway out the back of the tower. It was time for Otaki to take on a mission.

2Otaki's Office Empty Re: Otaki's Office Sat Nov 02, 2013 9:44 am



The day was some what at its Peek with Moyasu fully geared out in his Anbu Captain gear with his White polished mask with gold trimmings. Him and his cousin had plans to meet with the Raikage today to do some business that they thought needed to be done so he made his way through the village finally reaching the destination, the administrative building where Moyasu also had a office. He knew the entire complex like the back of his hand and with a smirk under his mask he would put his hood on and walk inside the building. He had passed the receptionist and giving her a nod to show the nice manner that Moyasu gave off. He didn't know where his cousin was but he had walked through the hall way finally reaching the Raikages office.
Hmm i finally get to meet this old man....
Ox → Rabbit → Monkey → Dragon → Rat → Bird → Ox → Snake → Dog → Tiger → Monkey
Was the hand seals that Moyasu would do before entering the office.

"Ah.... you must be the Raikage? Otaki if im not mistaking? ha..."
Moyasu would say with his altered voice due to the Anbu mask that he was wearing.
"Please mind the rude entrance without knocking on the door and such but please if you wouldn't mind waiting for my Cousin to get here? that would be a huge favor that i would very much appreciate"
Moyasu would say bowing down to Otaki and giving off the real peaceful vibe through out the room before getting back up and looking around the office waiting for his cousin.

Word count Required: -
Total Word count: 269


3Otaki's Office Empty Re: Otaki's Office Sat Nov 02, 2013 10:58 am


Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

Kumogakure. A village named for the view one gets while overlooking the clouds that flow through the mountains the entire town. On this particular day, a huge storm erupts, with huge lightning clouds everywhere. The strange yet interesting thing about being in the Raikage's office is that the lightning clouds erupt around the building itself, so through the window one can see everything, black clouds with white flashes shooting back and forth. Strong winds knock onto the window, that and the loud thunderous booms should create a lot of noise.

A young ANBU member appears on the first floor of this administration's building holding an umbrella, in his full ANBU gear. He's easily distinguished by the Raijū clan's symbol on his back. Today Satoru and his younger cousin Moyasu had some business to discuss with the current Raikage. An old man this Raikage was, both of these younger boys probably didn't even have half the stories he could tell. But story telling can wait, right now more important matters had to be attended. Satu climbs the stairs, slightly irritated he hadn't started his mission.

Right now, like usual, Satoru's muscles are always ready for anything to happen. Being ANBU means you can get attacked at any time, or the Raikage, whom you must protect. He was actually packing his bags when Moya came to him and told him the conversation that the pair had to have with the Raikage if the village was going to get any better. Once Satu reaches the Raikage's office, he notices the leader isn't there, so he and his cousin must have taken the secret elevator that leads outside. Only ANBU members and the Raikage himself know of this secret passageway, thus meaning the three would be safe to discuss village business without a foreign enemy invading.

"Ah.... you must be the Raikage? Otaki if im not mistaking? ha... Please mind the rude entrance without knocking on the door and such but please if you wouldn't mind waiting for my Cousin to get here? that would be a huge favor that i would very much appreciate."

"Don't wait too long, I'm here."

Satu was a bit more impatient that his younger cousin. The pair have known each other for a while, they were basically like two brothers. Being the older cousin, Satu is very protective, and usually somewhat of a bully. At this moment the Raikage and Moya are outside, lightning and thunder filling the skies along with rain. Making his way towards the two, Satu's left arm reaches for his mask, while his right arm is raised, allowing him to snap his fingers. Through the air a large and loud thunder bolt springs around the old geezer. These thunder clouds were no joke, masking thunder like they do. Satu is about 10 feet from the Kage, while his cousin is probably about 4 feet to his right. Usually the ANBU would smile and tease his cousin, probably hug him, but in front of a Kage, one must show restraints.

4Otaki's Office Empty Re: Otaki's Office Sat Nov 02, 2013 9:25 pm



As the Raikage was about to leave, he was confronted by his ANBU Captain. He smiled, as he always loved to meet with his subordinates. It was a good thing for a kage to have a good and unstrained relationship with those who worked for him. He placed the white mask in his hands over his face, stretching the white fabric down until it was pulled tight against his skin.

If he remembered correctly, this was Moyasu Uchiha, one of the younger shinobi of the village. He was also a fire and lightning user, just like Otaki himself. He also had a cousin who was an ANBU member. It made Otaki wonder what it must be like to have a younger family member over ranking another.

"Don't worry about it Moyasu." He said through the mask's material, which muffled it a bit. "I was actually about to go for a walk up to the top of the mountain. I need to take a breather, but if you have something to tell me I'm all ears. After all, the Raikage should know everything that goes on in his village." While he was talking, Otaki took his prized katana from a katana and began strapping it to his hip. Then he and Moyasu proceeded down the elevator.

Just as they came outside, they were joined by another ANBU, Satu a wind and lightning user and Moyasu's cousin. It was interesting to see the two together. Otaki was jarred by a sudden flash of lightning and thunder as the shinobi snapped his fingers. He recomposed himself. "So you two have something to tell me?"

5Otaki's Office Empty Re: Otaki's Office Sun Nov 03, 2013 4:47 am



(Ooc: Satu had used a jutsu to attack you and you never mentioned your dodge so it connected with you but you are not dead. Also keep in mind how fast Chidori Spear is and im literally three steps away from you o-o)


Moyasu would smile under his mask being unnoticed to the human eye before hearing a few words from the Raikage.
"Don't worry about it Moyasu."
And soon after that.
"I was actually about to go for a walk up to the top of the mountain. I need to take a breather, but if you have something to tell me I'm all ears. After all, the Raikage should know everything that goes on in his village."
Moyasu smirked at the Raikages decision and was also shocked that the Raikage would go out alone with no backup, what if he was to get attacked? that could easily lead to serious injury's and to some stages.... death. After Moyasu watched the Raikage strap his katana to his lower hip then went down a small elevator to get to the ground then walking out the door only to walk upon his cousin outside. Moyasu would smile under his mask before turning to face the Raikage and taking two a step closer being only 3 steps away.

Suddenly out of no where with the help of the thunder storm that had been raging up around Kumogakure, his cousin Satu used his clan abilities and attacked the Raikage with a C-rank ability that managed to hit at point blank range. Moyasu would then smirk under his mask as the Raikage had been hit at point blank and was eiter dead or badly injured, despite the fact that the jutsu was a C-rank, the element was Lightning, one of the more stronger elements. He was either dead or paralyzed with Moyasu lifting up his hand and point it towards the Raikage's stomach.
"I am so sorry to do this to you Raikage sama but you either have two choices..... The first is to step down as the Raikage and hand that title over to me and drop down to become a Jounin for Kumogakure or............ Die."
Moyasu would say sending a Chidori Spear right through the Raikage's stomach.
"If you agree to step down then i will take you immidatly to the hospital and you will live to fight another day for Kumo but if not then im sure Satu would love to have the title 'Kage Killer' on his head and be feared by the land."
Moyasu would say before gazing at the hurt Raikage.
Word count Required: -
Total Word count: 600

Last edited by Sato on Sun Nov 03, 2013 5:43 am; edited 1 time in total


6Otaki's Office Empty Re: Otaki's Office Sun Nov 03, 2013 5:32 am



"Lord Raikage i am so sorry for the rudeness of myself and my cousin coming to meet you without any warnings but we had something important come up and we needed to tell you straight away... please hold my hand in a handshake manner well i tell you the bad news......"

Otaki noticed the the electricity playing in the ANBU member's hand and the bit of sadness in his voice. He became weary of the situation and declined to shake the young man's hand. "Sorry, there's been something going around lately, and I haven't been shaking hands. Please forgive me for my impoliteness, I must be careful in these matters."

His hand slowly slipped into the pocket of his coat where he kept a kunai wrapped in an exploding tag. Something wasn't right. He doubted the two would be plotting against him, but just in case, he had to keep his guard up.

The other hand went to the hilt of his sword, not necessarily to draw it, but in a reverse fashion so that if he did it would be drawn with blade pointing down. "So, what is this bad news? Has someone died?" At the same time, he began to draw energy from the blade, charging his Electromagnetic Murder. If the two miscreants wanted to trick him, he would put them in their place. "We live in a sad time where such things happen so often, don't we?"

7Otaki's Office Empty Re: Otaki's Office Sun Nov 03, 2013 5:45 am



(OOC: your post is voided. Read my post.)


8Otaki's Office Empty Re: Otaki's Office Tue Nov 05, 2013 4:30 am



48 Hour Rule.

Moyasu didn't hear nothing come from the Raikage when his chidori Spear had impaled right through the stomach of Otaki at point blank range. This is the second time that the Raikage was hit by a Raiton jutsu at point blank range, he was lucky to still be alive but by the looks of it he was paralyzed from all the static energy. Moyasu would pull the Chidori spear out from Otaki's stomach and watch him drop to the ground.
"I am done here..... you have now be de-ranked to a Jounin for Kumogakure. Medics will arrive to pick you up shortly if your still alive.... Satu might not be so kind... Oh and cousin your now the Anbu Captain."
Moyasu would say walking away from the area to get some fresh air.

Word count Required: -
Total Word count: -


9Otaki's Office Empty Re: Otaki's Office Tue Nov 05, 2013 6:28 pm


Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

A dark deed had been done onto this peaceful man, by another man of peace. The dark thunderous clouds and their tears fall onto the open face of Satu, who by now is staring up at the sky, his own fluids mixing in with the rain. Satoru's right palm was still stained with blood, his evil deed caused his throat to fill up with his stomach acids, but he swallows his emotions and accepts what he's done.


1 Hour Ago.

"Don't wait too long, I'm here."

Satoru's thunder finger clap jutsu hit Otaki without fail, springing into action and hitting the Raikage at point blank range. The man's body begins to shake and convulse rapidly as he hits the ground, shaking from the electricity storming through his body. Even if the attack wasn't as powerful as others in his arsenal, it was still something else. With a look of surprise that such a simple attack actually defeated the Raikage, Sato tries to hold back his excitement of his power.

"God that was only one attack, all I did was one of the first Thunder Release jutsu they teach us. I guess this Raijin blood is powerful though... Uhhh okay."

Otaki quivers even more once his stomach is impaled by Moya-chan, who at this point just went overkill.
"I am so sorry to do this to you Raikage sama but you either have two choices..... The first is to step down as the Raikage and hand that title over to me and drop down to become a Jounin for Kumogakure or............ Die. If you agree to step down then i will take you immidatly to the hospital and you will live to fight another day for Kumo but if not then im sure Satu would love to have the title 'Kage Killer' on his head and be feared by the land. I am done here..... you have now be de-ranked to a Jounin for Kumogakure. Medics will arrive to pick you up shortly if your still alive.... Satu might not be so kind... Oh and cousin your now the Anbu Captain."

"Moyasu I think he's had enough! Look at him, the first attack put him down, you don't have to keep him down to prove your point!"

After Moya walks away to apparently get fresh air... while outside, Satu tries to help the Ex-Raikage up and to the hospital. But the scorn man has a different idea, pulling a bombtag wrapped kunai from his pocket, and trying to stab the young man with it. With the position that the two were in now, with Satu's right arm trying to grab the older man by his stomach to hoist him up, Satu is able to counter rapidly. With a huge amount of force Satu squeezes the impaled stomach of the ex-Kumo leader, making the pain from the previous attack double. He drops the bombtag, but tries activating it before it lands, so it can kill Satu.

"Boom." The old man says, but he doesn't realize that his younger enemy had already kicked the falling bombtag into the office above them, and with the same momentum reversed his kick and landed it at the back of the old man's head. The explosion went off and destroyed windows from the building, alerting people above. Otaki laid on the ground unmoving, head full of blood.

"Goddamn it old man look what you made me do! I was trying to help you! Now your head is bleeding and that office is gonna require some repairs, my estate is not paying for that... Uhhh Otaki-san?"

Still unmoving Satu shakes the man.

"Otaki-san this isn't funny, if you try another sneak attack I'll have to break your arms man."

Still no movement. Satoru checks for breathing but hears nothign.


People above in the office look down at the scenery, a woman screams and covers her face. They now look onto the face of Satoru, the Kage Killer.


(All of the items of the deceased Raikage now go to Satoru)

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