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A Wanderers Meeting (No Killing/Closed: Akira, Fumiko) - Page 2 Pixel

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A Wanderers Meeting (No Killing/Closed: Akira, Fumiko)

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Akira jumped a bit at the woman's touch. She was wiping Akira's tears? She had never had this done before so it was quite odd for her. Then, after a moment came an embrace. This was new to Akira nobody had ever given her a hug before. At this point she was basically stunned she didn't know what to do. Her hands stayed clutched though. This warmth between the two of them was a new experience and feeling the breath of the woman on her ear. If Akira had stilk been a girl when she met this person she may have turned out differently. Though this thought never crossed her mind. Akira didn't kniw.what to think. All she could do was watch and listen.

The woman had touched Akira's hand and opened her fist. The only time someone had touched Akira's hand was to do the exact opposite. All of the contact Akira had between people were clan member that were teaching her how to protect her clan, her family, and herself. As she listened to the woman, she noticed the studder and moment of silence. Akira could tell this woman had something happen to her as well. She would never accept that they shared the same pain though. Then, she heard the woman tell her to inflict pain on her. Oh how Akira wanted to be she had to play the good girl part. She gave a small smile, "I can't protect myself if I'm not in danger. Besides, I won't hit my friends." Then, she sniffled a little.


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

Taka was good with feeling out her on body and she noticed the girls shyness to touch and how it seemed as if she was experencing being physically huged for a long time. 'A product of lonelyness' Taka thought. This dismayed her a bit....but it was irrelevant. "I can't protect myself if I'm not in danger. Besides, I won't hit my friends." she said. This stunned Taka for a moment but she bleed right through the words and quickly thought of something. "You are in danger.....you are in danger....in danger from yourself. I'm taking a long shot but my guess is you haven't come to terms with whatever happened." she said with a face of concern.

"Friends...friends my dear, friends like me are the type that take your pain and hurt and keep you standing up..That keep you strong no matter what. You may not see...or you might be concious of it, but you don't have to wear a mask just to interact with people. I can tell that their is something broken...I can see it through your actions. I may not understand everything that has happened but I'm here now and I am going to do everything I can to help you. You don't have to be alone anymore. You don't have to struggle and rely on strangers anymore. Whatever has drived you to be wondering on your lonesome for so long can be helped and dealt with and I won't let you be alone anymore...you can only drag yourself into destruction!" Taka leaped forward and wrapped the young girl back into a deep hug and Taka layed her head onto the girls shoulder.



Akira stared at the woman. 'Danger of myself. Please the only danger is these Villages. They believe they can take anything they want.' Akira waa now able to think straight again. Then, she started listening as the woman kept speaking. 'Friendship.. what a waiste. Friendship is just something that people look to so they can just dump their problems out and not have to deal with it on their own. There's a flaw to this friendship at any time they can turn their back and spill your secrets, stories, and anything else you hold dear. My father always said your closest friend can always become your worst enemy. That's what I think of friendship. To me it's a tool. I can use it to my advantage. People fall for it everytime and they then become pawns on my chess board of life. They may be useful in thd future but if not then I take no pitty in getting rid if them.' Akira's thoughts ran wild at the word friendship.

Listening to the rest of the speach, Akira kept thinking hee fowl thoughts. As soon as the woman was done, did she embrace Akira again. Still, she decided to speak. "As much as I would like that. I cannot always be here and you cannot always be where I am. There will always be times when I am alone. Still, I will not allow myself to fall to destruction it's what my parents didn't want for me." Akira said this but stood completely still she sort of stared at the ground. Her wide amber eyes saying one thing while her brain thought if another. 'This mask will never disappear. Without my mask people will attempt to get close and eventually it will lead to my destruction. You people will never understand.' Akira thought to herself and as always they were correcting people that probably could have made a difference years ago.


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

"As much as I would like that. I cannot always be here and you cannot always be where I am. There will always be times when I am alone. Still, I will not allow myself to fall to destruction it's what my parents didn't want for me." the girl said. Taka could see that it seemed she had ran along the wrong lines and got caught in whatever she was saying. 'She isn't being open with me...I might have to leave her alone and come back to this later. I will have to stick with her and hang out...then she might open up' Taka wondered. Taka lifted herself off the girl and then looked at Akira in the eyes and placed her hands on Akiras shoulder. "Being alone doesn't mean that you are with someone 24/7...thats a very childish way to look at companionship, Akira. Being able to never be alone means you know no matter where you are there is one person out there. Someone who can help you, someone who cares for you, someone who will have your back. The person doesn't have to physically be with you. There is a connection, its okay though because you aren't alone anymore, you've got me..Taka!" Taka said with a small giggle.

Taka finished...however she wasn't sure if thats all she wanted to say...she wanted to say more. 'This girl won't let down her barriers thats okay. I'll help her, she doesn't have to be tough anymore. I can't imagine what it must have been like being all...alone.....I can.....I know that feeling all to will......Now that I think about the reason I'm going this far...is because we are similar. Similar....huh and if not for K....I don't know where I'd be with my life...she doesn't have anyone I have to help her' Taka thought. Taka slowly lifted her body off the ground and then spoke again "Alright, Akira. You can lie to me now, I understand. You aren't comfortable with me or don't trust me. I'll just have to prove through action I'll be here for you....I've decided. I'm going to be your partner in crime!" she laid with a large laugh. "Where to boss? " she said with a smile. Taka looked at the girl eaglery awating her response. 'At least for now I can follow this girl...until the Kage comes to greet me, I mean I'd like to reafirm my postion...but it seems that will have to wait.'



Akira was smirking behind her adorable little face. 'Yeah right if you knew who I was you wouldn't care. I know how this works. When you look sweet and cute everyone wants to help you. When they find out that you belong to a clan that is said to kill for fun then they all try to kill you. Even if, it's not true or if you haven't done anything to deserve it. They think they are helping the world by getting rid of danger when in reality they are killing innocent people.' Akira always took something... anything positive and turned it into her own evil thoughts. She would never believe anyone. "Thank You Taka." Akira would say with a big smile on her face.

Akira then looked with a bit of surprise. 'That's a pretty good guess,' Akira thought when she heard the comment about not trusting Taka. Then, she started to think again her evil thoughts flooded through her mind. 'Ha! You wouldn't wanna be my partner in crime. This is quite amusing considering she knows nothing about what I do. She would basically be signing up to be hunted down and killed.' This made Akira feel like smirking but of course she wouldn't be able to around this woman. "Well, I don't think you would want to come with me because I am going all the way to Kirigakure. I know some people there I need to visit. Also, it looks like you have business here right?" She said with a great big smile.


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

After hearing the young girl thank Taka. Taka began to wonder if that meant that she was accepting of her own offer. 'Does that mean she digs me following her around for a bit....should I even follow her. This was more of a test to see what she would say. It seems she accepts it.' Taka pondered. Soon Taka would quickly then snap towards her words and listen to what she was saying. It seemed to Taka she was willing to have her aboard. Its not like Taka had really given her much of a choice anyways. "Well its a long way off but I think I can make it with you, I have to handle some business in the village like you said however that shouldn't take long. I doubt much will happen." Taka said plainly. Taka stretched her arms out wide and let out a powerful yawn. "Well follow me, I've gotta take all this wrapping off and among other things. We should be finished here after I get to camp. As Kiri requires more relaxed gear then this." Taka said. Taka nodded her head down the road back towards the village and then let her hand out to grab Akiras hand and would attempt to lead her towards the camp site that was close to the gate.

As they approached the camp site the small fire had now gone out and only a small puff of smoke bursted into the air. Taka was a bit dismayed that it had gone out, but it was of little consequence, Taka looked over to her tent that had been setup next to a large Oak tree and she had done this so the shad of the tree would be over it as the sun went overhead. It was easy to tell that she had been living her, as a bag filled with trash was just outside of the foot traveled path to the camp. The camp itself was only a 40 feet or so in the woods and it was easily visible from the roads. Taka reached down to her pack...her eyes then noticed that she had carelessly left her emblem in the backpack...however it was faced inward so no one could see the Konoha village emblem with a large center scratch across. Taka ignored it as she didn't need to go into the bag just yet. "You ready for a gun show?" Taka said with a loud laugh.

Taka then proceed to take off all the wrap on her body. As she began to uncover her face, one quickly noticed her very feminine face and her blonde hair that sat underneath. Taka quickly began to unravel the rest of it. After that she began to take off the thick heavy clothing that covered her. After a bit of maneuvering she dropped the heavy shirt onto the ground. Her body now exposed a cream colored sleeveless shirt. Her body now exposed had a very musclar attributes to it which gave her a slim yet malish body. Her chest was totally flat, however that was thanks to the leather piece underneath. Something was wrong with her arms and body...even her face now that it was fully exposed. Large and deep scars trailed all along her arms and even a few on her face. Her right and left shoulder standed out a bit more as both had tattoos on them that read Love on one side and Understanding on the other. "Cha!! This feels so much better now that its off" she said to herself. Taka began to pick up her recently disregarded clothes and place them in the pack as she did her headband fell out. Taka herself didn't notice that it fell out, however it fell face up into the dirt near Takas attempt to place the clothes into the large back, that was about as tall as 3 feet. The large somewhat rusted headband...stood for all to see. With the Konoha leaf being slashed through...the mark...a mark that all know in the shinobi world.



Akira listened as Taka spoke. 'Well guess I'll be stuck with her for a while. Hopefully, she'll leave when we get to Kiri or something.' Akira sort of visioned herself rolling her eyes. "Oh you really want to come with me?! We can be travel buddies!" Akira said with a bit if excitement and a small jump. Just before anything else was said or done Akira was being led to Taka's campsite.

As they got closer to the camp Akira looked at bit surprised. 'So, she's been living in the woods when the village is right there. Pfft shows a lot about this village. Who woukld want to wait outside a place like this with such living conditions. Goes to show how terrible these villages are and that somebody needs to show them their not as good as they thought.' Akira thought to herself. Even though she didn't care much for this woman, Akira hated the villages and would find any flaw they had. Then, she looked to see Taka going through a bag and quickly moving on.

Akira stood still as Taka started to change her outfit. She noticed Taka's face and how feminine it was. "I knew you were a girl." Akira said with a small giggle. Then, she noticed the scars and tattoos. 'She must try to hide these factors. She tries to act like a man so she hides her face but the scars and tattoos. They would make her look more intimidating unless they are shameful to her. Hmmm. Maybe I should teach her some lessons of my own.' Akira laughed a bit in her head to herself. Soon after, she turned her head and noticed the headband on the ground. She walked over and picked it up. Staring at it did she notice the scratch mark across it. "Missing Ninja Huh? Why did you come back?" Akira asked in a questioning voice. It interested her.


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

Taka smiled a bit at the words travel buddies. 'Yes, I guess...but it will be more me looking out for you and making sure you don't get attacked.' Taka thought. After Taka finished declothing herself the young girl used a almost ah ha! Voice that all kids use when they think they've been confirmed in one of there ideas. This made Taka smile a bit and she listened to the correct remark about her being a girl. 'I mean shes right, but I've gotta just play this off.' Taka thought. "Well you see most would expect that however...my downstairs disagrees with the gender of female. I'm just naturally girly, however my size and body seem to make me look plenty manly!!! My face....and muscle build....are unlucky very girlish....I'm an unlucky soul!" Taka said in a disparaged voice.

Taka had just finished packing up all her stuff when she heard the girl ask about her headband. Quickly she darted around to look for it...it wasn't in her pack! She quickly looked around and saw it on the ground and jolted towards picking it up. "Jez, man. You weren't suppose to see that. Unlike other missing-ninja I wasn't permanently banned and wasn't hunted down by my village. They simply kicked me out because I fought my sensei and almost end up getting one of us killed. Sensei is a strong word...more like jack ass. But its a good story...lots of loops doops. However information like that is only open to the highest ups in Konoha. I actually have to go to a meet them and find out if I'm being readmitted into the village." Taka said to the girl



Listening to Taka's explanation about her gender, Akira giggled a bit. "That's kinda weird but I still don't believe it. You can't trick me silly." Akira said. She watched the woman's reaction to her question about the headband. As she listened to the woman's explanation she started thinking to herself. 'Hmmm I bet it would be an interesting story to hear. However, I don't have time for this. I would just like to leave. I have other places to be.' It was almost as if Akira was getting impatient. Then, something caught her attention. "Why would you want to come back if they kicked you out? And what about this sensei of yours what if he's here?" Akira asked curiously. She didn't understand what was so great about village life. Their such awful places in Akira's opinion.

OOC: *Hmmm.. Idk what else to put.. this is all I got.. for now.*


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

Takas eyebrows twitched a bit when Akira kept insisting that she was a girl. "Guess its fine considering you are a 12 year old and don't know any better" Taka said with a depressing sigh. She then listened to the girl then prattle around some more trying to get more information about Akira. 'Chaaaa, this girl. She really is persistent. Thats great! Wait....what I just thought seems highly hypocritical.......NAHHHHHHH, its not I'm totes good.' Taka pondered. Taka began to walk further towards the village gate and made sure that Akira stayed close to Taka. She glanced over making sure she was keeping up. Taka finally had finished thinking about what was asked and decided upon a decent answer. "Well you'll keep asking it seems you are intrigued by me. hers the full story." she said to Akira.

With a long breath Taka began to speak "Well it all started out with me being bullied by my sensei, this started when I became a genin at age 8. When I did this I was disliked, most of the people in my squad were your age. They laughed made fun of me and my sensei didn't help much. I got relentlessly tormented by them for a while, almost beaten to death, you know common stuff. But then I passed the Chuunin exams at which I was around your age, actually a little younger 11 or so. But anyways all this bullying made me a very angry person, I was a idiot when I think back I used this as a excuse to go off and fight people...never killed anyone but I was just dumb. I was very lucky that my new found squad...squad 7 was formed and the two others in the squad saved me from whatever I could have become. I thank them and pray for them everyday. Anyways I went along my life with them until.....the unthinkable happened. Around the time I was 14...we were ambushed by a enemy Kono-...I mean AN- gah....well I'm pretty sure it was the same bully who beat me up all those years ago and we was doing this..I meant to skim over that part...however its to important to leave out. Anyways we fought tooth and nail and my two friends end up dieing during the fight...I was left alive and in total disrepair. After a while I was reassigned to another squad and the same bully from before was the leader of it and became my sensei. I was treated like utter shit and I let all my anger boil like a child....until one day I confronted him about that day...I fought him to a draw. After that his pride was too hurt and he pulled some strings getting me kicked out. After being kicked out.....I traveled the world and learned to forgive humanity and my village...I use to think some crazy thoughts during the early days. BURN IT ALL, KILL THEM ALL, you know basic psychotic stuff. But...I made realization through deep meditation....it was simple....Blaming all of humanity for the faults of the few only continues the same cycle you stand against.....which is someone causing pain. Causing death and chaos these people are the route of the problem. They are only causing the same suffering they once suffered, ya know? Its totally hypocritical and senseless anger. So what I did during my 7 years I learned how to love and care for all, even the most evil of evil. These scars are my payment for trying to care and understand everyone. Some people think they have it all figured out....they would rather act out in violence against me then face the reality of their situation. For myself I can't kill someone, so I can only subdue them until they learn...that I am here for them. Sometimes it takes a couple stab wounds. Anyways I know want to come back and bring this attitude towards the village. Teach the young of this village what it means to truly love and understand." Taka finished as they approached the tree line that end right at where the gates where.



At Taka's first comment Akira scoffed in her head. 'Ha. I know more than you think.' However, on the outside she seemes to be just happily moving along. It was silent for a moment and Akira wondered if she would ever get anything out of Taka about this missing ninja thing. She had started to get a little more inpatient until she heard Taka start to speak. 'Ahhh now we are getting somewhere.' Akira thought to herself as she started to calm a bit. She really didn't care to hear the whole story she only wanted to know the answer straight to the point. Akira wanted to know what people thought and why they reacted to certain things in certain ways. So, getting closer to them would give her a better undertsanding. It also gave her inspiration for more of her little characters.

As the story began Akira seemed to start comparing the woman to herself. Akira knew what it was like to be bullied but her sensei had always been kindish toward her. Her sensei took favor over her because she was always top of the class. If she had been any different she would have been treated as all the rest. That's why she was bullied but Akira had never said anything about it nor tried to stop it in any way. She would let time take it's course and they'd get what they deserved. However, She never wanted to watch them all die along with her friends and family. Akira knew what pain and suffering was like. There was one part of the story she didn't agree with though. 'So, I'm causing Pain and suffering myself? I don't think so. I am fixing the pain and suffering these people have caused so it won't happen again. Blaming humanity only seems right! Every person I have met thinks and acts just alike whether they believe it or not! They all think that they can change others ao that the world will be good. Well news flash you can't! It doesn't work like that. You have to eliminate the threat before it happens again. Even if that means taking the lives of millions. They deserve to die for the pain they caused. I am only speeding up the process and bringing better times to the world.' Akira thought all this to herself aa the stoey went on. Her eyes were cold looking while her face was telling a difderent story. Her eyes full of anger while her face showed sadness. Then, slowly her face turned to happiness towards the end. Still her eyes didn't change. Then, she smiled, "You're strong Taka. I hope you accomplish what you wish to accomplish. This village will need it." Akira then stopped at the treeline near Taka with the gate in full view.


Konoha Jounin
Konoha Jounin

Taka heard the kind words from the woman and this made her smile widely. She bent down to Akiras level and looked at her straight in the eye and leaned forward and gave her a big hug. "You are going to great things, I'm sure of it. Wait here I've gotta go handle some stuff, okay?" Taka said in a sweet voice. She looked forward at the place and was a bit nervous that she was going to be going over there. What was she going to say? More or less what was she going to do. 'This is going to be well interesting.' she thought. Taka took a small step forward and began heading towards the gates. She looked back at Akira and gave her a ditzy wave, which looked.....unbearably girly.....After noticing the female goodbye wave she just did her eye shot wide open and she quickly pattered forward towards the gates hiding from pure embarrassment.

Exit Topic



Akira smiled as Taka looked at her and gave her a hug. 'You have no idea.' Akira thought to herself after hearing Taka's comment. "Thank You Taka. I will. Also, don't forget about the button." Akira would then smile a bigger smile. The button was more so Akira could keep track of the many people she met. If they took it, it would make her job easier if not then oh well. Still, she stood and watched as Taka walked away. As Taka waved, so did Akira. Her wave was about as adorable as a small child's wave. Then, quickly she put her hand down as Taka turned away. Akira would wait for just the right time to leave it just wasn't right now.

Exit. <3

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