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A Sea of Dreams [Private/Rōarku Puredetā] Pixel

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A Sea of Dreams [Private/Rōarku Puredetā]

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Sparrow Gēto

Sparrow Gēto

The pink haired lass rose from her sprawled position. Her hair was just as unkempt as it was the day before, and she couldn't care any less. The acid bubble that formed while she slept began to burst and shoot minor amounts of acid across her room. Fortunately, the level of the acidic liquid was low and didn't burn anything. Besides, most things in her bedroom were enhanced via Sanseiu technology. Things rarely burned from acid in their houses, especially their clothing. Once she woke, Cherī hopped out of bed and began to change into her usual bright getup. The design of her unusual kimono, skirt, and undershirt were of the floral classification. She would remind the normal person of a single budding flower if looked at from an artistic standpoint.

She walked down her steps as quietly as possible to not alert her overbearing parents. However, that attempt was just did not work for they had already been lurking at the bottom of the steps. See, Cherī was in the rebellious teen stage of her life and she'd rather not focus most of her attention on her overwhelming shinobi parents. However, she did have feelings for their hardships in the past, so she respected them no matter the grueling situation. " What...? " She'd ask in a grumpy tone. They looked at each other and then back at Cherī. " Nothing... " Her mother would say. She held something behind her back. Cherī looked at them, letting them know that she knew they had something to share. She simply began her descent to the first floor of their home and opened the front door. Her father tapped her shoulder and looked over to his wife. Cherī's mother nodded and revealed what she had been hiding. " Here. " Her mother said, handing her a scrolled note. " We know you're going to go train your first element, so we have a jutsu that you can learn as your very first jutsu of that element. " She explained. Cherī simply nodded and cracked a slight smile. " Thanks, I guess. " She'd say, closing the door behind her. Her parents simply smiled.

As Cherī made her way to the training field, she admired each flower she passed by with the utmost appreciation for their beauty. She hid her blushing, though. She didn't want people to think she was soft or anything. However, a few kids would giggle at her awing and stick their tongues out. Cherī mimicked the action and stuck her bubbling tongue out. The kids ran in terror because they knew of her acidic talents. She chuckled in maniacal laughter. Her walk was short lived because she had made it to her destination. The training field was just outside of Konohagakure and it connected to the plains and the forest of death. However, she had hoped she'd be isolated from most of Konohagakure while training, but she was wrong. A boy around her age with alabaster hair was in the training area, as well.




The day was young, morning dew still occupied the blades of grass and leaves that were in abundance across the great village of Konohagakure no Sato. The rays of the early morning sun rising just over the monument of the previous, and most recently added new, Hokage streamed through the blinds of the one bed room flat apartment that belonged to a shinobi not native to these lands, his journey over the course of his life has led him to call The Village Hidden in the Leaves his home. The walls of the flat were bare, the room empty with the exception of an already made bed and a set of weights stacked together in the corner. The owner of the placed nowhere to be found within the room, but sounds from the only other door within the flat besides that of the one leading to the world outside indicated his location.

Without so much as a squeak the door swung open revealing the newest addition to Konohagakure's military ranks, Rōarku Puredetā. His well built frame was something extraordinary for shinobi of these lands, despite being 11 years of age the tonality of his body's muscle mass was on par with that of Jounin of this village, a gift among several other that he received through his lineage. Fresh from the shower, beads of water slowly accumulated on his bare chest before running down the lengths of his abs, also foreign to these lands was the caramel color of his skin tone unique to far off places in the Land of Lightning. As he walked away his left hand reached back closing the door behind him while his right began to playfully brush through the short blonde hair of his, the last bits of moisture from the morning's shower being slung around the room as he stopped before his weights. As routine the morning's workout was about to commence.

  • Dropping to the floor, fifty-five push-ups were to start. A set of regular, diamond, and Spiderman Push-Ups each.
  • Following this, Rōarku brought his arms together and rested on his forearms while elevating himself into a planking position. Three minutes ticked away on clock on his bedside table.
  • Rolling over onto his back, Rōarku began a set of crunches and sit ups at fifty-five a piece.
  • Propping up onto his butt with his feet and arms off of the ground, Rōarku began to twist to either side repeatedly. His hands came together to form a single fist which repeated to hit the ground until he had achieved fifty-five of each side.
  • The clock chimed again as three minutes and thirty-three seconds began ticking away, a set of jumping jacks occupied this time span before repeating the cycle of exercises thrice in succession, only then did the morning exercise conclude.

By the end of the morning's workout, per usual, the room had become something akin to a sauna. Certain characteristics of within the Puredetā lineage made possible for Rōarku to produce steam from the pores of his body, the morning's workout in collaboration with the steam naturally built up within his body tended to rapidly produce even more steam due to the rapid increase in temperature. For minutes Rōarku laid spread eagle across the floor looking up at the ceiling, although his body was exhausted from the workout his mind drifted in the sea of memories he acquired over his short life span. Memories of his brother in particular… In a matter of seconds he went from the floor and across the room to the window, a peculiar smell had alerted him of the arrival of a messenger bird. No sooner had he gotten their did the one foot wing span of a messenger bird fold inward outside the window, Rōarku slid the glass open and received the scroll within the holster of the birds back. Off it flew after receiving ruffling of the feathers on its' head, Rōarku's attention fell upon the scroll.

"Sensory Training

By request of the Hokage, you are asked to exercise your Sensory Skill and find the location of a an ally in hiding. You have but four hours to perform this mission. May the odds ever be in your favor...

- Lady Hokage"

Un like his previous missions which had no date or a signature, just simply instructions to follow and an odd saying. Typically, the leader of the Foundation assigned him missions on the daily, but since his newest assignment three months ago things had decreased for no apparent reason. The course of events that had followed up until reading the information within the confines of the scroll had become a daily routine over the course of three months since the boy known as Rōarku Puredetā gained residence within Konohagakure, every day the contents of the message were executed without question. The skills Rōarku possessed in addition to his silent nature and dying loyalty made him the ultimate soldier and tool for the Foundation, but to be used was not in his nature. Mission after mission worked in part for him as well, each simply a more refined training experience than the next, all of which working toward progressing himself until the Foundation's uses were no more.

At the age of sixteen (16) Rōarku was not a force to be reckoned with, teamed with a remarkable display of logic and reason, biding his time was well to be worth the wait until the day that his quest in search of the extent of the life of a Shinobi was found. Yet, in the meantime a job to do was at hand, thus after gathering his belongings and putting on the right attire Rōarku left his flat in pursuit of mastering the Water Element.

The day had shown signs of progression, shadows from the many trees stretched across the village as the sun sat at its highest point in the sky marking mid-day. The noise of people scurrying to and fro completing their own personal tasks for the day filled Rōarku's ears as he leapt from rooftop to rooftop, the training grounds of the village marked his destination. A jet of steam followed him as he pushed off from the end of the last rooftop, distance he covered allowed the boy many moments in the air to take in the world around him. The world promised nothing, before he landed he could just taken his last breath, he could drop lifeless to the floor without another second expended. Thus, every second of everyday would be spent living like it would be his last. A cloud of dust erupted in the surrounding area as Rōarku completed his descent and landed on the earthen floor. He paused for a brief second in the crouched position obtained from landing, his senses one by one drawing in all within range, the information obtained from each coming together to form a sort of mental map.


In a matter of minutes he had arrived at the training grounds, a few shinobi bustled about practicing different fighting styles and displaying new jutsu to one another. Upon entering the grounds a nod was given and exchanged by Rōarku and the attending Jounin, a simple gesture indicating that he would begin training shortly, his whole purpose of being there was to ensure that serious injury or harm did not come to those taking part in the area. A menacing glare by those in attendance followed Rōarku as he crossed the lengths of the training grounds looking for a suitable partner for the mission at hand. Upon looking around, the boy's own hazel eyes met with that of a strawberry pink haired girl's maroon and he knew without exchange of words that she would be his helpful guest, unless of course another agenda was about.

"Wow... She doesn't give me the dirty looks that my other so called 'peers" do... But, she is a Konoha shinobi after all... Eh... I guess it wouldn't hurt to see what she is about first before judging a book by its cover..."

With these thoughts as the driving force behind his loosely created plan, Rōarku began making his way over to where she was. He stopped a mere ten meters away hand, due to the lower half of his face being hidden by his choice of clothing, he still managed to show a greeting through his eyes and the gesture. Hopefully, she didn't get rubbed the wrong way by his silence like the other Konoha shinobi he met with a few weeks back.

Word Count: 1407
Ryo Acquired: 280
Chakra Pool: 120

Sparrow Gēto

Sparrow Gēto

Sorry !:
Cherī's maroon eyes grazed the large area that was occupied by shinobi and dancing leaves. However, her eyes were drawn to a boy that was roughly her age. He stared at her for a few seconds and began to approach her, in silence. Her face flooded with redness, without her permission, and she took a step back. What's wrong with this guy...?! She would say silently, a bead of sweat rolling down the side of her face. The boy then suddenly stopped ten [10] meters or so away from her. He face shown greeting, but his mouth didn't move an inch. His dark skin and alabaster hair was unique for anyone in Konohagakure, he had to be a native of somewhere else. She took a step forward and raised a brow. " Do you want something? " Cherī would ask, squinting her eyes. The sun began to fade over the horizon and the sky grew darker by the second.

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