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1Missions Empty Missions Fri Dec 05, 2014 1:54 am

Baby V

Baby V


Big Daddy

"GOTTA CATCH IT!" Rara would say as he laid on the back of a chart, hitching a ride. He was dressed in a full bunny outfit that he was given from some kind elderly woman who thought he was her grandson, and not to kill her hopes Rara played that part. Taking care of the lady and things like that and had a lot of fun doing it, but something came up and he had ta go. Sadly he hadn't meet anybody of really importance in this village nor have they met him, this from him being busy and trying to take care of things and also how he had a job to do. SO leaving the village now on the back of a cart he looked up at the sky with a smile. 


Word Count: 0000/0000

2Missions Empty Re: Missions Fri Dec 05, 2014 4:43 am



The usual gate guards sat waiting, allowing trafic to move in and out of the city. Shun, Choki and Kyoko all stood at the border of the small ninja village, waiting for new people to come about. However, it seemed as if no one was entering the village at this time. And so they would sit on what seemed to be the fence of the village for time periods that seemed relatively infinite, waiting for someone to make their way into the situation. Naturally, to pass time, Kyoko and Choki played cards together. The Akimichi and Nara had always gotten along throughout what seemed to be the entirety of existance of the shinobi world.

The sun was rather hot today, intensifying the heat that poured through the air was the humidity. From atop the walls, Oboro Uchiha could be seen watching over his village. Though, he wasn't too worried about anything. His squad assigned to watch the walls as always had things under control, he was only there for extra help should any extra barbarians attack. Over the last few weeks, their numbers seemed to be increasing as they were a threat that just couldn't be rid of. Oboro sat atop the wall, he was 25m in the air, looking down on the outside world. The land just on this part of the wall was extremely flat and stretched for at least two miles before the bamboo grove began. And even then, the grove on this side of the village was rather thin. It was odd considering everywhere else it seemed to be especially thick. There wasn't a single cloud in the sky, though it was only noon so chances were something else could come along, the wind could stir up and bring forth some dark ones that would create rain. It didn't worry Oboro too much, as he loved rain. He stared up at the blue sky now instead of looking around at the smooth ground.

The day suddenly got a bit more active as an elderly man lugging a cart behind him was now making its way for the gates. Choki and Shun stood, as they had been sitting before. Naturally they were to greet the citizen of Oto and ask his business before the left the city limits. Though that's when something peculiar happened. Kyoko felt her ear twitch as she heart the sound of a high pitched voice that sounded muffled within the cart. Kyoko looked at it intensely and took note of the old man that was clearly in his 80's piloting the small little vehicle. A donky slowly pulled along the small cart, closer to the gate. Kyoko leaned toward Shun and told him of what she had heard. "There's something within that cart. I can feel it..." To this Shun nodded and approached the cart with Choki on his right side. The two stood a meter from each other, with the cart five meters from themselves. Kyoko stood seven meters from the cart.

Oboro from up high looked down on his villagers crowding the cart with a confused expression. The man just seemed to be a traveling merchant, though perhaps the group found something wrong. He would stand on top of the wall and watch as they did their jobs. He was sure they could handle it alone.

Choki spoke to the old man while Shun gazed at the back of the cart. With a deep voice, Choki asked, "Sir is there anything in that cart that shouldn't go across this border?" Shun at this time reached for his sword swiftly, leaving it sheathed with his hand on the hilt as he watched the back of the covered cart closely for movements. This was awfully suspect.

WC: 621

3Missions Empty Re: Missions Sat Dec 06, 2014 5:42 am

Baby V

Baby V

[OOC: Pew pew, well it I guess this is an attempt to prevent me from leaving. I don't really don't want to argue this, but I will Missions 3169581972

Intervention can also be used to prevent people from leaving threads, if it's their most recent one. 

That is what it says in the intervention rules, and after looking this isn't my most recent thread. But this seems overridden by a rule I never read, or failed to find. Blah blah blah blah words dumb words. *Thinks about what he was about to say once again* AH! Okay so umm like I just want to know if that even matters? Nothing really else as I don't got the time to argue again about this...This is all I will say until I guess an official verdict come from either Sato, Chikara, or V.  ]

4Missions Empty Re: Missions Sun Dec 07, 2014 3:33 am



OOC: I'm not preventing you from leaving nor did anything in my post imply that. Are you really that scared little buddy? But either way, I'll wait the allotted 48 hours and make my move. Don't have time to waste with you

5Missions Empty Re: Missions Sun Dec 07, 2014 3:54 am

Baby V

Baby V

[I guess my exit stands then if you didn't prevent me from leaving. Sorry for meh thinking you stopped me.]

6Missions Empty Re: Missions Sun Dec 07, 2014 3:55 am



OOC: Im not preventing you from leaving, though I did intercept you before your exit, therefore you have not left. This is the last of my attempts to rationalize with you as you seem to be worming out of a situation once again

7Missions Empty Re: Missions Sun Dec 07, 2014 4:47 am

Baby V

Baby V

[What you said confused me, so I ain't going to say anything about it. But I will say this.  I don't wanna rp with you which I thought you knew....and I don't even understand why we need to rp. I haven't done anything to impact Otogakure, and I don't even know why I am even responding to you. But yeah do what you want post what you want I am done even looking at this thread.] 

8Missions Empty Re: Missions Sun Dec 07, 2014 4:48 am



OOC: Then I will wait 24 more hours and post accordingly. Thank you for your time

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