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Hiding covered in leaves part II invasion Pixel

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Hiding covered in leaves part II invasion

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Konoha Anbu
Konoha Anbu

Having made it past the gates with no response the man was not pleased to have accomplished this mission. Shaking his head underneath the mask and hood he wore.  Now the the masked man would attempt to move about the village seeing if anyone acknowledged his presence.  If this was another village he would attempt an assault on non vital buildings. But the Fire Daiymo was not paying for it. This ninjas own conscious would not allow him to break things he wasn't willing to pay for. Having past the gate the invader would walk around the village, peeking in windows, turning door knobs. Eventually going to the roof tops near information sensitive buildings.

Today he would report to both the Daiymo and Kagura. They would both be furious and likely misdirect their anger on the one baring bad news.  But in the end it was the Hokage as leader who was in the most trouble.  Then the blame would go to Hazama the one responsible for the villages security. In the end it was a failure on all Konohas shinobi.

Itome Hikaraku

Itome Hikaraku
Konoha Genin
Konoha Genin

About three hundred meters away from the village gates, Sora was busy patrolling on his ink bird made from a special suiton jutsu that didn't require any type of ink or paintbrush. Even if he was a Genin that couldn't do much against higher rank shinobi, he felt that it was his duty to report any type of suspicious activity that went on in the village.

Hm..usually it's a bit more livelier in the night time. I'm surprised that things are going so well, haha. I might actually go ahead and call it early. Some would say I'm taking this whole justice thing way too serious, but when it comes to the welfare of the people..it's never too serious.

The color of the ink bird he used was black, blending well enough in the night sky that he wouldn't be obvious, even to anyone who was looking out for such things. Just to be safe, Sora also had completely black clothing on, and hid his headband in his sack which he carried on his back. It was to prevent the light from shining on the band, and thus giving away his position.

Since he figured that nothing was going on this night, Sora was about to head home when something caught his attention. He could only know this information through the byakugan, his clan dojutsu, which allowed him to see chakra systems up to 450 meters away. A man managed to somehow sneak past the guards and the security that was at the gate.

Impossible...this figure has managed to sneak past the most elite of Konoha shinobi? I can't let this go..even if I could die, I have to go and stop this guy!

Currently fifty meters in the air, he would prepare for his ink animal to take off at full speed towards the target. But first, he needed to wait and see where this man was going. Watching stop and perch on a random building, Sora knew this would be the best time to make his move. Forming a few handseals, he would active the henge jutsu, turning himself into a cloud that matched perfectly with the rest of the clouds in the sky. The cloud was unique enough to not look suspicious, but not TOO unique. It wouldn't do Sora any good if he drew attention..disguises were meant to avoid attention, after all. The cloud was big enough to provide cover for his ink bird, so the invader wouldn't be able to see it either.

Sora was finally ready to confront the trespasser, so he would take a route that would leave Sora behind the trespasser at all times. He was also traveling at full speed, but if he saw the man make any type of movements that would lead to Sora's cloud being seen, he would slow down and would fly at normal cloud speeds.

This is actually the first serious battle I've been in..sure, I've taken down a couple bandits but they were no threat to me anyways. My heart is pounding..I'm not gonna lie and say I have no fear..but, another feeling is in my heart..

It's the feeling of motivation! Motivation not to die..motivation not to make my parents hard work training a talentless shinobi like me go to waste.. I WON'T DIE HERE!

Sora had only a single attack that he used for long range purposes, and that was the Exploding Water Colliding technique. It was a lethal technique, but still, he would try his best not to kill the intruder with it. He still needed to be brought in to the Hokage and the interrogation unit for questioning.

Now, Sora was thirty meters above the intruder, and forming a single handseal, he would unleash a stream of water from his mouth, still in cloud form that would crash down a meter to left of Alder. The waves from the Suiton jutsu would get him wet, plus, the strength of the waves would literally sweep him off of his feet, and throw him off the building he was on. The waves were twenty meters wide, fifteen meters high. This building was about forty meters tall, fifteen meters wide and if he managed to fall headfirst, he would certainly die, or suffer severe brain damage. However, if he was smart and lucky, he wouldn't be landing headfirst. Despite the crushing wave of water sending him down at high speeds, perhaps he would be able to maneuver his body a little and avoid his head. In that case, he would suffer broken bones, and all that good stuff.

If all of this occurred and went to plan, then he would deactivate his henge and fly down lower to investigate the mess.

WC: 793

Jutsu Used

Name:Suiton: Bakusui Shōha - Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave
Range:All ranges (Area effect)
Duration: 1post
Hand Seals/Charge up:Snake
Description:The user spits out a great volume of water from their mouth, swallowing up and crushing the enemy with the advancing surge. The user can ride the wave, allowing them to move at high speed, and attack the enemy, now swept off their feet, without fear of counter-attacks. The amount of water created is proportional to the amount of chakra used; when used with Kisame's enormous chakra, even a dry wasteland can become a small ocean. Afterwards, the excess water can be used for additional Water Release techniques.

In the anime, Nagato seemingly used this through the Deva Path by punching the ground causing water to gush out of the ground instead of spitting it out of his mouth.

Name: Transformation Technique
Rank: E-rank
Type: Ninjutsu
Used For: Supplementary
Element: None
Range: Self
Duration: Lasting Jutsu Cost [E-5]
Hand Seals/Charge up: Dog → Boar → Ram
Description: Given all the missions ninja are assigned to - battle, intelligence gathering, diversions - this is a priceless ninjutsu. It is typically used to change into people other than oneself, but one also has the ability to change into animals, plants, and even inanimate objects like weapons. This gives this technique an abundance of uses. The transformation of a skilled shinobi will be exactly like the genuine article, so it will be impossible to tell the two apart. On the other hand, a transformation performed by an inexperienced person will have obvious discrepancies. It will be impossible to deceive anyone with it. This is one of the most basic ninjutsu, as such most shinobi know how to perform it. The transformation technique is considered to be among the more difficult E-ranked techniques, since it requires constant emission of chakra while mentally maintaining the form. On top of that, the user would be, most likely, interacting with the environment. This puts mental strain on an inexperienced ninja. Thus the best way to determine if it is indeed a transformation is to cause this strain upon the user; though this is of course not always successful.

Mature Byakugan:
Each time one strike hits your opponent, your opponent loses 7CP for each and every strike landed.
Activation cost: 20CP, Upkeep 7

Super Beast Imitation

Chakra: 45/120


Konoha Anbu
Konoha Anbu

Alder had nearly called a quits to his mission he had already succeeded in multiple fronts. It was no not an easy task but he managed to approach the village bypassing their exterior guards, get past the gate, and now finally wonder the village without getting spotted.  Or at least he thought he had.  Had it not been for an enthusiastic genin Konoha would have completely failed in the minds of the Fire Daiymo.  It was a bright evening but Ito had hid himself well.  Alder wasn’t able to see him amongst the back drop of the clouds.  Like a well seasoned shinobi he managed to hide himself well.  Alder not being a sensor type had no initial idea that he was being approached.  The exploding water colliding wave was a grand jutsu truly an achievement for any suiton style shinobi.  To produce such a vast quantity of water required a lot of skill.    But it wasn’t just a danger for Alder it was harmful to the village itself.  Whoever had come to stop the invader had no regard to safety of the public.  They were obviously inexperienced, brash, or careless.

From above him Alder would hear the water before he tell its source it seem as though it came from the clouds themselves.  It was like sky had sprung a leak as water gushed forward.  Alder wished he had a sealing jutsu prepared that would vanquish this water.  But he did not and there wasn’t adequate time to erect a barrier that would protect the citizens.  Luckily it was late enough that not many were likely to be on the streets.  But there were people in the building he stood on and many other buildings around that would suffer the effects of the massive wave through property damage.  This wasn’t a fight that the village civilians could afford to be prolonged since they were the ones who would be without homes and their businesses.  Ripping off his cloak Alder placed both hands on the ground that would a one hundred eighty degree dome barrier around him forcing the water to deviate around.  By ripping off his cloak it would veal his anbu armor and tattoo both of which belonged to the village even though his mask didn’t match any of the villages mask.  Ito as genin would not be aware of that fact.   The hope was that the attack would halt long enough for him to explain himself.  If given the opportunity he would speak as the opponents jutsu stopped but he would not let go of his barrier.   “By order of the Daiymo of the land of fire cease your attack and show yourself.  I am on a mission given by him and as a member of this village’s ANBU black ops.  You have no authority to arrest me.  More needless and careless fighting will only further harm the civilians you have shown no regard for.”

ooc I haven't used much chakra but ill figure out how much if we keep fighting...

Name: ANBU Barrier Technique
Rank: B+.
Type: Defensive
Element: N/A
Range: 15m away from the caster.
Duration: Maintainable
Cooldown: 5 posts.
Description: The ANBU, by concentrating and compressing their chakra, creates and maintains a barrier by pressing both of their hands to the ground to defend themselves. The barrier can be made as a 180 degree dome around the user or a simple wall, and, though resilient, is difficult to maintain. It's capable of withstanding 2 techniques of B-rank and lower techniques and 1 technique of A-rank. The jutsu can slow down an S-rank technique but not stop it fully.

Itome Hikaraku

Itome Hikaraku
Konoha Genin
Konoha Genin

Sora frowned, realizing that his attack was stopped by some sort of barrier that he had no knowledge of. First, he lowered his altitude to assess the situation. Realizing that his chakra was low, he probably wouldn't be able to fight this man properly, and would need to call in some reinforcements. As his ink bird hovered a meter off of the ground, he disabled his henge and walked off of the ink bird, the bird perched quitely on top of the building and waiting for any commands to attack.

The words of the ANBU shinobi did little to set Sora at ease. Everyone seemed to think that he was some irresponsible brat that was playing superhero, and had no skill whatsoever. It was really getting tiring..the way this man talked down to him made Sora want to continue the fight. But before he let the anger get the best of him like it did against Kisuke, he took three deep breaths, and calmed himself down.

"No authority.."

Sora only chuckled to himself.

"I'll take my leave. But as the protector of Konoha, I have my eyes on you..if you make even one slip up..I don't care what rank you are, you're going down!"

Hm..something about that guy seems suspicious. I'll just report it to the police. I can't fight with only a third of my chakra left..

And with that, he would hop back on his ink bird, taking flight and resuming patrol around the village.

WC: 255



Konoha Anbu
Konoha Anbu

Certain that the water Hutus had run its course Adler release his barrier. What Ito didn't know that Alder would have spoken the same even if he were a Jounin. Only the Anbu were allowed with the Hokages permission to detain him. It was out of respect to a fellow ninja of the leaf he spoke. Upon seeing the youth Alder was certain that they had not met. But this was not the time for formal introductions Alder behind a mask and an apparent enemy. Ito an observant youth who had courageously attempted to protect the village.

Even though they couldn't meet Alder thought it only appropriate that he should be acknowledged somehow. Even if he had to be dragged kicking and screaming. "Konoha's protector are you? Very well youth on fire for my village. I can't offer my name in exchange so I won't ask yours. Instead I invite you to join me me to see Kagura-Samoa as I make my report." Itome would have few options give the masked person his name for his report,go with him, or continue to try and leave. If he chose the latter Alder would take him by force so that his report would be thorough.

Itome Hikaraku

Itome Hikaraku
Konoha Genin
Konoha Genin

Sora looked at the ANBU member with a frown, right before he hopped on to his bird. Sora did NOT want to meet the Hokage..he'd probably get in trouble, and they would be to busy going after him instead of real criminal scum that patrolled the streets.

Currently, Sora stood about ten meters away from Alder, carefully eyeing him for any sign of movement. He deactivated his Byakugan in order to save some chakra..this really was a dangerous situation that he would have to play carefully.

He might try to take me by force..I think I could beat him, but I'm low on chakra, so I can't afford to take any risks.

"I'll give you my name, and take my leave. I am Itome Hyuuga..."

No, the ANBU would not know he was lying unless he was a damn Metagamer because Sora gave no signs of lies.

Again, he would hop on his damn bird and fly off into the night sky.


Konoha Anbu
Konoha Anbu

Alder would let the young man fly off. "Very well Itome Hyuuga you may take your leave." Now speaking out load but to himself he would comment on his feelings about the Itome.  "So much determination it will be interesting to what becomes of him.  After all he managed to succeed where everyone failed."

No all this water.  Preparing a sealing method Alder would work to remove all the water.  But removing the water would not stop the damage to the roof or the floors in the buildings below.  But that was a problem for next day and for someone else Kagura and the Fire Daiymo would have to decide what to do.


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