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The Crash Site [IOOC Event]

Achilles Raiki
Urek Zahard
Aerie Locke
Kiyoko Michiki
Suna no Kai
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1The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Empty The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Fri May 16, 2014 1:59 am

Suna no Kai

Suna no Kai
D-rank missing ninja
D-rank missing ninja

It was a glorious sight to behold for the residences of Tea Country. Huge rocks fell from the skies, the sun being blocked as said rocks descended onto the country. Some residences had become panicked, for they believe the meteorites was a sign of an invasion; while other were glued to the display, unable to remove their eyes from the display. One could tell that as the meteors crashed landed on earthen soil, that many people would go down to investigate this phenomenon. And such an assumption was correct, for the meteor had not been on the ground for five minutes before people departed to investigate. Within the hour, the place was crowded, many people beholding the meteor made entirely of gold. But those who crowded the area were not citizens, but Missing-nin, quite ready to take the gold for themselves if only they could make it to the core. Camp was set up by these Shinobi, they going out of their way to kill the villagers to make sure things stayed, hush hush. But, one lone person managed to make it out of there with their life. And this person has gone to inform the villages of the meteor.

This is an IOOC Event, but I, Poncho, will be watching heavily and monitoring everyone's post and stuff k. It's gonna get chaotic with posting order and stuff, but bear with. If separate threads need to be made, they will be yah. With this being IOOC, I understand some people tend to act Out of character and make sacrificial moves and stuff(seen it happen before in events like this) But If I see it and it doesn't seem like it's in character for you, I will call BS and without a warning you will be ejected from the thread The Crash Site [IOOC Event] 1853631777 You have 24 hours to post before you are skipped and people can claim hits, so have fun and get dat paper.~Ponchoooooo

2The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Empty Re: The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Sat May 17, 2014 10:01 pm


Konoha Chunin
Konoha Chunin

Tear saw what he expected, but far worse. There were rocks and craters everywhere. The many of the villages buildings were set ablaze and the villagers were running around panicking. You could hear babies crying and many people yelling out for help. Tear grit his teeth has he saw bodies of dead children lying on the ground. Tear made a single sign before a clone popped up on the side of him. The clone would go search for survivors as Tear would head to the meteor.

300 - 25 = 275
Clone Chakra - 260

3The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Empty Re: The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Sun May 18, 2014 3:37 am


C-rank missing ninja
C-rank missing ninja

The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Tjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj

Bodies littered the area, and when there weren't villager corpses making themselves maggot food a bandit made another corpse out of another bandit. It was sheer lawlessness to behold, but the atmosphere was something familiar. The area was shrouded in darkness from the overhead clouds, save for the fire of burning houses illuminating the sky. Snickering thieves mulled about, shouting about the meteorite that fell and it being composed of gold. Stannis noticed the Kazekage sending out a clone, and noted that as well. Clothed in mostly black the Sunagakure shinobi melted into the backdrop of the area as if he never existed, losing himself in the throng of bandits.

4The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Empty Re: The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Sun May 18, 2014 11:48 pm

Kiyoko Michiki

Kumo Anbu
Kumo Anbu

After their long journey, Mei's team finally made it to the Land if Tea. When they arrived, everything was a mess. There were craters and bodies all over the streets. The sight was very sad but even so Mei had no time for emotions. She kept moving making sure every now and again that her Genin were still behind her. Soon enough she found the Kazekage. "Lord Kazekage, We have arrived as you requested." She said in a very respectful yet somewhat dull tone.

5The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Empty Re: The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Mon May 19, 2014 1:50 am

Aerie Locke

Aerie Locke

Rubī only grinned, her devilish horns glowing red at their tips. This wasn't her true feeling about the events that she spotted around her. It was only the demonic soul trapped inside her, the one thing that made her evil. She fought off the urge to kill and bowed before her Kazekage, unseen by the bandits and villagers in the village ahead. The corpse burning, the blood spill, it was too raw a sight to be seen by an Akuma Clan member. Oh, if only Rubī had mastered this urge, she wouldn't be so dangerous. Her fangs creeped out from her mouth, her eyes beginning to glow a bright red, and her signature red chakra flame igniting from her right eye. Her body began to shake in uncontrollable rage. Was it rage from the deaths, or the rage of her inner thoughts? The thoughts that gave her the instinct to kill.
WC: 151
Total Ryo: 15
Tags: Mei Tsaki, Raphael Fumetsu, & Stannis Baratheon
made by kiwii at btn!

The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

7The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Empty Re: The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Tue May 20, 2014 6:23 am


Kiri Genin
Kiri Genin

Zevas had seen the fireball from far off. The blazing spectacle was something to behold. Zevas had been coming the way from Iwa, after hearing the news about a golden rock falling from the sky. He could hear the screams of injured people and of those mourning their recent deaths in the family. The night sky was lit up by the burning wreckage. Zevas would assume that Iwa wasnt the only village informed of this disaster of monstrous proportions. Walking towards the village Zevas would notice another shinobi sitting crossed legged on the ground. He quickly leaned against a tree and reached up to hold his cloak tighter to him. He wasnt sure of what to do, but he prepared himself just in case.

8The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Empty Re: The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Tue May 20, 2014 8:16 am



Syndra would see the village from quite some distance, the flames errupting from the village put a marker right on the place. It was safe to assume this is where the distress call came from. One could almost feel the chaos in the air.
Syndra arrived in the area by her created wooden and moss covered bird. She rode on the back of the bird for the whole trip, she was quite high in the sky. This allowed for Syndra to have a birds eye view of the village from afar and not have to get close to the village yet. She could see controlled fires in certain spots, then chaotic fires in other spots. Not to mention a large rock that appeared to have value laying in the center of the village. "How chaotic." She thought to herself, while hovering in spot on the back of the bird.

Syndra was a powerful medic and she knew it would look nice if she went down to try and heal any survivors in the area. But, judging by the chaos and tension in the air, she wouldn't be able to heal without being interrupted by others with vicious intents.
So, instead Syndra figured first thing was to get rid of the bandits. She had no desire to check out the large rock, simply because she knew that was the center point of the area and not a smart place to be.

Syndra pondered on what to do for a moment, after thinking about it for sometime. She decided she would stay about 45 meters away from the village and remain high in the sky to just watch the village for a moment. She was curious to what everyone's actions would consist of and she figured it would be better to wait things out for a moment. Although, a majority of the land appeared to be bandits who had no real threat to them. There most likely were powerful shinobi from other lands as well though.

She would speak to her bird in a calm voice while hovering in one spot about 45 meters away from the village. "We'll just wait it out for a little bit. Let the pawns go first." She whispered.

9The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Empty Re: The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Thu May 22, 2014 12:38 am

Achilles Raiki

Achilles Raiki

Having already dispatched most of his Village to The Land of Tea, Raikage Raiki, decided he wanted the first look, as he neared the borders of the country. Smelling the smoke and fire even from where he was, put him on edge, he knew that it wouldn't be an easy scenario to navigate through, as he wasn't quite sure what to expect. Flexing his arms a bit, and clinching his hands a few times, in an effort to get more blood pumping through his body, he sighed. "Well guess, it's time to check it out." Despite the fact he had left first, he left orders for the rest of his Shinobi that they could come at any time after his arrival at the Crash Site, so he doubted they were far behind him.

Working his way through the many trees the smell of fire burning became even clearer, as well as a new smell, death. Whether from the Meteors crashing down, or the supposed heavy Missing Nin presence he wasn't sure, but he wasn't about to wait to find out. Pushing a bit of chakra into his feet his pressed on, quicker then before, nearly breaking the next limb he leaped from. It wouldn't be long before the Crash Site as well as the destroyed village would come into view of the powerful man. As such, it wouldn't be long before the powerful man came into view of the rest of the Shinobi there.

Knowing he was nearing the village, he pushed even harder on his last jump crushing the tree limb completely as he went sailing into the air. As he came down he spotted a particularly taller building, not quite at the Epicenter of the crater but just outside of it's damage circle. Landing upon the building in a knelled manner he created a fairly deep indentation on it's surface before standing back up to both legs. After having done so, he casually walked towards the edge of the building where he looked down upon the fighting of Missing Nin, as well as the arrivals of others.

A large smile began to spread onto the face of the tall man, his white coat had begun to blow with the slight occasional gusts of wind caused by the heated ground sky. As such, the heated ground and sky caused by the Meteors left the sky somewhat darkened as a roar of thunder began to echo all throughout the area they were in as if it were a Valley. Never one to leave the chance for theatrically, the Raikage began to openly charge his Raiton Natured Chakra and allow it to swirl around him. From atop the building he'd landed on it gave him an almost Godly appearance, Lightning Swirling around the man as the clouds stayed darkened overhead. Though for the moment his face would for the most part remain hard to see as his lowered Hat, would cover all but his mouth, and his right eye, which remained opened in an excited look.

"The Raikage has arrived!!" His loud embellishment though likely drawing a lot of attention to himself, combined with his stage like performance, could either leave in awe, in fear, or simple awareness.

10The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Empty Re: The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Thu May 22, 2014 1:19 am

Utsukushii Hana

Utsukushii Hana
Kumo Anbu Captain
Kumo Anbu Captain

Hana had probably been watching in the shadows as she viewed the devastation caused by the meteor, having noticed a few others had been sending out help to any survivors Hana waited for the rest of her team to show up. Dressed fully in anbu gear sh wore a mask over atop her face and hair streaming down into her suit that way it wouldn’t catch on fire or any twigs that could tangle up with it. “We should consider ourselves lucky that such a boulder wasn’t hurled at Kumogakure. I wouldn’t be sure how we could defend against such a natural disaster other than evacuating.” Under her voice she remarked about all of this that way no one without being a meter next to her could hear it. I suppose I should start helping with the survivors.

Perched upon a branch she was prepared to hop down when she noticed the Raikage step plainly into view and announce himself to any in the world that may have been watching. Swiftly her hand slapped across her forehead, honey please can you be a bit more inconspicuous than announcing your rank to the world. Now she had nothing better to do then join her Raikage a few paces back that way she could speak with him somewhat in silence. Leaping down to where he stood she murmured so that he could hear, “Being a little blunt aren’t we sir?” Putting aside her feelings for the recent Kage as she didn’t suspect that they were alone in this little outing.

The skirmish of random shinobi was still going on and Hana was hoping to let them all fight it out but she didn’t seem to be getting that luxury anymore as she intended to keep the Raikage safe.

11The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Empty Re: The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Thu May 22, 2014 2:14 am



With the Jounin and other high ranking ninja in the village of Iwagakure currently on missions in all corners of the nations. The amount of Iwagakure shinobi that were available for the Land of Tea extraction were few and far between. So as such, it seemed that Bansho himself would have to go into the fray. The man had seen a report with the events on his desk. So as he approached the crash site the geography was already fresh on his mind. He felt pretty out of place as he stood in a tree far away from the epicenter of the events, he had no sensor nin, no backup that he knew of. He sighed softly, being a walk-in Tsuchikage had been difficult. At least he wasn't completely blind and had brought a folder with all the intelligence that the hawk had brought.

He was unsure of how many hostile shinobi would be in the area, and in his current location he couldn't see much of anything. But surely hawks must have been sent to all five great Nations right? Even if they hadn't, if Iwagakure just walked in and secured such an important object then surely all of the other nations would be knocking on his door with catapults and fire. He let out a soft sigh, this was more difficult than it needed to be.

He decided that he needed to at least get closer to the site and figure out what his game plan would be, he couldn't wait for the reinforcements from Iwagakure that may or may not be coming. As he leapt from tree to tree, he finally settled on a large oak that overlooked the meteor site and sat down, waiting for an opportunity to make his entrance.

[Word Count] 293

The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

13The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Empty Re: The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Fri May 23, 2014 3:46 am



While watching the flames burn even more intently in the area, more and more people began to show up to the village. Judging by their sheer appearances, they all are for the most part very high ranking shinobi. Syndra chuckled slightly to herself.
"These ninja are gather like moths to a flame." She thought to herself.

At the current moment it appeared that Syndra was the only Leaf shinobi in the area. Which meant going in recklessly would be idiotic. She was curious to what that large rock that came from the sky had to offer. She figured she would wait a little bit longer before heading in though. The mass amounts of thugs/bandits were of no concern to her, they could be struck down easily.
It was the large amounts of obviously skilled shinobi that didn't make her not want to enter the area at the moment. She was not being a coward, she was being tactical. As they say, 'Good things come to those who wait.'

Since Syndra had stayed in flight outside of the village and everyone was too concerned with the village its self, she hasn't been bothered yet. Chances are most people just assumed her bird was just a local bird in the area. It would be hard to notice in this dark weather as well. She wondered what actions would take place here, the world has already started to fall back into a life of chaos.

14The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Empty Re: The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Sat May 24, 2014 10:39 pm



A crackle on the radio caught the man's ear as he leaped to another tree. He stopped abruptly, causing the tree to shake and leaves started to fall. So... It seemed that Iwagakure had already joined the fight in the Land of Tea? Had the Ninth already sent out a squad to intercept before he went missing? Bansho didn't have much time to think about this however, as it would be rude not to answer his fellow shinobi of the Earth. He reached up and clicked his radio and said, "It's good to hear from you Danzo. This is Yoroyuza, Bansho. Juudaime Tsuchikage standing in for the Kuudaime who has seemingly vanished from his duties. It is nice to know that someone is already here during all of the chaos. Is there anything you can report from your position? I am currently en route to where you are." He clicked his radio off and waited for a response as he resumed traveling through the trees. It would only be a few more moments until he would clear the the thickest of the brush, and once he had done that he could become a target... He stopped quickly on the last tree in the area.

He nodded once and then clicked his radio back on, "Danzo-kun... What is your current position?" He knew that there was better strength in numbers, and being split up from his squad was a dangerous disadvantage they couldn't afford to have on a dangerous task such as this. Bansho was no sensor ninja, but he did have a sixth sense just like all shinobi inherently did and he knew that there were very powerful shinobi here, perhaps the other Kage's had already started to show? In any case, he maintained his current position and awaited a response.

[Word Count:] 301
[Total Word Count:] 594

15The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Empty Re: The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Sat May 24, 2014 11:38 pm

Kid Koopa

Kid Koopa
Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

The air was a bit harsh to breathe in, with the soot and debris from the meteor polluting the air. Though it had fallen days ago, like the scar it left on the earth, it left its mark in the atmosphere. But it went unnoticed in the lungs of the young Genin. He had been born, raised, and had been training in the mountains of Kumogakure all his life, needless to say his lungs were much stronger than the average Genin's. Kobachi hoped that would have given him the edge when faced with a combat situation, but sadly it didn't for the bandits had easily adapted to the tainted oxygen by sliding things like bandanas and other cloths over their nostrils and face.

Still it didn't matter as they still fell. Some due to their own actions, being bandit and rogue ninja on bandit and rogue ninja violence, then a bit due to the efforts of the young Genin. With one left standing with Kobachi the two narrowed their eyes at each other and began to battle. Within a minute the foe had fallen, joining his brethren and enemies on the dusty earth. Seeing this spectacle Mochi had climbed back onto his owners shoulder and analyzed his wounds. A bit of chattering earned a few words from Kobachi. "Yes, it would be smart if I look for a place to hide until others come." He knew engaging the bandits alone was a risky move and it hadn't solved much as anyone with ears could hear there were still multiple fights transpiring at this very moment and Kobachi's victory was only a minor accomplishment, if that, in the grand scheme of things.

Walking to the side of the road to a demolished home, he picked up his signature burlap sack and hoisted it over his shoulder. Not much was in there except for food from his travels and a first aid kit. Looking over his shoulder he could see smoke pluming from the location of the primary meteor, Mochi chirped a bit and Kobachi nodded. "Yes, I will rest a fair distance away from the star." The only reason he was here was to observe the specimen actually, for in his mind it was a sign of the wrath of one of his tribes many deities. Believing the rock was actually an instrument from a greater being, obviously the teen was interested.

With his steps tone changing from dust earth to a wooden knock, he dropped his bag and rested against the wall of the damaged establishment. The roof was miraculously still standing strong, but just in case it would show signs of giving away Kobachi was resting right near an opening of the building. His way in was through a noisy wooden door he had closed, so the path he traveled to arrive in the area was closed off and followers would be heard. The way he came was on his right side and on his left was the slim opening, which gave him barely a bit of sight on the 'fallen star'. Opening his bag he began to slide a curious ointment(no real effects, just for the sake of realism) on his small scrapes and cuts. One of his arm, one on his cheek, and one on his back that required a bit of work to reach. Seeing as his shirt was ruined with a bit of blood and cuts, he removed the covering and tossed it back in the bag. Upon taking his hand out he revealed bandages. Small strips and one roll. Applying a thin white strip to the cut on his face, he tossed the rest back in his bag. Then with the cut on his arm and leg he wrapped them up. The only cut remaining undressed was the one of his back, but he figured it could use some air.

Slowly easing his back against the wall, he gritted his teeth and peered out of the slim opening to see a glimpse of the fallen star and a peculiar frame atop a building. It sounded like it was shouting something, but from Kobachi's distance he couldn't make it out. "Probably more bandits.". Putting all his items back in his bag, he simply waited for some other signs of life or a sign to make a move. For now he would just rest from his previous engagement.  


16The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Empty Re: The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Sat May 24, 2014 11:47 pm

Kid Koopa

Kid Koopa
Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

Okey doke. Seeing how this is just a big cluster **** of posting and the order is probably lost, lets split this into groups yah. Kumo has 3 peeps present. Iwa has 3 peeps present. Suna has 4 peeps present. And Konoha has . . . 1. So with 11 people I'm gonna make 2 separate threads. You may only be in one and this is kinda like a battle between villages I guess. Whichever two villages win in whatever threads, get to move onto the last thread to duke it out for the meteor, with all this bs, reward has been bumped to 10k and 1 CS point for participants and only 5k for the rest of your villagers. Village leaders, for this thread, are to post below in the next 24 hours, which of their ninja will be in what thread, 1 or 2. Format would look like.

  • Ninja A Thread No. 1
  • Ninja B Thread No. 2
  • Ninja C Thread No. 1
Leaders may want to discuss with their ninja's who will be going wear, but for the sake of progress you must split your ninja evenly among threads. So Suna will have 2 in each. Iwa Kumo will have 1 in a thread and 2 in another. Syndra . . . yeah. Any questions PM me please, so we can end this and get a move on.

17The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Empty Re: The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Sun May 25, 2014 3:29 am

Achilles Raiki

Achilles Raiki

Achilles Raiki will solo thread 1. And my other two Kumo nin will take Thread 2.

18The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Empty Re: The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Sun May 25, 2014 3:48 am




  • Yoroyuza, Bansho will go to Topic 1
  • Hanzo the ANBU Captain will go to Topic 2
  • Zevas is inactive as previously discussed and will go nowhere, assume that I told him to go back home and got him to the border escorted by a Fire Clone.

The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

20The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Empty Re: The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Mon May 26, 2014 3:38 pm

Kid Koopa

Kid Koopa
Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

Your assumption is correct, Iwa and Kumo are now the only villages participating. All participants also be reminded the posting timer is 24 hours, before you may be skipped or to have a hit claimed.

21The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Empty Re: The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Mon May 26, 2014 9:34 pm



I was wondering if I could request that topic 2 be put on a small hiatus though, since currently Urek is the only active member that would be able to post in that thread and Hana is unable to post super actively until she takes care of her IRL issues.

The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

23The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Empty Re: The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Mon May 26, 2014 9:51 pm


Kumo Chunin
Kumo Chunin

I posted this plus more, but I deleted it and sent to to Staff in a PM because I thought it was irrelevant for people to see if they are not staff. But seeing as some people wanted to join the event too I will reply some and post it here,

My Travel Thread [LINK] began May 23rd to get here later on the 23rd/24th. When Crono joined the thread we began to RP. For the sake of keeping the dignity of RPlaying as close to real as possible I thought it would have been illogical to post here while not finished with my Crono thread. Seeing as now I will be arriving with him. But because of this unexpected deadline, I feel like I didn't get the chance to rush the thread. With a warning that this events entry was ending, me and Crono would have made it in on time. Other members of the site wanted an opportunity to join into the event but because of certain delays, they got caught up and were force to wait.

If the entry or whatever is not going to re-open, I suggest a warning or a deadline on the event description in order to make things more organized. I love how this site is being ran, so I have had no complaints nor do I complain with staffs choices, but this was kind of odd lol

The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

25The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Empty Re: The Crash Site [IOOC Event] Tue May 27, 2014 12:41 am


Kumo Chunin
Kumo Chunin

No offense taken my friend, but I do understand that. I deleted the rest of the message but there have been a few reasons why I haven't joined the thread yet and activity surely isn't one. I don't want to give excuses though. I only posted this here because I would like to suggest a warning next time because I've spoken to a couple people that wanted to join the event, and I wanted to know if the opportunity of keeping the thread open still existed. Even for Konoha as well. Hana is not active right now, so in reality, we have 2 Kumo shinobi in there. There is an Iwa shinobi also inactive right now. So if that small hiatus did exist that could have been a perfect time to open that window. Im sure we can have more people join the event and after that let the 24 hour Auot-HIT count. Would have been more fun like that. I also have mentioned it to my Raikage, he is well aware that I've been on my way. He has told me before to join thread B since he is in a Solo one in Thread A.

But yea I REALLY don't mind, so let us leave it at that. I believe in my Raikage and Poncho to win this stuff for Kumo. lol

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