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1The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic B) Empty The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic B) Mon May 26, 2014 2:56 am

Kid Koopa

Kid Koopa
Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

The air was a bit harsh to breathe in, with the soot and debris from the meteor polluting the air. Though it had fallen days ago, like the scar it left on the earth, it left its mark in the atmosphere. But it went unnoticed in the lungs of the young Genin. He had been born, raised, and had been training in the mountains of Kumogakure all his life, needless to say his lungs were much stronger than the average Genin's. Kobachi hoped that would have given him the edge when faced with a combat situation, but sadly it didn't for the bandits had easily adapted to the tainted oxygen by sliding things like bandanas and other cloths over their nostrils and face.

Still it didn't matter as they still fell. Some due to their own actions, being bandit and rogue ninja on bandit and rogue ninja violence, then a bit due to the efforts of the young Genin. With one left standing with Kobachi the two narrowed their eyes at each other and began to battle. Within a minute the foe had fallen, joining his brethren and enemies on the dusty earth. Seeing this spectacle Mochi had climbed back onto his owners shoulder and analyzed his wounds. A bit of chattering earned a few words from Kobachi. "Yes, it would be smart if I look for a place to hide until others come." He knew engaging the bandits alone was a risky move and it hadn't solved much as anyone with ears could hear there were still multiple fights transpiring at this very moment and Kobachi's victory was only a minor accomplishment, if that, in the grand scheme of things.

Walking to the side of the road to a demolished home, he picked up his signature burlap sack and hoisted it over his shoulder. Not much was in there except for food from his travels and a first aid kit. Looking over his shoulder he could see smoke pluming from the location of the primary meteor, Mochi chirped a bit and Kobachi nodded. "Yes, I will rest a fair distance away from the star." The only reason he was here was to observe the specimen actually, for in his mind it was a sign of the wrath of one of his tribes many deities. Believing the rock was actually an instrument from a greater being, obviously the teen was interested.

With his steps tone changing from dust earth to a wooden knock, he dropped his bag and rested against the wall of the damaged establishment. The roof was miraculously still standing strong, but just in case it would show signs of giving away Kobachi was resting right near an opening of the building. His way in was through a noisy wooden door he had closed, so the path he traveled to arrive in the area was closed off and followers would be heard. The way he came was on his right side and on his left was the slim opening, which gave him barely a bit of sight on the 'fallen star'. Opening his bag he began to slide a curious ointment(no real effects, just for the sake of realism) on his small scrapes and cuts. One of his arm, one on his cheek, and one on his back that required a bit of work to reach. Seeing as his shirt was ruined with a bit of blood and cuts, he removed the covering and tossed it back in the bag. Upon taking his hand out he revealed bandages. Small strips and one roll. Applying a thin white strip to the cut on his face, he tossed the rest back in his bag. Then with the cut on his arm and leg he wrapped them up. The only cut remaining undressed was the one of his back, but he figured it could use some air.

Slowly easing his back against the wall, he gritted his teeth and peered out of the slim opening to see a glimpse of the fallen star and a peculiar frame atop a building. It sounded like it was shouting something, but from Kobachi's distance he couldn't make it out. "Probably more bandits.". Putting all his items back in his bag, he simply waited for some other signs of life or a sign to make a move. For now he would just rest from his previous engagement.


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3The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic B) Empty Re: The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic B) Tue May 27, 2014 12:31 am

Kid Koopa

Kid Koopa
Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

Kobachi's heart thumped hard as the ninja made his presence known. It was true that the room was closed by normal means, but the whole in the roof truly was a unique way to make an introduction. Seeing as he thought the meteor was simply a fallen star or a instrument of wrath sent by a God, Kobachi really had no real interest in it other than examining it. He didn't even know why the bandits were fighting over it either. That meant in Kobachi's eyes, the meteor had no value and ironically he was just present to sight see unlike others. "You appeared very sudden Mr. Sin, but really I am just here for sights I guess. I just want to see the fallen star close up, but the bandits here are good for training." He smiled at the man and sat forward a bit more. With his final thought, he too was combat ready seeing as the man could be a potential threat, but he would give him the benefit of the doubt. His Anbu Mask obviously indicated he was a ninja, but not where from, though the green in his clothing made Kobachi assume Konoha.

The teen wasn't too keen on Anbu Ninja, but he knew them to be strict and sometimes very ill mannered and blunt. So Kobachi's mind slowly rolled over to thinking he would be asked to leave the area. The mans body language didn't give off any hints of the idea though. Mochi now hiding behind Kobachi in fear of strangers, climbed up the teens bare back and clung onto the back of his neck. "Oh, I am sorry Mr. Sin, I forgot to tell you what I am called. You call me Monzaemon." Giving a slight bow from his seated position, the teen looked back up a bit faster than normal still not trusting the man. "Is there something Anbu like you need from a Genin like myself?" Kobachi at this point was fairly curious as to what the man wanted and the only thing that could cross his mind was the man asking him to leave or maybe even battling him, though there was really no reason to.

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5The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic B) Empty Re: The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic B) Tue May 27, 2014 12:52 am

Kid Koopa

Kid Koopa
Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

Kobachi was unaware that his village was also interested in the meteor, if he did surely he would have spoke up about it and made a stand, but he didn't. Regardless he would make a stand to the man anyhow, regardless he didn't understand majority of the words spoken. "I'm sorry Mr. Sin, but I am going to see the fallen star. It was sent down by Nakshatra and I want to see it and admire it." The Genin was kind and polite, but he was not a push over. The reason he had traveled from Kumogakure to the Land of Tea would not be in vain and Kobachi would not allow this Anbu ninja to simply sweep him to the side without his goal being fulfilled. "And I would like to say another thing." He cleared his throat as he stared at the seated ninja on the roof. With his next statement his guard would be very high as he felt the man would take offense or be frustrated at Kobachi being headstrong. "If claim means to take. Then I can't let you take Nakshatra's mark of wrath away. The people were punished for something and that is why the star was thrown at them. Now it is a signal(symbol) of her wrath, so it should stay where it is. I know you do not care for such things, but I do, so understand my mind." The Genin's English was questionable and a bit hard to decipher, but Kobachi hoped the general idea was understood. That being, if this mans village means to take the meteor away, Kobachi would not allow them to do so, as the meteor was a symbol and a reminder to the sinners.

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7The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic B) Empty Re: The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic B) Tue May 27, 2014 1:50 am

Kid Koopa

Kid Koopa
Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

Kobachi let the words comprehended settle within himself as he searched in his mind for an answer. Indeed the man was right the memories of the fallen star and the scar it left on the earth were great and to be considered a memorial themselves, but for his Goddess, he would go the extra mile. She deserved the best, not just a sign of her wrath, but then wrath itself. "I am sorry that the star is needed in your village, but for my Goddesses sake, I cannot let you take it or at least without a battle. It would be disrespectful for me to not put up a fight for her. I hope you do understand and I ask that you do not hold back, for I will not either Mr. Sin. May the best Warrior win." Kobachi admired his foe and addressed him as Warrior, a term held in high regards in his tribe. This was due to Kobachi catching wind of the mans passion and inner vigor. Little would the man know Kobachi also harbored this internal strength.

Bowing his head once more, Kobachi paid slight mind to the mans attire and after allowing Mochi to leap off his unclothed shoulder he casually slipped through the small opening in the wall that he was previously seated near. This would put the boy on a narrow road, that was only about 7m wide. On each sides of the road were damaged and raided houses. Positioning himself in the middle of the road, he patiently waited for his opponent, keeping in mind where he last was. Mochi has taken this opportunity to run across the street to take cover in one of the damaged houses across from the one they were in before. Peeking out from a small hole, the Chimp would be a spectator to the battle about to possibly unfold.

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9The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic B) Empty Re: The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic B) Tue May 27, 2014 8:20 am

Kid Koopa

Kid Koopa
Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

As the Genin stood still, motionless, waiting for his opponent he wondered what was up, but soon felt he had found out. Was it not common to feel ones presence behind you? Almost like the feeling of being watched, but this feeling was a bit more . . . hmmm a bit more noticeable and well . . . physical. Though the man was inaudible and invisible, simply leaping off of a roof to land behind someone isn't as discreet as one would think. Air would be moved trailing a scent, even when the man landed dust, though a minimal amount unnoticed by Kobachi, it would be riled up. But all the teen needed was the sensation of the soul being behind him. A sixth sense, not unique or exclusive to him, but something that majority of humans possessed. Not exaggerated the slightest, but it is quite natural for humans then at that ninja to know or feel or sense when others are behind them and it makes it much easier when that person jumps from a roof to do it. So with the shift of the air and the molecules and feeling of the mans presence tickling Kobachi's senses he would act. Kobachi would make his move just as the man began his strike, since he still did need a small frame of time to react to the presence as anyone would.

As the technique suggest, in a flash the boy would be moving forward with a pivot step, to face the threat he felt was behind him. With his foe activating a jutsu and striking, sadly he would render himself visible for all to see. Deciding to take this opportunity to his advantage without a moment wasted, the Genin would advance the target in attempt to end the fight just as he had did. To the naked eye, the Genin would have frozen in place, but since this man had a Doujutsu he would be able to register what was occurring. The boys chakra signature would jolt hopefully into the mans body if all went accordingly. Though an understatement, the space left to close in was too easy to clear. In an amount of time that typically only the best of the best would be able to react to, at that even counter, a foot would be jutted out towards the face of the man in a position similar to the Dynamic Entry. With Kobachi's strength though he was young this would easily be able to kill an elite shinobi if it made contact. And given the space in between then, the time that would be allotted to react would be piss poor, definitely with the teen's level of speed then to add to that with the help of a pump of chakra from the technique he had used. If struck, the blow would simply end the match it would again, then once more, pummel the mans face, with a bit of help from his mask, as it would shudder violently at full force.

Just like the man went for battle ending blow, Kobachi would as well and with no breaks in his movement, delivering each step and attempted strike with all his might.


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11The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic B) Empty Re: The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic B) Wed May 28, 2014 2:26 am

Kid Koopa

Kid Koopa
Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

Urek Zahard wrote:Poncho, I'm going to pause it there.  I'm sure it was unintentional, but I feel very strongly that what your post did there was metagame.  I say unintentional because, as you said to me before, you're not a scientist.  Your knowledge in a number of these areas seems to be a little less broad than mine. Unintentional or not, don't talk down to me like I'm less intelligent. I don't care if you are smarter, no one likes being talked down to. Which is fine, different hobbies and interests are acceptable.  But let me take a moment and speak up in the topic where my experience and knowledge take hold.

My second biggest issue with your post is that it was approximately five seconds (Honestly, probably closer to four, but whatever) between your character taking his stance, and when my attack should have landed.  Your opening line is this.
As the Genin stood still, motionless, waiting for his opponent he wondered what was up, but soon felt he had found out.
Ok, sure.  Why would you start wondering what is up within three seconds? I I feel I see what you're saying, but Kobachi wondering about your character's appearance is actually irrelevant details or information. I don't mention it made him more alert or anything of the sort.  I'm sorry, is Kobachi under the impression that the fight would start instantly?And yes, considering he gave a bow, which is commonly seen as the initiation of battles, like in boxing the touch of gloves, yes he was ready for the fight to go right into it.  Why is he suddenly so worried about what is happening? hmmm battling an Anbu Captain(unknown to him, but Anbu regardless) as a Genin, why would he not be worried?

My biggest issue (And this is where the scientific knowledge comes into play) is the part of you "sensing" that I was behind you.  The idea that you can tell when someone is watching youthat was just a reference and was not the "sense" used in this., or is behind you, is a myth.  A number of valid studies have been done on it. I checked up on this before I just jammed it in a post. Mixed reviews, but with the mixed reviews that means that it is possible and as a Ninja trained to be alert, then when facing an Anbu Member, even more alert, then while being raised to rely on senses in the wilderness from being not from a clan, but a tribe, think Native Americans. I'm pretty sure, Kobachi can "feel" when someone leaps off a roof to land behind him. Air is moved, body heat, scent, etc, etc. Maybe it hasn't happened to you before, but I myself can sometimes feel when someone is indeed behind me. Not saying yards away, but at a fair distance it's not hard to notice. (Here's a great link on it if you're interested.)  Most of the time, people feeling like they're being watched is because they notice the observer by other means.  Whether it is through a mirror, or see them out of the corner of their eye.  They might not consciously note it, but as the subconscious signs stack up, they eventually take full notice. All unnecessary information seeing as this is not the sense I used, Kobachi did not key onto eyes on him, but your presence being behind him.
That obviously isn't the case here.

Your ninja is a D rank Genin.  D rank is the "Fresh out of the academy" rank Genin also fresh out of the wilderness, where people tend to rely on their senses the most..  Your character is fourteen years old.  My character is twice his age, with considerably more ninja experience.  I'm pretty sure that he's past the point of being detected, while invisible and unable to make detectable noises, by "a sixth sense present in all humans" that is not quantifiable.my link shows that it is indeed possible.  I'd possibly be willing to accept such anticipation from an A rank ANBU.  But a D rank Genin, who has no sensory skills, no enhanced sensesnormal humans have the ability, so with the enhancement of being a ninja I'm pretty sure it's possible, and apparently thinks that three seconds is too long for someone to come down from a roof to fight them? you are cutting out part of the relevant timeline. After bowing(initiation of battle in his mind) Kobachi casually slips out the opening of the room. Then with the road being 7m wide, he casually walks to the middle, being 3.5m's. His opponent isn't in sight by this time or hasn't came down from the roof. More than 3 seconds surely has passed.

Sure, someone might think I'm being sore.  I'm honestly not.  I've got two posts in mind as a response, but I feel that using them is entirely unnecessary, since I'm confident that you can understand entirely where my issues lie.  So, I'd like to ask that you either take the hits, or find a much more plausible explanation for how you managed to avoid the attack.


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13The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic B) Empty Re: The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic B) Wed May 28, 2014 3:09 am

Kid Koopa

Kid Koopa
Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

Edit, cause fuck dat. In Canon the story line is also prewritten and decided upon since one person is writing it and it is not a "real" battle, but in fact scripted. This is an unscripted battle that I am not "sensing" you, like magic spidey senses are tingling you. I am noticing your presence from you leaping off of a roof and landing behind me. You keep screwing over details and making it seem like I'm using some psychic mind reader ability or something superficial.

Science: Air molecules move when people move, thus someone can feel others movement even if they are not directly being touched. Wave your hand towards your face . . . felt that? Yeah that's how this "sensing" works.

So if someone is jumping from a roof to get behind someone, the movement of the air would alert the person. Not "oh my Spidey Senses are tingling." Or "Hmmmm, I have the strange feeling someone is watching me." I didn't state to key onto body heat or scent, it was just mentioned to show that there were other things that could have factored in, but i noted that that was BS and didn't use those senses. If a car was invisible and inaudible, would you feel it moving by you? So if you are invisible and inaudible would I feel you moving at a Taijutsu Masters to get behind me?

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