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Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic Finale!) Pixel

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Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic Finale!)

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1Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic Finale!) Empty Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic Finale!) Thu May 29, 2014 1:29 am

Kid Koopa

Kid Koopa
Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

OOC: This Topic is for the four event finalist, being Sanroku, Bansho, Crono, and Kobachi.

Crash Site Description
The sun is on the brink of hiding its face away from those in the Land of Tea to slumber until its next rotation leaving the smoggy sky a piercing red and making oddly beautiful silhouettes of things seen from a distance. The bandits have taken this time to rest or to plot their next strike on the meteor when the sun would bless the Land of Tea once more, but for smart ninja's they would know now was the time to act. The golden specimen sat there still lightly fuming smoke signifying that it was indeed still hot on the inside. From those that were far from the rock they would see a golden beacon reaching into the heavens, as the suns light made a lustrous reflection that was truly a site to see. The rain fall had stopped and the earth had long dried from the heat of the meteor alone, leaving the only obstructions in the atmosphere to be the soot and ashes, but they themselves were lightly dying down for the meteor had crashed long ago and was beginning to make this small destroyed village its home. Around the rock was simply piles of rubble from its touchdown. This rubble would surround the meteor making a ring 10m thick around it. On the outside of this ring were buildings that were somewhat destroyed, missing walls that were closest to the meteor and having destroyed roofs and things of that nature. The highest building was a three story structure, but in the middle of its mass was a bell tower that looked over the village and stood untarnished in all the mayhem. Breezes rarely skated across the crash site, but when they did they were harsh an blew settled soot around the area.

IC: Kobachi had finished up his other business and was now making his arrival to the Crash Site, finally beholding the fallen stars beauty with his on optics. Mochi squealed in delight of the shimmering rock as it glistened in the setting sunlight. The red atmosphere though it symbolized chaos and violence, complimented the gold from the rock perfectly making this an artists wet dream. He knew bandits were infesting the area, but he wasn't aware that they had gone dormant for the day, so what he decided to do was survey the area before approaching the rock. He felt it was surely booby trapped or at least the large ring of rubble on the way there was. Looking around him, he saw the bell tower slightly off to his left side. Looking at Mochi who was positioned on his shoulder and still staring at the rock, he decided to climb the bell tower to get a better view of things.

So moving throughout the destroyed homes, quickly, but safely, checking each carefully before fully entering the rooms, he arrived at the front doors of the bell tower. Placing his back against the wall right beside the entrance he began to countdown mentally, before he would enter. He felt the room inside surely would house some bandits or be a resting place for others interested in the Golden Star.


Kumo Chunin
Kumo Chunin

It didnt take long for Sanroku to get from one island side to the other in the Land of Tea due to the speed in which he wanted to be destined to arrive. The young Chunin had a plan to meet the Raikage in the Land of Tea in order to get information on where the meteor landed, but by now, shinobi know that it is quite easy to determine exactly where it was that it landed, it was only because of the strong golden radiant light shining from the rock itself. It was surely a sight to see. While getting closer to the crash site, it was evident that the meteor is large in stature. It will certainly be enough to make the whole village of Kumogakure wealthy for some time to come if we ever get our hands on it. Sanroku had to get just a few hundred meters away in order to see a larger tower that was still standing a mist of all of the destruction. It appeared to be a bell tower, but the tower wasnt important except for the fact that it could be a good signaling point for back up to arrive when the sun goes down. Sanroku just had to explain that it is the largest tower standing since they wont be able to see the golden radiant light at night without the sun shinning its rays.

Sanroku then reached the meteor, and seen that a few bandits were already beginning to fight for it once again after leaving the meteor in solitude with bodes laying around. It appears these bandits need their rest, after all these bandits are low level criminals from the Land of Tea with no chance in hell of getting it. The guess is that they are only trying in order to be close to the impossible dream. But Sanroku is planning to put an end to this quickly. The young shinobi began to walk toward the meteor slowly as the bandit kept of fighting each other. Slowly but surely the people around the meteor began to notice the shinobi walking in. Due to the fact that these bandits are merely civilians, it seems none of them want to risk there life against a shinobi. So while walking ahead, with every step, another fight was broken up as they said in fear to each other. "ANBU!" "Its ANBU!" The bandits had their fear stemmed from Sanroku not being able to be identified by facial feature at all since he was sporting the Jabbawockee Mask given to him by the Raikage in order to enter the ANBU training program. The young shinobi had his Kurai Katana that was grabbed for this specified mission in the Land of Tea to retrieve the Golden Meteor, was still strapped to his back, but because of its size, it wasn't easily concealed thus it was more than easily spotted. To finish off what Sanroku was wearing, Sanroku had the Chūnin Flak Jacket which he designed himself with no insignia determining what village it came from thus making it that much more difficult to determine what village he represents.

While walking some more Sanroku drew out his kunai knowing that deeper into the riot, he will make contact with some folks that are probably braver than those in the outskirts of the battle. While entering the heart of the riot, the thought of bandits testing even an ANBU due to the small size of the shinobi became a probable concept. Then, without warning, a man screamed out. "I'm not scared of you. That's OUR Gold!" This was exactly what Sanroku didnt want, now, by that man saying our gold when describing the meteor, he turned the riot into a cohesive unit. Nevertheless, Sanroku knew that fear ultimately had the upper hand. So as good as Sanroku wishes to be in his life, if he wants to survive, he needs to teach these bandits that it will be dangerous to the point of not normal death but gruesome death if one nears him. So even if the riot did end up winning the fight in their thoughts, they will not take the chance due to not wanting to be the one beaten to such a pulp.

While the first man got near, Sanroku simply sliced the bandits chest with his kunai in order to leave hi alive but in tremendous pain to show that he does not think to kill you just because you are in agony. To the next attacker, the young shinobi just disarmed him by slicing his hand and then Sanroku pushed the bandit to the ground in order to show the civilians that their weapons don't mean anything in the world of shinobi. Sanroku then ran toward two bandits that were standing doing nothing in order to kill them in point blank, to show that Sanroku has no remorse for those who stand on his way. Sanroku soon swiftly evaded the next bandits attack and sliced him on his spine in order to leave him alive for a while in pain but not too long, like that, people will hear him an agony until he bleeds to death. The next guy to attack, Sanroku will simply do the same, and then the same. Slicing shinobi on their spine so that they can die within minutes because of the severe nerve endings getting teared open. This didnt last too long until they finally decided to back off of Sanroku, but not all of them decided to fully back of of the rock as they were still bandits within 25 meters of the Meteor and Sanroku now is in touching distance from the object.

949 Words
This w/ Kunai:

3Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic Finale!) Empty Re: Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic Finale!) Thu May 29, 2014 10:58 am


Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

Crono would follow sanroku's lead, stopping a short distance away as his smaller companion began to initiate a killing spree. Truthfully, most of these bandits had about as much right to the meteor that we had, perhaps even more so as it landed in what was potentially their country. He couldn't leave his ally fighting alone, but he also couldn't bring himself to seriously harm these men.  leaping in, Crono's right thumb pressed down upon the small seal near the neck of the saya. A small amount of chakra poured into the seal instantly activating it. In a single swift motion, Crono unsheathed his reverse-bladed sword [Sakabatō] and using the highly efficient Iaido style of kenjutsu began to dash from opponent to opponent smashing through their defenses at a near blinding speed. Most of them, not even realizing they were struck until after they were down on their knees writhing in pain. the most serious injuries being broken arms, ribs, and collarbones; all, however, were nonfatal.  In a final attempt to subdue the young samurai, the remnants of the bandits surounded him. Crono's blade was in it's saya. His left hand gripping it while in a low draw stance. With a sudden shout, the bandits all rushed in from all directions. Crono's eyes darted around scoping the nature of the attack before in a single solitary movement he drew his blade and spun around twice in quick succession. The sheer speed and force of the iaido strike amplifying the power of his Nejire Ryu Sen. The double spining strikes hitting so fast in unison that those struck would only feel one attack. The sheer power caused the first bandits around to suddenly get knocked back from the force pushing the other bandits back before they landed on top of them. Those not unconscious scrambled to reach their feet and flee. Satisfied, Crono returned his blade back to its saya. his right thumb still applying slight pressure to the tsuba of the blade in case he needed to suddenly draw it again. Crono quickly moved to meet up with Sanroku next to the meteor. Any one that remained after that show of shock and awe would be someone who Crono would rather not face alone, unless they were an ally.


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