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The Crash Site. (IOOC Event Topic A) Pixel

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The Crash Site. (IOOC Event Topic A)

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1The Crash Site. (IOOC Event Topic A) Empty The Crash Site. (IOOC Event Topic A) Sun May 25, 2014 4:39 am

Achilles Raiki

Achilles Raiki

Having already dispatched most of his Village to The Land of Tea, Raikage Raiki, decided he wanted the first look, as he neared the borders of the country. Smelling the smoke and fire even from where he was, put him on edge, he knew that it wouldn't be an easy scenario to navigate through, as he wasn't quite sure what to expect. Flexing his arms a bit, and clinching his hands a few times, in an effort to get more blood pumping through his body, he sighed. "Well guess, it's time to check it out." Despite the fact he had left first, he left orders for the rest of his Shinobi that they could come at any time after his arrival at the Crash Site, so he doubted they were far behind him.

Working his way through the many trees the smell of fire burning became even clearer, as well as a new smell, death. Whether from the Meteors crashing down, or the supposed heavy Missing Nin presence he wasn't sure, but he wasn't about to wait to find out. Pushing a bit of chakra into his feet his pressed on, quicker then before, nearly breaking the next limb he leaped from. It wouldn't  be long before the Crash Site as well as the destroyed village would come into view of the powerful man. As such, it wouldn't be long before the powerful man came into view of the rest of the Shinobi there.

Knowing he was nearing the village, he pushed even harder on his last jump crushing the tree limb completely as he went sailing into the air. As he came down he spotted a particularly taller building, not quite at the Epicenter of the crater but just outside of it's damage circle. Landing upon the building in a knelled manner he created a fairly deep indentation on it's surface before standing back up to both legs. After having done so, he casually walked towards the edge of the building where he looked down upon the fighting of Missing Nin, as well as the arrivals of others.

A large smile began to spread onto the face of the tall man, his white coat had begun to blow with the slight occasional gusts of wind caused by the heated ground sky. As such, the heated ground and sky caused by the Meteors left the sky somewhat darkened as a roar of thunder began to echo all throughout the area they were in as if it were a Valley. Never one to leave the chance for theatrically, the Raikage began to openly charge his Raiton Natured Chakra and allow it to swirl around him. From atop the building he'd landed on it gave him an almost Godly appearance, Lightning Swirling around the man as the clouds stayed darkened overhead. Though for the moment his face would for the most part remain hard to see as his lowered Hat, would cover all but his mouth, and his right eye, which remained opened in an excited look.

"The Raikage has arrived!!" His loud embellishment though likely drawing a lot of attention to himself, combined with his stage like performance, could either leave in awe, in fear, or simple awareness.

Word Count: 543

Last edited by Achilles Raiki on Mon May 26, 2014 3:34 am; edited 1 time in total

2The Crash Site. (IOOC Event Topic A) Empty Re: The Crash Site. (IOOC Event Topic A) Mon May 26, 2014 12:45 am



Bansho had met up with the man known as Hanzo in the ANBU corps. They had talked for a few moments before deciding that a split up approach would be the strongest advantage for Iwagakure. Bansho had also addressed that a young boy, merely a Genin had gone with the man Hanzo. Bansho had sent the boy back to the border accompanied by a Fire Clone, telling him that this battlefield was no place for such a young boy. If he would actually return to Iwagakure, that was his decision... But all that mattered was that Bansho was now running solo on this, and he had to approach this in a way that would limit his injuries and also secure a victory for Iwagakure. Bansho had been instructed by Hanzo to go forth and help keep the higher ranked shinobi from getting too close to the meteor while he himself would move towards it. If Bansho was able to secure his position, then he was to move towards the meteor himself.

Bansho always knew that ANBU were fierce combatants, and that the arts of assassination, tactics, and combat were what drove them every day, it was because of this that Bansho had no problems taking orders from the ANBU Captain in this matter, Bansho's position gave him the ability to handle matters of war, politics, and internal affairs. It was a perfect yin-yang of duties. As Bansho moved quickly through the trees, he made his way to where he had seen buildings and heard a loud voice announcing itself to the world. The Raikage. A small smile fell onto Bansho's face, his heart pumping. It was no secret that Bansho had little love for the shinobi of Kumogakure, but when it came to the Raikage. It was a matter of respect more so than hatred. As Bansho moved towards him it was not a death match he sought, but rather a display of their abilities.

Bansho cleared the trees, and looked into the air. The Raikage's powerful Raiton demonstration had started to turn the sky dark in combination with the atmospheric disturbance caused by the meteor. Heh, this was an interesting development, was the Raikage's abilities with Raiton really that strong? Bansho started to run towards the building that the Raikage was standing on top of and began to use his chakra to run up the building. As he hit the top, he had no doubts in his mind that the man knew he was there. Bansho was dressed in his combat gear and had no indication that he was the Tsuchikage, unless the Raikage knew his face (which was doubtable, considering Bansho had only been the Tsuchikage for a short time and hadn't announced his replacement to the other villages yet.) So he would use this possible act of subterfuge to his advantage.

Adjusting his headband, Bansho began to speak. "Are all Raikage's so quick to being brash and bold with their actions?" a smile crossed his face, his eyes calm and cool. "It would seem that many different parties have an interest in the meteor. I'm afraid I can't let you be the first one there."

Bansho jumped back and made a Snake seal that he held against his chest, waiting to see what the Raikage would do...

"Your move..."

[Word Count from Previous Topic:] 594
[Word Count:] 552
[Total Word Count:] 1,146

3The Crash Site. (IOOC Event Topic A) Empty Re: The Crash Site. (IOOC Event Topic A) Mon May 26, 2014 4:00 am

Achilles Raiki

Achilles Raiki

Raiki allowed his body to continue funneling the chakra that as swirling around him, as he turned to see a new arrival atop his self proclaimed building of Raikage. The first thing, that Raiki had noticed was the Iwa headband strapped onto the older man's head. He was actually rather surprised by the man's forwardness of confronting the Raikage, few dared to do so, especially when considered hostile. "It appears you share those qualities as well." Allowing a smirk to form on his face, the Raikage crossed his arms, "You come and confront a man who you know to be Raikage, with no worry, and..." Raiki looked behind the other Shinobi for dramatic affect, "No back up, as well."

"Now who's being brash and bold. You must have quite the confidence in your abilities to so wantonly challenge me." The Raikage shrugged his shoulders, "It is of no matter." Uncrossing his arms, as the man jumped away forming a snake hand sign, 'What could you be planning?' After unfolding his arms, his smile only widened, at the thought of finally getting some action, after having been stuck in the village for so long.

Unfolding his arms, he quickly began to follow suit, and formed Monkey Rabbit then Ox, causing his Chakra to spike once again. The Raiton chakra that was swirling around his whole body then began to move and condense itself now swirling around only his right arm. The chakra itself was heavy, and dense, causing occasional sparks that would tear pieces of the roof off. This still only brought a smile to The Raikage's face however, as he remained just as excited, if not more so.

Chakra: 298/315


Word Count: 276

4The Crash Site. (IOOC Event Topic A) Empty Re: The Crash Site. (IOOC Event Topic A) Mon May 26, 2014 9:57 pm



Bansho looked at the man with a smile finding itself on his face, The Raikage was a very snarky man. Keeping the Snake seal pressed against his chest, he listened as the Raikage said his bit and then activated a powerful Raiton Ninjutsu, looking at the large "bolt" of energy the man felt a sweat bead drip down his face, this bolt was extremely strong and it was infused with a large amount of Raiton chakra, there was no doubt in his mind that this bolt could kill him. Such was the world of the shinobi, even the strongest of ninja if not careful could be taken out by techniques that in the hands of some would be nothing, but in the hands of this man... But he still had a trump card, the Raikage hadn't been able to identify him, Bansho was going to use this to his advantage. But he did have to even the playing field slightly, the Raikage was over confident and from hearing about the stories of Raikage's past when they were over confident was when they were most dangerous.

"That jutsu, I don't know it. A specialty of yours Raikage-sama?" He first asked, in his experience during high level battles of will and Ninjutsu, keeping a casual conversation going could lighten the mood, Bansho did not want a battle of blood lust, as he had stated before. He wanted a battle of respect. "I also ask that you please do not underestimate me, my name does in fact carry weight in not only my village but yours as well..." He fell silent for a moment and then began to go through a series of seals on his own. Monkey, Dragon, Dog, Boar, and Tiger. Suddenly there was a poof of smoke and a perfect identical of Bansho appeared beside him. "Fire Release: Fire Clone Technique" With the Fire Clone now standing at his side, he looked up at the Raikage and a look of determination crossed his face as he said, "You're facing the Earth Reaper of Iwagakure!"

Chakra Used: 17
Current Chakra Pool: 283 / 300
Current Clone Chakra Pool: 30 / 30 (Clone has Ninjutsu Mastery, Genjutsu Adept, Fuinjutsu Adept)

Jutsu(s) Used:
- Fire Release: Fire Clone

[Word Count:] 344
[Total Word Count:] 1,490

Last edited by Bansho on Tue May 27, 2014 2:58 am; edited 1 time in total

5The Crash Site. (IOOC Event Topic A) Empty Re: The Crash Site. (IOOC Event Topic A) Tue May 27, 2014 2:26 am

Achilles Raiki

Achilles Raiki

Smiling at the notice of his powerful Ninjutsu, The Raikage decided he would oblige the man, in some friendly combative conversation after all other than the fact he was on a personal Mission he felt no blood lust towards the man. "Actually yes." Smiling wider, he decided to continue on, "It's a Jutsu I created myself when I was just a Chuunin, it's quite powerful truth be told." Deciding since it was unlikely one of them would survive the encounter he thought why not unnerve the man even more, "And this is just the weak version." Listening to the man's second request, though the Raikage was a proud and powerful man, he always felt combat was something much more personal, and to insult a man by not taking them seriously, was something he would not condone.

Nodding his smile soon faded from his face, "I will fight you then, as if my very life depended on it." Gripping his fists tightly he watched the man perform a few more hand signs before a fire clone burst into life next to him, "That's not a bad technique, Earth Reaper." The name did have some meaning to the Raikage, as he'd been quite a famously power Shinobi in Iwa, he'd wager the man held strength at least somewhat close to his own. Deciding, that in honor of the request he would take the battle seriously he formed a single hand sign, his index and second finger on each hand brought up to form a cross. Channeling his chakra he then formed the Ox sign immediately after causing a Raiton Shadow Clone to form next to him in a poof of smoke. "Now are you ready to do battle with the Lightning Sage of Kumogakure!" After his loud yell, he threw his arm forward unleashing the Raiton Strike as it tore at blinding speeds towards the original Bansho. Now that he gave his promise to fight seriously, his every attack would be an attempt on the man's life, so he had best be ready to fight back.

His clone, while the original fired his attack would be forming hand signs of his own, Monkey, Rabbit, then Ox. This had caused a bolt to form around the left arm of the Clone Raikage, who was watching the situation awaiting the situation to unfold itself, before using his own Jutsu.

Chakra Used: 17
Chakra: 281/315
Clone Chakra: 215/250

6The Crash Site. (IOOC Event Topic A) Empty Re: The Crash Site. (IOOC Event Topic A) Tue May 27, 2014 3:34 am



"Eh, it's okay... A little technique I picked up from a wandering Jounin..." That was all Bansho had time to say before he knew the battle was now erupting full swing. He was watching the lightning energy closely, based on it's size and the Raikage's chakra levels there was no doubt that the bolt would have a trajectory speed beyond what Bansho was capable of predicting... Tch... This jutsu would make this fight a lot harder than it had to be. The Raikage had then done two things, he had created a Kumo-nin specialty Raiton Shadow Clone, and then he had loudly declared that the fight would now be intensified. After exclaiming loudly, he then thrust his arm out firing the powerful Raiton bolt. Bansho had been right, the trajectory of it was insane. But as the bolt fired towards the Tsuchikage, he didn't move... And as the bolt pierced through his chest suddenly there was a poof and a kawarimi target landed charred and with a large hole in it. After Bansho had finished the Fire Clone, he had made sure to create a cautionary kawarimi, although he only had three targets with him and one was now depleted. He knew now the speed of the Raikage's jutsu.

Bansho's actual body was now standing a few feet away from the edge of the roof, the clone standing over where the target had fallen. "That was an incredible feat to watch Raikage-sama, I wonder though if you and I have similar combat styles... Gutsy offenses with little means of defense..." At the mention of this, Bansho knew he was at a key disadvantage, he had no earth to use in his offensive. Rain had begun to fall around the battlefield so that had provided a source of water, but he didn't have any earth. He leaped from the building, using his chakra to adhere to the building all the way to the ground. Once he was on the ground he quickly dashed over to an area covered with grass and dirt but slightly scorched from the pure destructive power of the meteor.

Now that he had reached a landscape where he could actually fight, he waited for the Raikage to follow. His Fire Clone had followed suit with the Tsuchikage and now stood a few feet from him. He knew that the Raikage's Shadow Clone had another one of those bolts prepped. He had to be ready for anything...

Chakra Used: 0
Current Chakra Pool: 283 / 300
Current Clone Chakra Pool: 30 / 30

[Word Count:] 409
[Total Word Count:] 1,899

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