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1The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Empty The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Tue May 27, 2014 6:15 am


Kumo Chunin
Kumo Chunin

The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Rqvm6d

The Land of Tea is a small country near the Land of Fire which consists of two separate islands on which Sanroku arrived onto the one that did not have the meteor. It is unknown if the Land of Tea has any ninja inhabitants, but this is unlikely, due to severely easy manner in which different village shinobi and missing ninja infiltrated the village. Sanroku wasn’t there for long before finding out the reason for the islands being named the Land of Tea, and it was certainly because of its tea-houses that Sanroku was dashing passed in order to get to the right island. It appears like the meteor has already been on land for a few days and even the inhabitants from the opposing island stand in aww as they stare at the glow appearing on the other side. The villagers of that side of the island fled the scenes before the shinobi got to model their prowess in order to survive another day, seeing as they were seemingly human with no ability to mold chakra or physical combat. Because the villagers of that side fled to the next island, they told the inhabitants about the treasure in the other side. Exactly what was glowing, and one man said more than hastily, “It is GOLD!”

The young shinobi was running as fast as he can in order to follow the bright light that everyone is starring at, but when Sanroku heard this, he had to stop. One of his most favorite things in the world just happens to be gold. If the prize that the Raikage was talking about was a meteor made of pure gold, then the possibility for Kumogakures prosperity would be final. Sanroku appeared right in front of the villager that was speaking out in the mist of the chaos and without hesitation Sanroku grabbed him and jumped in order to land on top of one of the famous tea houses. After landing, Sanroku through the man onto the floor like he didn’t care about him, but nevertheless lightly on his bottom though as to not hurt him. The civilian grabbled in fear quickly as he noticed that Sanroku wasn’t able to be identified by facial feature at all since he was sporting the Jabbawockee Mask given to him by the Raikage in order to enter the ANBU training program. The young shinobi had his Kurai Katana that was grabbed for this specified mission in the Land of Tea, was still strapped to his back, but because of its size, it wasn't easily concealed thus it was more than easily spotted. To finish off his apparel, Sanroku had the Chūnin Flak Jacket which he designed himself with no insignia determining what village it came from thus making it that much more difficult to determine what village he represents. The reason why the civilian was in fear was known in his next words. “Are… Are… You ANBU? Are you here to kill me? I didn’t see anything. I was lying!” Before Sanroku got to say anything the man spoke again, “I said all of that for fame. I swear.”

Sanroku then walked toward the man slowly but surely getting there. He then bent over acknowledging the guy in his small stature due to him being on his ass, Sanroku took out his hand in order to help him up. “An ally of mine is coming soon. For your sake, I hope you weren’t lying. I know ANBU protocol in this situation might involve abducting you in order for you to guide us to find the prize since you witnessed it. But not today my friend.” The civilian looked relieved to know that Sanroku wasn’t going to attempt anything harsh right now, so he happily stuck out his hand to grab Sanroku, so that Sanroku can help him up. When the villager got on his feet he told Sanroku that he knew why he took him, Sanroku then explained how he must know now why he must tell Sanroku everything he knows. The man agreed and they sat in the roof for less than 10 minutes as Sanroku got information on the location of the rock since the man lived near, the villager also got to tell Sanroku of the headbands he seen on the way here, so it gave information of the villages that have arrived thus far. The man doesn’t know shinobi by name but it was alright, he got enough information out of him. Sanroku then said bye to the man as he helped him back to where he was standing, so that he may preach once more about the things he has witnessed. But people treated him like a maniac, not listening to his words. Since it was hard to believe that Gold can fall from the sky, yet Sanroku has more of an opened mind since he considers that a just enough reason for the crash zone to be glowing. While standing atop of the Tea House, Sanroku starred at the light, waiting for Crono to arrive.

842 Words

2The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Empty Re: The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Wed May 28, 2014 1:00 am


Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

"wow!" Crono thought as Sanroku suddenly disappeared from sight. "looks like he was holding back on the way over." he made a quick mental note of Sanroku's direction and deviated to a different vector. Crono had long spiky red hair kept outta his eyes with a long white headband. Yellow bandanna around his neck covering a blue tunic overlapping a green shirt. His belt had a purple pouch attached, lightly bleached by the sun. On his right hip held the blue saya for his Chakuratō. Linen pants fit loosely around his legs, tightened around his green leg wraps that end at his leather boots.  The wind swept through his hair as he decended down into the crowd, emerging out from within an ally to not draw attention to himself.

Crono's only marking was displayed just underneath the koiguchi of his Chakuratō's saya. The vortex shaped emblem of the Guardia just above the Kumo symbol. both engraved in bronze with gold detailing against the hardened blue leather.

His eyes peered through the crowd while he strolled at a leasurely pace. Passing a tea house his keen hearing began to pick up some tidbits of information. Crono rested his back on the wall next to the door as he began to listen in to three men sitting just on the other side of the wall.  "I'm telling you guys, I saw it, the meteor... gold the size of a castle, as pure as a newborn babe. We could be rich!" , "No way, Randal... did you see all those ninja that have started to show up? We need to get out, this place is about to become a warzone", "Don't be ridiculous, Lee. There hasn't been a war in generations", "No, Lee's right. I heard that there was a murder at the last peace festival and now the Leaf ninja are in a war against the Sand and Myst. ", "Yeah, listen to Toma, if ninja are coming.... it's only a matter of time before we are caught in the crossfire." , "Alright, fine... you two win. Let me finish my sake and we'll leave... If I do die...I'm NOT going to be sober"

Crono sat up. "a golden meteor? well that explains the smoke in the distance. Best find Sanroku, and fill him in on what I overheard." he thought to himself before sprinting off in the direction the ally nin dashed off toward, finding his location in just a few minutes standing above another teahouse staring off into the distance before landing behind him. "I have to admit... you're faster then you look." he smiled, before he too stared off into he distance looking at the meteor, his face turning serious. "looks like all the villages are here, after the meteor made of solid gold. The townsfolk are scared and fleeing, hopefully, that will lower the number of casualties." He felt bad for the villagers, they didn't ask for this, but the resulting fallout would land on them. He would have to try to protect them if he could. His teachings of the Bushido code would compel him.


3The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Empty Re: The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Wed May 28, 2014 5:57 pm


Kumo Chunin
Kumo Chunin

Sanroku did not look back when he hear a shinobi land because he heard a familiar voice coming with the landing. As soon as the complement in Sanrokus speed was stated, the young Chunin responded by looking at the ally. When Sanroku looked ahead again at the darken skies and the shinning horizon, the Samurai began to speak again. This time telling Sanroku what he knows about the details of the situation. "Yea. But it appears like not all villages are here yet. We can make it to the rock before they arrive. So time is of the essence." After saying that Sanroku left the area, heading to Ground Zero in order to retrieve the rock for his village.

119 Words

4The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Empty Re: The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Wed May 28, 2014 6:37 pm

Kain Tatsuke

Kain Tatsuke
Kiri Genin
Kiri Genin

Kain arrived late as he would expected. Considering by now that all villages would have been noticed with the news, the area must be full with other ninjas from other villagers roaming around. Kain knows that he could not to get into fight right now and so decides to approach the battlefield with full caution. His top priority right now is to get near the crash site and stole what have been left there for his own village as it may hold some valuable things. Without even knowing if the enemies nearby or even maybe away from him, Kain leaps from tree to tree as he could see a aftermath of the crash had done on the forest. Half of the forest is devastated and some huge crater is formed on the middle of the forest a few miles from him. Kain could also sees a few bodies lying dead on the ground motionless either hit by the crash or killed by other ninjas. Kain could not said much as he do not have time to check on each one of them. " This dead bodies....other ninjas?" thought Kain as he keeps his senses wary to his surrounding for any changes in movement around him.

Kain would not considers that as being paranoid, as being a ninja means to always prepare things for the worst and not better. He had set his mind on the goal and his mind on what is the worst possible situation he could get into and that are all he wants to think about in this situation. " The cater is huge, it may hold some unique stone or some sort at the crash. I be better be quick before others ninjas get around it!" thought Kain as he increase his speed and jump much faster than before to reach his destination.

5The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Empty Re: The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Thu May 29, 2014 1:12 am

Kid Koopa

Kid Koopa
Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

I am sorry Kain, but you did not post in the 24 hours allotted, so the topic is closed. I understand you PM'd me your concern, but if you read my post addressed to you and the others, the answer to your question was there.

6The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Empty Re: The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Thu May 29, 2014 11:04 am

Kain Tatsuke

Kain Tatsuke
Kiri Genin
Kiri Genin

lol how did 24 hours had already passed? i only got a pm about it yesterday from Sanroku and its not even 24 hours yet >.<. I don't even got a notice about it.

7The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Empty Re: The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Thu May 29, 2014 6:48 pm


Kumo Chunin
Kumo Chunin

I PM'd you an hour before the deadline. I PM'd everyone that was supposed to be here at that time, because I thought you all seen Poncho's post on the original event thread giving us the window of opportunity and the 24 Hrs.

Event To Kain Tatsuke - Tue May 27, 2014 2:32 pm

8The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Empty Re: The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Thu May 29, 2014 8:00 pm

Kain Tatsuke

Kain Tatsuke
Kiri Genin
Kiri Genin

No, clearly not everyone saw that post. Pocho should have pm'd us by himself or tell us himself than stating it in a post where it is mixed with all kind of posts for the event like how should people even got notice of him making that post and not to mention the different in time between rper, he should have at least give us 48 hours. Nevertheless, thank you for at least trying to pm me about it Sanroku, even though i'm a bit disappointed. Hrmmm, now i'm just gonna walk myself out of this madness to get myself a bit of time to calm down.

9The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Empty Re: The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Fri May 30, 2014 9:16 pm

Kid Koopa

Kid Koopa
Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

How can you say clearly not everyone saw it? Were you aware of Syndra's situation of being preoccupied with IRL things. Reason that member didn't see it was not the same as yours, as they were not online for a deal of time. You however, were online. You PM me saying you don't know which topic to join, well if you read my post in the thread, what topic does it say?

The Post wrote:
For the four people I'm am currently conversing with, no on else. Syndra, Kain, Sanroku, and Crono. Starting now, you have 24 hours to create a separate topic, this will be topic C for the event. If you have not posted in that topic in the 24 hours allotted, you will be excluded form the event, no further discussion. Consider this as an apology for not giving warning about the event thread being locked.

The answer was right there in the post . . . So please tell me how this is my fault. I shouldn't have to hold the members hands and PM them about every little thing, that mostly concerns them. I am an Admin to keep order and keep apps circulating. I am not here to hold your hand and update you on every little thing, when you can be and should be keeping yourself updated or thoroughly reading.

Then yes I'm aware of different timezones, but why does that back the reasoning of giving 48 hours to respond? Unless you live on a different planet, where the cycle of your days is different than earths then 24 hours is enough time. Think about it, you find time in you 24 day to log into the site, so within that time frame, you coulda got the information you needed, that was not hidden from you, and actually it was in a thread that concerned you.

Bottom line is, I have a life of my own and it does not involve baby sitting members and making sure they reach all of their deadlines on time.

10The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Empty Re: The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Fri May 30, 2014 9:49 pm

Kain Tatsuke

Kain Tatsuke
Kiri Genin
Kiri Genin

Don't wanna talk about this again cause it always ended up with me being at fault so further discussion is not needed, and yes i do look up for some information regarding the topic but all i found is posts of them joining the thread and all other IC stuff. I was rather confuse cause there is no discussion thread where you guys discuss the event. And the post keep on coming each days, I can't sit online 24 hours to check on each post submitted when i don't even know if it is there or not, so there have been only a few post i have managed to catch on when i'm online. So YES ITS MY FAULT for missing the post you posted xD.  The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) 591710172   The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) 270012469 

11The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Empty Re: The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Sat May 31, 2014 7:40 am


Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

TBH, only reason I responded in time was dumb luck, waking up and login in right after senroku sent a pm to us. even then i was technically 3 mins late.  

the reason why 24 hours doesn't work, is due to its inflexibility.  


day 1:
player 1 posts at 5pm and logs out.

Day 2:  

player 1 logs in at 3pm, makes note of no update and logs out, before heading to work.
Player 2 logs in at 4pm and replies.
player 1 gets off of work at 10 and immediately goes to bed.

Day 3:
Player one wakes up and goes to work at 7 for a 12 hour shift.
Player 2 calls a auto hit at 4 pm due to no reply in a 24 hour period, and makes his next post accordingly.
Player 1 after working his shift logs in at 8pm that night and discovers that now he is dead/defeated.

24 hours just gives no flexibility with regard to people's ever changing schedules.  there have been weeks where i've had to do a 11pm-7am night shift, followed by a 3pm-11pm evening shift followed by a 7am-3pm morning shift. With only 8 hours between shifts, I'd just crash once my shift was done.  even with people that don't work the graveyard, a simple 3-11 into a 7-3 shift covers a 24 hour period when using those precious 8 hours to get home, eat, sleep, wake up, get back to work.

that being said... he was still late even if 48 hours were taken into effect. but a quick pm reply would have been a nice courtesy to inform us. I wasn't following that thread anymore mainly because I was in a pm'd convo with you.

just my 2 cents. ^_^  


12The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Empty Re: The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Sat May 31, 2014 8:04 am

Kain Tatsuke

Kain Tatsuke
Kiri Genin
Kiri Genin

oh yeah and that too, but having a 48 hours would give us enough time MAYBE, and another problem that i can see is that we're are discussing the thread in the very same thread. Why don't we make a separate discussion OC thread so that you guys could discuss it in it. I was rather confused, because i do checked on the thread and for the first page all i see is a IC stuff and story so i move over other thread without realizing about that in the second page, you guys are discussing the thread and Poncho's post is one of them. That's why i missed the post. and i dont get the PM in my time as i'm asleep by then, once i woke up i wrote in the thread, and a few minutes later it is closed. :(

13The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Empty Re: The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Sat May 31, 2014 8:16 am

Kid Koopa

Kid Koopa
Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

Sad to say, but I don't care about your work schedule. Cause if I did I would have to care about everyone else's as well. I care about getting this event over with, which it is

14The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Empty Re: The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Sat May 31, 2014 8:28 am

Kain Tatsuke

Kain Tatsuke
Kiri Genin
Kiri Genin

that harsh, it just a suggestion to make separate discussion thread........

15The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Empty Re: The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Sat May 31, 2014 8:40 am

Kid Koopa

Kid Koopa
Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

That was directed towards Cono but I guess you could see it as in regards to yourself and everyone else as a whole. I can't craft the sites timers around people's iRL activities, because then I'd have to do it for the next person and the next. I craft the Omer around getting things done in a timely manner though it may suck. Shoul I have sugar coated my words instead?

16The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Empty Re: The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Sat May 31, 2014 8:55 am

Kain Tatsuke

Kain Tatsuke
Kiri Genin
Kiri Genin

thats fine Poncho, no offense taken though im dont get to participate in it. Probably if Kiri have more ninja next time we can participate ^.^ btw what's with FBGM? lol

17The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Empty Re: The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Sat May 31, 2014 9:42 am


Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

Sad to say, but I don't care about your work schedule. Cause if I did I would have to care about everyone else's as well. I care about getting this event over with, which it is

That was directed towards Cono but I guess you could see it as in regards to yourself and everyone else as a whole. I can't craft the sites timers around people's iRL activities, because then I'd have to do it for the next person and the next. I craft the Omer around getting things done in a timely manner though it may suck. Shoul I have sugar coated my words instead?

Then why don't you just care about "everyone else's". if you wanted to just rush through it, then put a 1 hour rule and be done with it in an hour. it's not hard to implement a standard 48 hour rule instead of a 24 hour one and that would cover about everyone. in the rare case it doesn't , they post in the inactive thread to give advance notice and gain a few days of immunity depending on the situation.   the site is about fun, not who can post quicker then someone else... or do you not care if members have fun on the site? for someone that cares about site activity and participation, It's quite odd that you don't care about one of the major influencing factors of activity....RL. whats the point in posting to begin with if you know that you will never see the end of the thread due to RL?

also, as a response to your statement about hand holding.... if extra communication and understanding makes the site run smoother, and prevents these kind of problems from arising.... it's a good idea to do it; if only to promote a healthy and active community....or is a healthy and active community another thing you don't care about?

and lastly...and MOST importantly.....  my name isn't Cono  The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) 3627475071

18The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Empty Re: The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Sat May 31, 2014 10:40 am

OG Swank.

OG Swank.
Iwa Genin
Iwa Genin

Crono wrote:
Sad to say, but I don't care about your work schedule. Cause if I did I would have to care about everyone else's as well. I care about getting this event over with, which it is

That was directed towards Cono but I guess you could see it as in regards to yourself and everyone else as a whole. I can't craft the sites timers around people's iRL activities, because then I'd have to do it for the next person and the next. I craft the Omer around getting things done in a timely manner though it may suck. Shoul I have sugar coated my words instead?

Then why don't you just care about "everyone else's".you really think that comment meant I only care about my time and availability? . . . if you wanted to just rush through it, then put a 1 hour ruleyeah that sounds logical  :new16:  and be done with it in an hour. it's not hard to implement a standard 48 hour rule instead of a 24 hour one and that would cover about everyone.I feel with how many times I had to postpone or open up the thread for those who missed their initial opportunity, that 24 hours should be possible, seeing how you guys made that limit didn't you? in the rare case it doesn't , they post in the inactive thread to give advance notice and gain a few days of immunity depending on the situation.The life span of this event has gone waaaaaaay much further than it should have, so if someone had to leave, because they had something to deal with IRL, it would suck, but the bullet would have had to been bitten. If they needed only a couple more hours after 24 sure, but if it was an unspecified "I'm gonna be gone for a while." Then that'd suck.   the site is about fun, not who can post quicker then someone else...where'd you get this assumption. If you've been paying attention to all of our pm's and my post, you would see I wasn't about "Who can post this quickest" simply trying to end an event that has overstayed its welcome. or do you not care if members have fun on the site? Yeah, I don't care if you guys have fun at all. Exactly why I grade you guy apps even though no other mods are around and keep making events, work on system flaws, even put out new system ideas for you guys, and make suggestion threads for you guys, so you guys can be heard and express your ideas. for someone that cares about site activity and participation, It's quite odd that you don't care about one of the major influencing factors of activity....RL. Crono answer this for me. Do you care about my work schedule? I doubt that you do, so why is it wrong that I don't care about yours? Yes it sucks that I don't care about what times every member can be available, but instead I try model things for the majority or in this case for the benefit of the site. And if someone has two jobs(myself), does extra curricular activities, or things outside of the site that take a decent amount of time out of their day, then they will find that in events that have been going on too long, that time is stressed and they may have a hard time posting. whats the point in posting to begin with if you know that you will never see the end of the thread due to RL? Lets just hope that events don't drag along for here on out and this won't happen again.

also, as a response to your statement about hand holding.... if extra communication and understanding makes the site run smoother, and prevents these kind of problems from arising.... it's a good idea to do it; Funny thing being, person was informed of what thread to post in via a PM by myself after said person asked. And I shouldn't have to do extra at that. Unless I or the person in charge has failed to explain something dire. I have my own things to tend to, yes extra is always nice and makes things so much better, but when you have one staff member available, do you think extra is possible? if only to promote a healthy and active community....or is a healthy and active community another thing you don't care about? damn, I'm being incriminated for not caring about everyone's work schedule . . . sorry guys, just pm me a list of everyday of the week you work and I will work out a chart to see what times everyone is available. Or should I just lie and say, "Yes I care about everyone's schedules?" . . . Really Crono? Sarcasm and joking aside, pretty sure I already discussed this with you as well, but another reason the event was rushed was to get another event rolling soon after. Yeah tossing out events seems like I don't care about activity or fun at all huh. Instead I should just sit back and grade apps, while you guys just rp things out yourselves. I bet that wouldn't get bland and kill activity at all. Basically I think all of this is coming from me openly not caring about when people's schedules. Next time I'll just put up the facade that I guess everyone else does and pretend to care about it.

and lastly...and MOST importantly.....  my name isn't Cono  The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) 3627475071

19The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Empty Re: The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Sat May 31, 2014 3:12 pm


Kumo Genin
Kumo Genin

i'm not talking about this event as much as i'm talking just in the general sense.  generally 48 hours should be the go to time limit. Be it an event. casual rps, tournament bouts, etc. its reasonable, flexible and still lets things move fairly quickly.

Do I personally care about your schedule? No. Do I care if you don't happen to reply to a post after a day or two? No. Usually I'll wait a week before bumping, pming, or skipping a person (unless they ask for more time). other things are more important, and if waiting ends up making for an overall better rp interaction.. Meh. no biggie ^_^

as for the event............
there's only 4 of us left and the final person and only other village rep, still hasn't posted. I'm kinda surprised you haven't just ended the event right now, judging from your past responses to slowness..

Not that i want you to, 2 genin and one chunin vs a kage... kinda wanted to see how that turned out. unless I die in the event, i'm makin this part of my character's history.

Dear diary,
-I was sent out on my first mission to the land of tea. Saw many different kinds; Green, white, black, oolong... A meteor crashed that was made of solid gold and my mission was to capture it. The Tsukage himself stood in my way. Together with two allied kumo shinobi, Not only did this lowly Aonisaibushi succeede, he sent that Tsukage back to the land of stone with a lump the size of Kumo on his head. The End.

20The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Empty Re: The Crash Site (IOOC Event Topic C) Sat May 31, 2014 7:21 pm


Kumo Chunin
Kumo Chunin

FBGM wrote:Sad to say, but I don't care about your work schedule. Cause if I did I would have to care about everyone else's as well. I care about getting this event over with, which it is

So what is going on with the Event? I'm agree with Crono in that I would like to see where this fight is going. Has the Tsuchikage contacted you about the delay? I don't mind the wait just to make an action packed event.

But if the event truly is "over with" then what is going to be of the reward? I know this event was a bust, but the Golden meteor should still serve as a storyline add on. So the reward should be given [even if it's a severely lowered reward].

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