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Chapter 4: Lies Pixel

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Chapter 4: Lies

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1Chapter 4: Lies Empty Chapter 4: Lies Mon Jul 21, 2014 3:01 am



Mission Details:
Miuu flung up from her bed feeling mighty refreshed after her last few missions. They were ones that allowed her to reflect on life and find herself. She found her nindō, her ninja way, during said missions and even gained strength and courage. However, the mission she chose to day this day was a lot different. It seemed more covert and quiet. The man that requested help desired to keep his name hidden and go under the alias of ' Mr. X '. He asks for the infiltration to his owned building that he details as locked shut and full of people he does not know.

Once Miuu was done with her morning routine, she put on a simple cloak she borrowed from her mother that was usually used for reconnaissance. She then stealthily left her home, her parents not informed of her location. This had actually been a rainy day, but rain was something most Kirigakure residences didn't mind. Without a single sound, Miuu had made it to her location; behind a spa. At first it confused her, but she was then approached by the man that dubbed himself Mr. X. He was an older gentleman with a bald head and long gray beard. Miuu merely shrugged and began the briefing of her mission.

" You are to infiltrate this building for me, also remaining cloaked and keeping me cloaked. Then you are to lead me to my ' office ' so that I can grab my ' weapons ' and we can apprehend these sexy -- I mean villainous criminals. " He would inform her, drooling a bit. Miuu would only raise a brow before she was shoved toward the backdoor. Miuu wanted to question her task, but decided not to, she didn't want to fail her mission and not get paid or do a good deed, so she began to pick the lock with two senbon. Once the lock was picked, she would toss the old geezer her cloak and the two would stealthily enter without a sound. Once they reached a rack of sorts that he pointed to, they stopped.

Miuu was having a hard time seeing through the odd fog, not noticing the true location she was entering. There was a bunch of noise, so she pulled out her Kunai and began to approach the sound. However, she was stopped by ' Mr. X ' as he grabbed her arm. When she turned, she became scarred for life because the old man had gotten fully naked and tossed her a pouch of Ryo. " Gah!!! " She would shout, falling down as he shoved her to the side and yelled, " Whipeee! " He then clicked his ankles as she hopped into the steaming water. Miuu then put the pieces together after reading a sign and realized she had been helping the old pervert infiltrate the woman's bathing spa area. The women screamed once they realized who had entered the water and began to hit and kick him. " Get out!!! " They all said in unison. " Wooo! Touch me more, ladies! "

Miuu quickly gagged; disgusted by what she was hearing. She then quickly rang a bell that would signal trouble to the spa lobby area and alert the guards and receptionists. Thinking of the trouble she could be in if they found out she helped, Miuu briskly fled the area and made her way back home. " Oh man, what have I done. "


Words Needed: 500
Words Achieved: 581
Ryo Earned: 55
Mission Ryo: 200
Total Ryo: 255

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