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Chapter 2: Learn Pixel

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Chapter 2: Learn

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1Chapter 2: Learn Empty Chapter 2: Learn Fri Jun 06, 2014 1:46 am



Mission Details:

It was a new day. The wind danced into her room like any other day, fashing of her resting body. The warm, moistness kept her from getting a cold and the wetness kept her happy. It was why she loved Kirigakure. She being the Ocean Princess Miuu, of course. She rose from her slumber, her hair messy from the good night's rest. She yawned and stretched, the usual, followed by her morning rituals of bathing, brushing her hair, and dressing for the evening to come. Today, she was asked to join her old Academy Teacher in class. So, Miuu grabbed an apple from her kitchen and her ninja pouch. She said goodbye to her father as she and her mother began to walk to the Academy. Miuu's mother was an Academy Mentor, as stated in the last chapter.

" So, mom, " Miuu began. " I haven't been in the Academy in at least a month. How are things? " Miuu would take a bite from the apple as they crossed the street corner. " Nothing much has changed. Students are doing the same things you did when you were in there, sweetie. " Her mother would smile and pat her daughter's head. Miuu would simply smile as the two stopped in front of the Academy Gates. " That reminds me, why are you coming to the Academy today? Aren't you supposed to be with you squad? " She would turn to her offspring and block her for the moment. " Yeah, but since we recently got a new Mizukage, our squads had to be remade and I haven't gotten any confirmation. " Miuu answered honestly, trying to get past her mother. They continued to the Academy and opened the gates to the teaching facility.

Upon entering the large building, things were slightly busy. It was The Shuriken Test day, the day in which the Academy Students got to prove their skills. Miuu and her mother parted ways and Miuu went to her old classroom, where she was greeted by her old Mentor. " Oh, hello, Miuu. " He would say, giving her a handshake; How formal . . . Miuu would say in her mind, but smiling on the outside. Her old mentor, Makashi, would turn to his class and project his voice. " Alright kids, this is my old student, Miuu Umi. She will be holding down the fort and giving your Throwing Exams today while I go finish some classroom errands. " Miuu stood still, but had a nervous and surprised look on her face. " I'm what? " She would ask him, but would be ushered to the center of the classroom instead of given a real answer. He would then wav to his class before leaving.

Miuu looked around the class, swallowing deeply. They weren't a really bad or rowdy bunch, which made their silent glares even more intense. " Well, uh, " Miuu would say, snapping out of her frozen state. " We will be-- " She began, but was quickly interrupted by the class narcissist. " Why are we being taught by a chick that's only a Rank above us? She doesn't know too much more that we do. In fact, I'm sure I know more than her. " He would blurt out and smirk, his classmates chuckling afterward. He seemed like the class clown that everyone wanted to be, the one that wasn't too bad with a kunai. Miuu stood there a bit, squinting at the rude child. " Well, why don't you come down here and prove your worth on the test? " Miuu would say, taking the kunai and ninja string sitting on the desk behind her and tying them together. " Why not? " He would ask rhetorically and approach her, reaching out for the Kunai. Miuu placed it in his hand and he steadied his aim. " Here we go. " He would say simply, throwing the kunai and landing it directly beside the middle of the circular target. Once Miuu recorded his data, he would pull the kunai back using the string and hand it back to her. He would then walk back to his seat proudly. " Hmph... " Miuu would simply say, steadying her aim. " Let me show you how it's done. " She would then toss the kunai with enough precision that it landed directly in the center of the target, the kids began to rage in excitement, some pointing at the boy and laughing.

Miuu would simply smirk at him and he'd flinch slightly. He would then storm out the room in rage through the window. Miuu would quickly follow, she had a tab bit more speed than him. However, he was smaller and more agile, so catching him would be the hard part. That is when one child escaped the classroom without Miuu knowing. " Come back kid! " Miuu would shout, the two hopping from building to building, he throwing back kunai to get her off his trail. Miuu would barely dodge them because of his great skill and precision. " Whoa! " Miuu would shout, hopping, deflecting, and dodging the weapons. He would then poof into two after performing the Tiger Handseal. This technique was the shadow clone jutsu, one that allowed the person to create a single clone of themselves. However, this didn't fool Miuu, " Ugh! Heaven's Needle Barrage! " She would yell, catching up to the clone and slicing its back with her trusty katana, Black Widow. She would then jump into the air and toss a Senbon, as she the technique entails, precisely at the boy's right ankle. He would then trip over the harmed ankle and slide off of the wet roof. Miuu would then quickly slide down and grab the boy's hand before he into the weapon crate full of sharp weapons.

After pulling him back up, she would then begin to heal the boy's foot with her Water Release: The Ocean's Cleansing Waters, after performing the required handseals, of course. " Why'd you run like that? " She would ask, waving the waters on his cut ankle. " Because I'm top dog! They shouldn't be laughing at me, I should be laughing at them! " He would answer, wincing in slight pain as his wound was healed. The water on Miuu's hand evaporated. " No, you shouldn't. No one should be laughing at anyone " Miuu retorted. " No one is supposed to be ' top dog. ' The Mizukage isn't even ' top dog ' here. No one is. What's your name anyway, kid? " Miuu would ask, the two heading back to the Academy. After a moment of consideration, he would say, " Yeah...Well, my name is Shouken Matsu. " Miuu nodded, noticing his change of heart. " Nice name. " She would smile at him. He would finally smile back. " Thanks, and sorry about what I said earlier. "

Once arriving at the Academy, the class was partly full, but one was missing. " Miuu! Some guy left the class while you were gone! " A young girl had told Miuu. Miuu jumped in surprise. " Where?! " Miuu would ask. " That other window! " Miuu was about to follow the lead, but was quickly stopped as the boy returned with a bunch of snacks and other foods. " Huh? " The boy that returned said, causing giggles to come from the other Academy ninja. Miuu merely facepalmed and took that food away from the young ninja, placing it on the teacher's desk. After doing that, she began the Throwing Exam, many not doing bad.

" Hm...You all did good. " She said, tallying up the final scores. she then grabbed the snacks, opened them, and tossed them around the room, the classroom now becoming a party room. The kids jumping, dancing, and socializing. That is when Makashi returned, glaring at the students. They all instantly jumped back into their seats. " Oh sorry Makashi-senpai! I thought they deserved the party! See, they did well on their tests! " Miuu would say, handing the mentor the clipboard with the results on it. Most of them did pretty well, and Makashi acknowledged it. He then sighed deeply, silently grabbing a bag of potato chips and tossing it at one of the students. Miuu quickly escaped that disaster. " You'll be a great ninja some day, Shouken! " She shouted, exiting the room as the party picked back up.

Miuu made her way back home, the wind picking back up and the moist air washing over her face. Kirigakure was a special place. The people, the places, and especially the atmosphere. That is why Miuu loved her village.


Words Needed: 1400
Words Achieved: 1455
Ryo: 75
Mission Ryo: 500
Total Ryo: 575

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